The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 825: Economic and Trade with the U.S.

Cai Ruichen's economic model for building Iraq is actually similar to that of the United States, but there is also a certain gap.

The United States is a purely consumer economy, and few industries have survived.

Iraq’s development plan looks similar to the US consumer economy, but still attaches great importance to the development of light and heavy industries.

Especially for the light industry, which has low investment and quick results, now in Iraq, it is springing up like mushrooms all over the country.

I am afraid that it will not take a few months. A large number of ordinary daily necessities in Iraq will be completely imported from completely domestically produced. Once all light industrial products can meet domestic demand, that is the first step to success.

Heavy industry is the true standard for measuring a country's national strength.

High-tech industries have been the standard for measuring whether a country is advanced since the new century.

In terms of industry, the Iraqis have fallen behind too much. Fortunately, if we start now, although the start is too late, the starting point is not small.

With Future Technology Group, for Iraq, everything only takes time.

At the same time, according to a large number of new policies formulated by the Iraqi government, special emphasis has been placed on the national labor service structure and the national minimum wage standard.

It’s just that many policies are completely contrary to Iraq’s traditions. It can even be said that they force Iraqis to abandon many of their traditions.

One of them is the problem of studying and employment, which has caused dissatisfaction among many Iraqis, even some fanatical Iraqis. I can't sit still.

In response to such objections, Idris has only one approach, that is, a small amount, a gentleman, no poison, and a husband.

Cai Ruichen originally planned to change slowly. He did not want to arouse too much resentment among Iraqis, but he did not expect that Idris was so radical.

Idris, who is in full control of the Supreme Court of Iraq, has sent many people who are conservative and traditional to the stake.

It is not easy to want a crime. The current Iraqi government is highly united, and the central group completely controls the military and political power. Any objection can not even splash.

Soon, many of the original opposition voices disappeared. The protests against the construction of various schools, the voices against economic opening, and the voices against various new policies are all in the darkness and iron blood. Almost all disappeared.

Ordinary people can hardly feel anything. It’s just that I often hear about which mosque elder is embezzled today, or which old respectable elder actually raises a woman outside, and then ordinary people just clapped their hands and applauded and watched these once aloof elders were taken by the court’s bailiff. gone.

If people who are interested can pay attention to it, they can find that similar incidents that have occurred throughout Iraq, and all people involved have previously expressed dissatisfaction with the new government policies. Or directly resist the new policy.

But all the Iraqis who are working hard to build a new life, almost no one pays attention to these people.

And the new generation of Iraqis. Almost no one likes the original tradition. They yearn for knowledge and even more eager to have the ability to change their own destiny.

Learning and knowledge have become the only means for them to change all of this. What's more, in any school in Iraq, there is no money for studying. Both men and women can go to school as long as they are of the right age.

Moreover, the government has also issued regulations that all school-age children, regardless of gender, must go to school to learn. Not only will those who block them be fined, but the severe ones will also be sentenced.

In fact, compared to many countries in the Arab world, Iraq is definitely a country that is very open in mind and consciousness. It is not at all like the Taliban region that sticks to traditions and fools the people.

The reason why Iraq is open is actually because it has received too many foreign thoughts, and many younger generations have begun to understand what the world is like. And these people are most able to accept new things.

If Iraq is a country with a climate similar to that of the Pakistani Taliban, then the United States absolutely cannot form an alliance with Cai Ruichen in Iraq.

Because of this kind of Iraq, it is impossible to become an ally of the United States, but Iraq is becoming an enlightened country, and the United States also believes that the existence of future technology groups will also greatly change Iraq.

As long as the relationship between the United States and Cai Ruichen is good, then the relationship between Iraq and the United States will not go bad.

Otherwise, the United States will not abandon the Kurds in Iraq, nor will it stop trying to divide Iraq's strategic goals.

Of course, in fact, it is the result of paying attention to elasticity. The so-called elasticity is the ability to stretch freely on the good and bad sides.

Cooperation with Cai Ruichen has advantages and disadvantages for the United States. For the time being, the advantages will naturally outweigh the disadvantages, and it will go far beyond.

In the long run, the United States believes that cooperation with Cai Ruichen is not necessarily a bad thing.

Because only the United States is willing, the future technology group will be completely destroyed by the United States, there is no doubt about this.

Therefore, Americans believe that it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to jump up, and the United States will always monitor the development of the future technology group, and will never allow the future technology group to develop to a strength that can threaten the interests of the United States in the Middle East.

At the same time, the United States also has ideas about the industrial and military development of Iraq.

The Americans are still willing to see an Iraq with a good economy. At least the Iraqi government can afford to pay back hundreds of billions of dollars in debt if it has money

And an Iraq whose economy has recovered can also become a good overseas market for the United States. At least the United States believes that Iraq cannot reject American products at all.

In fact, the United States has now enjoyed the benefits of Iraq’s economic recovery and infrastructure.

The United States is the world’s largest exporter of beef. Japan was originally the largest importer of US beef. However, in recent years, US beef exports to Japanese beef have repeatedly failed to pass customs. The reason is simple. Japan only needs three to five years. Beef cattle beef between years.

Many of the beef exported by the United States are beef cattle between five and seven years old, and Japan does not need it every time.

It doesn’t matter now, even if it’s beef for seven years, Iraq is always coming. The beef imports in just a few months have surpassed Japan’s total beef imports in one year.

At the same time, a large number of related other food imports have also made the US's originally weak agricultural and animal husbandry economy even withered trees in spring. (To be continued.)



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