The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 826: Current opponents of the Red Police Corps

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Four Star Chiefs Corner" for rewarding 20,000 starting coins. This chapter adds more for him.


Choosing to import American agricultural products and meat products does not mean that Cai Ruichen is trying to please the United States. The business is not doing this, and the relationship is not but it can be strong by this.

In fact, it is entirely because the world currently does not have enough food imports to meet his needs. In terms of prices, the United States has also given Cai Ruichen a big discount in order to save a large number of farms and pastures.

The two sides can almost be said to hit it off. Now the food import of the Future Technology Group is no longer a secret arrangement from the hometown. All are cooperating with the United States.

At the same time, for the black goats unique to Iraq, the high-end meat market in the United States also sells well, and the United States has also begun to import Iraqi black goats and sweet dates steadily.

In addition to food cooperation, the two sides have begun to cooperate in many other areas.

From these cooperation, it can actually be seen that the current attitude of the United States towards Iraq is quite reassuring.

Of course, this is mainly the result of Cai Ruichen's hard work. In fact, he doesn't want to get too involved with the United States, lest he suffer even greater losses in the future if the two sides turn their faces.

However, the necessary cooperation still needs to be carried out, so Cai Ruichen all chose a large amount of basic cooperation. If these cooperations were not for the United States, they could also cooperate with their hometown in the first time.

And compared to the cost of transportation from Iraq to the United States, the cost of transportation from Iraq to my hometown is a bit lower.

If the Silk Road is rebuilt in the future, a high-speed railway directly connecting the hometown and Iraq will be built. The cost of transportation will also be reduced to a minimum, and the efficiency of transportation. It is also much higher than sea transportation.

At present, choosing to cooperate with the United States is just a stopgap measure. Cai Ruichen's partner for cooperation is more assured, and his hometown is naturally ranked first.

The hometown is rising, the cooperation between the two sides is simply a match made in heaven, in the future national strategy. There is no conflict between the hometown and the Red Police Corps.

In addition to the hometown, choose to cooperate with Russia. It's not bad.

But to be honest, the entire Russia Cai Ruichen really looks down on nothing. When it comes to industry, the base has the highest industrial level in the world.

The food he needs. Russia can't even give it a little bit. Because Russia is also a big food importer.

Russia has the most oil and natural gas. This is indeed a great need for many countries, but no matter if it is in the present or wasteland, oil and natural gas are not needed.

Perhaps the most interesting thing for Cai Ruichen in Russia is the huge territory of Russia and the various mineral resources that exist on this huge land.

For these things, Russia is naturally impossible to give him, so for now. The only cooperation with Russia is minerals.

but. In the future, even if it really cooperates with Russia, it will definitely not be in the field of minerals, but in military strategy and international political cooperation.

Once it turns against the United States, Cai Ruichen needs to have a friend who can unite to resist the pressure of the United States. His hometown is naturally one, and it is also very good to bring Russia together.

As long as the three parties are united, the United States will leave again even if it reaches its limits. This huge triangular relationship is enough to prevent the United States and NATO from moving easily.

Europe, the Far East, and then the Middle East, the three areas unite to form a huge triangle. The east directly threatens the Pacific and North America, and the spearhead of the eastern spear formed by my hometown and Russia directly points to all US interests in the Pacific.

To the west, Europe’s Russia is on the top road, and the Red Police Corps on the bottom road is the Red Police Corps in the Middle East. By then, Europe will face unprecedented pressure.

I am afraid that even if the United States is willing to share this pressure, it will not be an easy task.

To the south, the entire Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Aden, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Suez Canal, these most important international waters and navigation channels, will also face the heavy threat of the Red Police Corps.

And fighting close to one's own sphere of influence is definitely more powerful than the United States' military presence across the oceans.

In such an environment, unless a war is really launched, the world will be completely divided into two opposing camps.

At that time, no matter how many allies the United States draws in, it will be useless.

Because as long as this triangle is formed, countries like India, Japan, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will not be arrogant.

Of course, in order to achieve such a strategic goal, the Red Police Corps must be strong, at least to allow Russia and its hometown to see the meaning and value of cooperation.

The current strength of the Red Police Corps in the world cannot be appreciated by Russia and its hometown. After all, the strength of the Red Police Corps is too small, and the structure is slightly simpler. It cannot withstand pressure from Europe and the United States. Not to mention that there are still Israel and Saudi Arabia that are eye-catching.

Fortunately, here in the Middle East, once faced with pressure from Saudi Arabia and Israel, Cai Ruichen also has assistants.

As long as Iraq faces Israel and Saudi Arabia, that and Iran are the most natural allies.

Especially this time Russia has also used Iran, which is making Iranian high-level dissatisfaction, and Turkey and Iran have begun to cooperate on Kurdish issues, let alone Iraq.

Turkey, which is a NATO country, can cooperate with Iran. When facing Israel and Saudi Arabia, Iran has no reason to reject Iraq.

What's more, when the United States attacked Iraq, Saddam directly ordered more than one hundred fighters from the Iraqi Air Force to fly directly to Iran and be seized by the Iranian Air Force.

Saddam’s original intention was to send these fighters directly to Iran, including some advanced fighters such as MiG-29s.

Although the Iran-Iraq War was fought tragically, Saddam could give such orders. It can be seen that in some respects, the Middle Easterners still have the same ideas.

Of course, this is also very clear to Saddam, Iran will inevitably become the main force in the Middle East against the United States in the future, otherwise he will not need to eat and do nothing.

Now, those Iraqi pilots who fly to Iran with fighter jets are living well in Iran, and Iran has not treated these Iraqi pilots badly.

This is also true now. Although the relationship between the Future Technology Group and the United States is very good, when the Future Technology Group faces Israel, Iran also supports it and even actively helps the Future Technology Group confuse Israel.

Therefore, as long as Iraq can rise here in the Middle East, it will never be alone, and of course there will definitely be many enemies.

One is a powerful Israel, and the other is a Saudi dynasty that the United States has promised to be immortal. (To be continued.)



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