The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 827: War in Yemen

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Four Star Chiefs Corner" for giving a reward of 20,000 starting coins. This chapter continues to add more for him.


Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the air forces of Jordan and other countries have been conducting air strikes in Yemen for more than a year. Saudi ground forces are also assisting the Yemeni government forces and cooperating with the joint air force to attack the Houthi armed forces in Yemen.

However, despite the fact that Saudi Arabia has united its multinational air force and has maintained air strikes against the Houthi armed forces in Yemen, the area controlled by the Houthi armed forces has not decreased in the operations of the ground forces. Even after Saudi Arabia officially sent troops to Yemen, the Houthi The area under armed control has also expanded a lot.

At this moment, Yemen is full of wars. The Yemeni capital is also under the control of the Houthis. The Yemeni president took some high-level officials of the Yemeni government and fled the capital Sana’a. If it weren’t for the help of Saudi Arabia, I’m afraid Yemen’s case The civil war between the government and the Houthis is almost over.

However, the direct dispatch of troops by Saudi Arabia has not changed much of the situation in Yemen. The Houthi armed forces are still very active.

On the contrary, Saudi Arabia itself is deeply involved in this situation. The price of oil has been in a downturn. The large number of air forces deployed every day is an act of burning money.

What's more, the Saudi Air Force has to send troops to Syria to fight on two fronts. Even if Saudi Arabia is a local tyrant, it cannot afford to burn such money.

However, it is almost difficult for Saudi Arabia to withdraw its troops at such times.

After all, a lot of funds have already been spent, and as a result, even the development of the Houthi armed forces cannot be contained. If the troops are withdrawn in such a desperate manner. Not only did the military operations from the very beginning fail completely, but the reputation in the world would also plummet.

Saudi Arabia is known as a power in the Middle East. He has always regarded himself as the highest leader of the Middle East world, which is the hope for the future of the Middle East.

If even a Houthi is right or not, it will also be a great blow to Saudi Arabia's position in the Middle East.

Regardless of whether the outside world has recognized the status of Saudi Arabia's so-called supreme leader in the Middle East, it is what Saudi Arabia thinks itself. Withdrawal is even more a joke for Saudi Arabia.

But two lines fight. Saudi Arabia feels that it can't hold it anymore. After all, oil revenue has shrunk by a third, and Saudi Arabia is all relying on 800 billion US dollars in foreign exchange.

But these foreign exchanges now have to support two wars. And one of them has lasted for five or six years, and the other one was a super money-burning operation at the beginning. Both the army and the air force spent a lot of money on the military expenses. No results yet.

At most, it will take one or two years. If oil prices do not rise, the Saudi tyrant will become a beggar, and even owe foreign debts.

Fortunately, in the recent bargaining chip exchange between Russia and the United States, Syria also has a result that Saudi Arabia can barely accept.

Seeing the signs of the end of the Syrian civil war, Saudi Arabia itself was relieved. As long as Syria really becomes a federal state and Saudi-controlled opposition forces can have a part of the country's rights, then Saudi Arabia can stop continuing its military in Syria. action.

This way. The war that Saudi Arabia is currently undertaking is Yemen.

Yemen is on the side of Saudi Arabia. The Houthis and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are almost at odds. The previous Yemeni government was one family with Saudi Arabia in terms of faith.

The beliefs of the Houthi are the same as those of the Iraqis, Iran, Pakistan, and Syrian Assad. Saudi Arabia can no longer tolerate Iran and Syria, and even the little brothers around him can't stand it.

However, the Houthi armed forces have existed for a long time. The Houthi is also the largest clan in Yemen, and Yemen has the same beliefs as the Houthi, more than half of the total population of Yemen.

Successive Yemeni governments have not been able to deal with the Houthi issue well. Under the acute 21st century international situation, this contradiction has finally erupted.

The Houthis have occupied the capital Sana’a for many times, and even the current president of Yemen wants to give way to the Houthis, but there are still many conditions that cannot be negotiated.

When Saudi Arabia saw the Yemeni government’s weakness towards the Houthi, it stopped doing it. Under secret interference, the conflict naturally broke out.

Up to now, Yemen has been in civil war for a long time, and a large number of Yemenis are all homeless. At the same time, all foreigners in Yemen have also withdrawn from Yemen.

The only thing left for Yemenis is a war-torn, devastated homeland. Yemenis who die under the war every day range from hundreds to hundreds or even thousands.

Children who have lost their parents, parents who have lost their children, war refugees who starve to death, souls who have lost their lives under air strikes...

Yemen nowadays is a hell, ruthless war, devouring innocent lives here every day.

However, for all this, those in power do not care at all, or in other words, all for hegemony and interests, who can take care of the casualties of these civilians.

In the case of Cai Ruichen, he would never be like this, at least the situation has not reached the point where there is no way.

The headquarters of the Houthi armed forces, a super secret underground command post, this place, even high-level Houthi armed forces, few people know.

Houthi, the leader of the Houthi armed forces, has always stayed in this secret headquarters, because Saudi Arabia has offered a reward of millions of dollars, and the search for him is limited.

Once his position is known to Saudi Arabia, no matter where he hides, he will immediately become the target of Saudi fighters' air strikes.

Therefore, this place is not well known. Although all combat orders are issued from here, all the people who transmit the orders receive the orders here, and then ran to another camouflage command station far away to convey the order. At this moment, in front of Houthi, there is a young man with vigor and energy. The neat military uniform is worn on this young man, showing the temperament of an officer no less than any regular army officer.

"Abdul, you are the most promising young man of the entire Houthi nation and my most dependent staff. Tell me, what should we do now?"

There are signs of a solution to the Syrian issue. These days, Saudi air strikes have become more intense, causing the Houthi armed front-line forces to pay more casualties.

Houthi is also a little uncomfortable. The young man in front of him is a talent who has emerged from tens of thousands of armed forces in recent months. Under his advice, the Yemeni government forces have paid huge casualties.

Many battles that were not conducive to the Houthis have been restored, which made the Houthis start to like this young man who dared to fight.

"The only way to get Saudi Arabia to retreat is to make Saudi Arabia feel painful, and to make those Saudi royal family members feel that the war will continue. This will inevitably cost Saudi Arabia a high price, and in the end it will only be more than the gain." Abdul calmed down. 'S opening said. (To be continued.)



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