The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 828: Somali pirates

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Zi Yanao" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins, this chapter adds more for him.


Houthi shook his head when he heard what Abdul said. Everyone understands the truth. The problem is how to do it to make Saudi Arabia feel pain.

Abdul naturally cannot have this answer, and continued: "We should find a way to buy a batch of advanced surface-to-air missiles, and then gather elite troops to form a special operation unit that is specifically aimed at Saudi Arabia. The ground forces of China conduct harassment operations, and everything is aimed at killing and wounding Saudi troops and soldiers."

Abdul’s idea is very simple. Saudi Arabia has always had no fear of air strikes in Yemen. In order to reduce the cost of air strikes and ensure the accuracy of air strikes, they have always used low-altitude volley bombing.

To deal with such fighters, individual anti-aircraft missiles are completely sufficient. They can bring unexpected casualties to the Saudi Air Force without the need for advanced theater air defense missiles.

In many cases, Saudi Arabia’s air strikes against the Houthi armed forces have been guided by the wrong intelligence of the Houthi armed forces. This can also be used.

However, to implement this plan, the Houthi armed forces must have a certain technical level of individual air defense missiles.

Otherwise, it is not a simple matter to shoot down the Saudi Fighting Falcon.

The same is true for the formation of special operations forces. The Houthi armed forces are actually very loosely structured. They are not a regular military force, nor do they have a reasonable military structure system.

There is no so-called special forces at all. Those better snipers are also trained when fighting against Yemeni troops.

Such forces cannot compete head-on with the Saudi army. and so. It can only conduct small-scale harassment operations and gather a group of soldiers with excellent military quality to teach them special combat skills.

If it is replaced by the original Houthi armed forces, it will be difficult to create a special force with certain special operations capabilities in a short time.

But I don’t know what’s going on recently. Many Houthi young people who have just joined the armed forces have shown extremely high combat literacy one after another, all of which are top quality.

This makes Houthi very satisfied. These well-performing Houthi young people have all been reused, and Abdul is one of the best.

Houthi is willing to give these capable young people opportunities. In this organization that belongs to him, it is straightforward to be valued by him.

After hearing Abdul's suggestion, Houthi was also a little moved, but soon shook his head. Said: "We originally had many arms dealers that had good cooperation. They didn't dare to trade with us anymore. How could it be so easy to buy individual air defense missiles."

"Sir, I have access to this." Abdul said immediately.

Hu Sai's eyes flashed, and he asked with interest: "Where did you come from?"

"When I was a mercenary in Africa, I knew a well-known arms dealer. I believe he can help us. There is no way for aircraft, tanks and warships, but individual anti-aircraft missiles and individual anti-tank missiles. There should be no problem, and we If a special force is to be formed, the weapons and equipment he provides are also needed." Abdul said calmly.

The Houthi, who was originally a little skeptical, also remembered that Abdul was originally an international mercenary. He only returned to Yemen when he heard about the war in his hometown.

After thinking about this matter carefully, Hussein nodded and said: "Then this matter is left to you, you go to contact the arms dealer, as long as the price is right, we will buy it, but the other party has to deliver the goods to us. . As for the formation of special forces, I also leave it to you."

Abdul solemnly paid a military salute and said: "I will never disappoint the leader."


On the edge of the Gulf of Aden, the most famous pirate village on the eastern coast of Somalia, a group of very tough guys have recently arrived. These guys all have weapons on their bodies and drive luxury cars. They come to the pirate village every day to recruit soldiers and buy horses. .

On the pier of the pirate village, listening to a large row of neatly arranged fishing boats, the signs on these fishing boats are exactly the same as the tattoos on the guys driving the luxury cars.

With luxury cars, weapons, and well-prepared ships, everyone in the pirate village knows that these people are ready to start a big deal.

Pirates, here in Somalia, is the highest-paying job. Although it is now difficult for a ship to be successfully robbed by pirates, as long as it succeeds once, it will be enough for a group of people to live a life without worry.

What many people don't understand is that these people have been here for a few months, but they are only recruiting soldiers here, but they have no actual actions.

However, there is one thing that everyone here knows, that is, this group of people are very uncomfortable, and each of them has terrifying marksmanship. There are already many people who saw money-eyes and were beaten to death outside the pirate village.

And these guys are very rich and generous. Within a few months, they bought large tracts of land and ships in the pirate village, and built a small training camp in this place.

In the closed training camp, no one knew what was going on inside. Some people who tried to approach were all forced back by bullets.

Today, this mysterious training camp finally opened. In the pirate village, under the curious eyes of everyone, a group of armed men similar to them ran out of the training camp.

Then, under everyone's eyes, these people took the fishing boat docked on the dock and sailed toward the open sea.

In the training camp, there were obviously a lot of people left in it. It seemed that there were really a lot of people.

Pirates went to sea naturally to rob ships.

Two days later, the group of pirates who went out to sea returned, while still holding a fishing boat that looked very hearty.

The results came. Almost all the people in the pirate village gathered on the dock.

Under the eyes of everyone, this hundreds-ton fishing boat was moored on the pier, and several people with Asian faces were escorted from it.

There was also a pirate who pulled a plaster flag and threw it on the garbage dump at the dock.

These hostages who had been **** by the Big Five Flowers didn't put on their headgear. The pirates shoved the Japanese to the camp.

Soon the screams of these Japanese cried and screamed in the camp, which shocked even many old pirates.

However, this kind of scenes also made many pirates excited. Two days after going out to sea, they had a harvest. They caught the foreign fishing boat they hated the most. Money is sometimes not important, but a good mood is the key. (To be continued.)



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