The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 829: Playing chess with panda

ps: Thanks for the 10,000 starting currency rewarded by the book friend "Domineering", this chapter adds more for him.


Inside the headquarters of Future Technology Group.

Cai Ruichen is enjoying a good time in his office. In front of him is a virtual Go board with a white piece in his hand. On the opposite side of the virtual board, a panda is holding a black piece. It is obvious that the two are playing.

Playing chess with an artificial intelligence system, Cai Ruichen still looks very leisurely, while the panda on the opposite side of the virtual chessboard looks uncertain.

The use of human brains and the brains against computers have been a major event in the field of artificial intelligence development in the future since the Deep Blue Incident caused a huge storm.

Recently, Google Group reorganized into Alpha Group. Among them, the artificial intelligence company under Alpha Group also launched Alpha Dog, which not only easily defeated the European encircled champion, but also defeated the Korean world encircled champion Lee Sedol 9th ​​Dan.

This incident has saved the reorganized Alpha Group a little bit of face. At least after facing the advanced panda artificial intelligence system of the Future Technology Group, the Alpha Group also showed a level of unwillingness to lag behind.

However, Cai Ruichen is really not very concerned about such a small trick. If Alpha Dog can achieve the original influence of Deep Blue, then he might still pay attention to it.

In fact, it is impossible for any supercomputer in the world to calculate Go, which is complex enough to have ten to three hundred and twenty power changes, at every step.

Among all the artificial intelligence systems that Cai Ruichen knows, only the base has this ability. Even the Panda using quantum computer technology has no such ability.

Naturally, it is impossible for Alpha Dog to calculate every Go move, so it uses a calculation method similar to that of the human brain. Learn the way humans use Go and make Alpha Dog a super chess player.

Otherwise, if all the changes of every step of Go can be calculated, then God will not be able to defeat such a computer.

At least Cai Ruichen was killed by the base when he played Go or even any board game against the base.

And without exception, Cai Ruichen will all find a little confidence in the Red Police Corps, but now in the entire Red Police Corps, no one wants to play against him.

and so. He changed the target to the red queen, although the red queen still couldn't solve the one-hundred-order Rubik's Cube, but compared to the one-hundred-order Rubik's Cube. Playing chess is much simpler.

However, since playing against Cai Ruichen, the Red Queen has never won a game, whether it is chess. Still Go. Or chess, none of Cai Ruichen's opponents.

As a result, the Red Queen also learned from those from the Red Police Corps, and determined not to seek abuse in front of Cai Ruichen. After all, every time he lost, no one was in the mood.

Fortunately, there are loyal and honest pandas beside Cai Ruichen, and the panda has never refused Cai Ruichen's request for a game.

The panda is also a good opponent for Cai Ruichen. After all, for a long time, Panda relies on stable computing power. You can still win a set occasionally.

In more than a year, the two played no less than a hundred times, and the panda only won three times. Although the panda improved every time, the panda won three times, all in the first twenty.

So far, the panda has maintained an 80-game losing streak, and Cai Ruichen has also maintained an 80-game winning streak against the panda.

Panda's chess skills are growing, Cai Ruichen's brain is also improving, and now he is even playing against the panda without any pressure.

If the base wants to beat him, it also needs to be at the last moment. It is difficult to defeat Cai Ruichen in a short time.

However, for Cai Ruichen, playing chess is just a way to cultivate his sentiment and a hobby. Take this opportunity to activate the brain and relax the body.

Just as Cai Ruichen was playing with the panda in full swing, Xu Jie opened the door and walked in. When he saw the panda's distressed look on the opposite side of the virtual chessboard, the corners of his mouth twitched.

In the Red Police Corps, as Cai Ruichen's assistant, Xu Jie was abused most times by Cai Ruichen on the chessboard.

Xu Jie, who was not reconciled, tried many ways to regain his confidence in Cai Ruichen, but whether it was poker nine, dice or stud, without exception, he lost to Cai Ruichen.

A heroic spy, Wu Xujie thinks he is definitely an expert in this field. He has insight into people's hearts, grasping the rhythm, super memory and listening skills, which are the most basic skills.

But it is clear that Cai Ruichen is all highly skilled, and he has formed an almost crushing advantage.

Seeing Cai Ruichen playing against the panda again, Xu Jie couldn't help but think of the unbearable years.

Cai Ruichen saw Xu Jie coming from the corner of his eye, and asked directly, "Is there anything wrong?"

"All the personnel of the tenth batch of expatriates have been lurking in accordance with the predetermined plan, and the one billionth batch of members is about to leave." Xu Jie said respectfully.

"Then prepare for the twelfth batch of members and continue." Cai Ruichen nodded and glanced at the chessboard. The panda on the opposite side has finally settled after more than two minutes of calculations. He just grabbed a white one. , I didn't look at it, I put it on the expectation, the panda on the opposite side saw Cai Ruichen's fall, and began to calculate with a depressed look.

"Applying for a special channel on the 8th, he needs weapons and equipment." Xu Jie nodded and continued.

"Satisfying him is the most important thing for him now. In the future, whatever needs he has, he must try his best to satisfy him." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

"Operation started on the 88th. According to the information we provided, it was easy to capture and successfully captured the Japanese fishing said Xu Jie.

"What's on that Japanese fishing boat?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"A very normal fishing boat is not a scout boat in disguise." Xu Jie said.

"Then leave it to the 88th, but let him pay attention to the signs of Al-Shabaab activities. We still have people in the Horn of Africa. When necessary, let them not communicate privately." Cai Ruichen said.

"I understand, but if we continue to expand the number of mission personnel, our expenditure will increase again." Xu Jie reminded.

"For this plan, money is nothing. A trillion is useless. Don't worry, I will provide you with enough funds."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "However, it is not easy to make money. Let them pay attention to what should be saved. Don't spend money on everything."

Xu Jie suppressed the urge to laugh, nodded, Cai Ruichen stinged, he was quite familiar. (To be continued.)



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