The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 830: The tip of the iceberg of base technology

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Sorrowful Water" for his reward of 10,000 starting points. This chapter adds more for him. ▲∴, x.

Seven more asks for monthly tickets for rewards, there are rewards and monthly tickets, gorgeous tomorrow will still break out!


Cai Ruichen is stingy and stingy, but in the face of big things, he is absolutely not stingy at all.

This plan was originally made by him, and he knew the time and money needed for this plan, so he had already prepared for this.

It's just that the recent construction in Iraq, the money spent every day is like a waterfall, and it is impossible to save even a penny.

The Future Technology Group is still barely able to support the operation of all plans. After all, too many plans require money, and some are even bottomless pits.

And if it hadn’t been for the uncle Bald to have achieved self-sufficiency in the United States, and to avoid exposure, Cai Ruichen would not get funding from Cai Ruichen, I am afraid that the future technology group will be even more struggling.

Fortunately, the efficiency of Future Technology Group's products is still very popular around the world, and huge profits are continuously generated every day, otherwise I am afraid that it will not last long.

Therefore, Xu Jie could not help reminding Cai Ruichen that it is true that the Future Technology Group is very profitable, but Cai Ruichen can spend more money.

However, Xu Jie also understands that compared to the possible effects of these plans in the future, no matter how much money is invested, it is completely worthwhile.

Even if all ten of these plans fail, as long as one of the ten succeeds, there is absolutely no loss.

It's just that Xu Jie is a little worried. Will the funding chain of the Red Police Corps one day fail to supply these plans?

After all, now, Mitsubishi Group and Google Group launched robots. It has also begun to be sold on the market, regardless of whether the sales volume is large or small, it will have a certain impact on the future technology group.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen seems to have not been appreciating it. In addition, Alpha Dog recently defeated Li Shishi's 9th Duan on Go, which also won Alpha Group a lot of praise. It also drives the sales of robots.

Regardless of whether it is Mitsubishi Group or Alpha Group, it is even at a loss under the policy of the Japanese government and the US government. It will not lose much.

For the two groups, the loss in robots is almost no loss, after all, the research funds invested. It has also brought good technical accumulation and progress.

At least in their opinion. In terms of technology, they are not much behind the Future Technology Group. As long as they work hard, they can still catch up.

Therefore, Alpha Group and Mitsubishi Group are now intensively preparing to upgrade the performance and intelligent programs of the first robot, hoping to gradually have the ability to compete with the machine housekeeper.

What reassures them most is that until now, Future Technology Group has not launched any upgrade products for the machine housekeeper. The machine housekeeper that is on the market is still the same as the product sold more than a year ago.

It just extends the machine steward to various fields. Become a model that can go to the sky and take on the most dangerous and messy work of any kind.

Alpha Group and Mitsubishi Group see the opportunity to catch up and are speeding up.

This is directly related to whether the funds for the development of the Red Police Corps are sufficient, and Xu Jie is naturally very concerned.

It's just that Cai Ruichen has always looked like he didn't pay much attention to it, making him quite anxious.

Seeing the appearance of the panda and Cai Ruichen playing, Xu Jie's mind suddenly flashed, and suggested to Cai Ruichen: "Commander, I think it is a very good idea to let the panda and Alpha Dog play a game of Go."

"Alpha Dog is a professional Go artificial intelligence system. Is the panda sure to win?" Cai Ruichen said with some uncertainty. After all, pandas are not professionally used to play chess, that is, they learned some professional knowledge when playing against him. .

Moreover, the panda has never been able to play him. In Cai Ruichen's opinion, it is good to see Alpha Dog, but if the other party stepped on the panda, it would be like picking up a rock and hitting him in the foot.

When Xu Jie heard this, he was also a little uncertain whether pandas could take on this important task, but he believed that with the current popularity of pandas in the world, if they really played Go against Alpha Dog, the two artificial intelligences would definitely be a game. Things that attract attention.

But when he thought of the result of winning or losing, Xu Jie hesitated. But soon, his brain changed and he immediately said: "If the panda is not good, you can go to the commander. At your level, you can definitely push Alpha Dog. A dead dog."

Having seen Cai Ruichen's powerful brain computing ability, Xu Jie is definitely Cai Ruichen's most staunch supporter.

"Do you think I can play Li Shishi's 9th dan?" Cai Ruichen actually doesn't know what his level is. Playing chess is just a hobby to cultivate sentiment. He has never had time to understand the current top Go players in the world. What kind of level state.

To put it bluntly, Cai Ruichen has always been playing at home by his hobby, and has never paid attention to this aspect. He has no idea about the level of Go outside.

"I can absolutely guarantee this. Commander, your level, Li Shishi 9th Duan, is definitely not your opponent." Xu Jie said very confidently.

"Even so, do you think I am suitable?" Cai Ruichen felt a little awkward when he thought that the sole head of his dignified Future Technology Group would actually come to kick his competitors' restaurants in person.

What's more, Cai Ruichen is not the kind of person who likes to show off. If it is a commercial show or a necessary political show, he will not refuse.

But even if he wins Alpha Dog, it doesn't explain much, and it will not be of much benefit to the development of the future technology group.

Of course, if Alpha Dog defeated Li Shishi's 9th Duan, the Panda could win the Alpha Dog, it would be a confirmation of the panda's ability.

Does the strength of the panda still need to be confirmed?

At the thought of this Cai Ruichen shook his head, feeling that there was no need to do so.

"Since the commander doesn't want it, then forget it, but I don't think we can underestimate the development of Alpha Group in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence." Xu Jie did not persuade, but only reminded Cai Ruichen.

"Don't worry about this, I have a comprehensive plan. Of all the technology companies in the world, no one can surpass us."

Cai Ruichen said very confidently that this self-confidence is not blind, because he not only has the super bg base car, but also has many technologies that the wasteland world can learn from.

Even if there is no base, relying on all the scientific and technological achievements obtained from the wasteland is enough to give the Future Technology Group an absolute leading position in this world.

However, the technological starting point of the base is no worse than the wasteland, not to mention that the technology of the wasteland has been difficult to improve, and the base's technological goals are only the tip of the iceberg.

(To be continued.)



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