The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 833: Air Force Base 3

Although the No. 3 Air Force Base has a huge elevator platform that can accommodate strategic bombers, the Red Police Corps currently does not have strategic bombers, only peacekeeping bombers that perform tactical or combat bombing.

The peacekeeping bomber is indeed a very advanced bomber. The full-spectrum stealth and all-model stealth capabilities enable the peacekeeping bomber to achieve the effect of full body stealth.

It will not be quickly detected by radars of various spectrums. With its powerful stealth effect and high-speed assault speed, even if the enemy's radar finds something wrong, it is completely too late at the speed of the peacekeeping bomber.

A peacekeeping bomber capable of carrying a large number of missiles can destroy more than 20 radar bases with only one.

To destroy Israel’s ground air defense radar, peacekeeping bombers also need to dispatch four to six.

Cai Ruichen is also prepared to prepare some peacekeeping bombers in this world.

At least when facing a powerful opponent, he has a weapon that he can handle and can deal with the enemy.

The positioning of the peacekeeping bomber is to penetrate into the homeland of an opponent with a powerful air defense system and conduct air strikes against the enemy’s air defense system or tactical and strategic missile bases.

Just as the description of the peacekeeping bomber, the peacekeeping bomber does not need to be upgraded at all to meet the combat needs in the next thirty years.

Because so far in the world, there is no aircraft capable of full spectrum and full body stealth effects.

The full spectrum and full fuselage stealth are the requirements of various countries for the sixth-generation fighter.

If it weren’t for the peacekeeping bomber that had no directed energy weapons or air combat capability, this would almost be a sixth-generation fighter that countries are vying to study.

Regrettably, the combat radius of the peacekeeping bomber is really a bit short, otherwise it would be an extremely good strategic bomber.

However, it is possible to limit a bomber with a maximum take-off weight of 80 tons. Designed to be such a powerful weapon, Cai Ruichen also admires the base.

In his opinion, such advanced weapons of peacekeeping bombers are indeed underestimated by the primary technological authority.

Fighting against the base virtual world. The base-controlled Israel and the Red Police Corps fought many times. And almost every time, before the Israeli air force entered Iraq, Israel's internal defense and control system was almost destroyed by peacekeeping bombers.

There are no exceptions when the opponent is replaced by Turkey or Saudi Iran.

The result is the same even if the US aircraft carrier battle group is simulated, a peacekeeping bomber that can take off on an amphibious assault ship. Carrying supersonic anti-ship missiles. Almost the defensive circle of the US Navy’s battle group has become blind and deaf.

In repeated simulations, the various forces controlled by the base did not have good means to deal with the peacekeeping bombers.

This makes Cai Ruichen more concerned, and for the existence of peacekeeping bombers, it is listed as one of the top secrets of the Red Police Corps.

Ace and killer, the best premise for use. It's in an environment where the opponent doesn't understand it.

It's like the stealth fighter of the US military to the superpower. Discovering birds of prey is not very difficult.

Because the Raptor is no secret to a big country. After all, the Raptor has not yet reached the point where it is really invisible. Under obvious targets, its outstanding stealth performance is also being compromised.

Even Cai Ruichen can ignore the stealth ability of the Raptor fighter. This is not only because of the defense system of the base itself, but when the Black Hawk fighter encounters the Raptor fighter, it also has the ability to fight.

Of course, the ability of this World War I also has environmental requirements, as well as the distance between the two sides.

At present, the fighter division of the Red Police Corps Air Force has only four fighters in the virtual world simulation space, the four global fourth-generation fighters, the Raptor, T-50, J-20, and Lightning.

Because in the wasteland world, the Red Police Corps already owns the J-20, so it can perfectly simulate most of the performance of the fourth-generation fighter.

The soldiers of the Red Police Corps can choose from two types of fighters and six different types of fighters.

The regular version of the Invader fighter to the elite version, and the regular version of the Black Hawk fighter to the elite version.

The elite Black Hawk fighters and the Invader fighters are all fourth-generation stealth fighters, and they are on the same level when facing other aircraft of the fourth-generation fighters.

Among them, the elite-level models of the Black Hawk fighters simply exist against the sky. They have a large number of characteristics of the sixth-generation fighters. When dealing with the four fourth-generation fighters, almost all are in the advantage of crushing.

At this moment, in the underground hangar, more than 400 fighter divisions are undergoing routine virtual world combat training.

The Air Force’s virtual world training equipment is a closed device similar to a fighter cabin. In it, the pilot can not only see a nearly 100% real simulation world, but also feel all the feelings of flying a fighter plane.

The large overload, various maneuvers, and the feeling of weightlessness are all no different from the feeling of flying a real fighter in the sky.

Such training can 100% simulate the appearance of fighter fighters using fighters in the sky, and it often makes it difficult for fighter fighters to distinguish whether they are flying fighters in the virtual world or in reality.

But is precisely because of this infinitely close to 100% real environment simulation, even a fighter division who has never actually piloted a fighter can do it when climbing a real fighter. The operation is exactly the same as in the simulation.

Cai Ruichen is the most obvious example. He hasn't piloted a real fighter jet yet, but he often conducts simulation training and sits in a real fighter jet cabin. Everything is so natural.

Cultivating a qualified fighter division requires at least one thousand day and night flying hours according to the standards of various countries. From the selection of a fighter division to a qualified pilot, the training cost for each pilot is at least 100 million US dollars. .

But here in the Red Police Corps, it is possible to save at least US$100 million in expenses, because there is no aircraft loss, nor does it need to consume any aviation fuel and conduct live ammunition or simulated shooting.

Everything only needs to be done on the virtual world training equipment, directly reducing the cost to the lowest level.

However, Cai Ruichen will not really let all the pilots have never touched a fighter plane. The necessary practical training is still needed. (To be continued~^~)

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