The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 834: Invitation to Cai Ruichen

A total of four hundred fighter divisions all entered the virtual world for training. Cai Ruichen stood in the huge training center and looked at the images of various training missions on the central screen of the training center.

Each fighter division has its own training mission every day. In addition to real simulated air combat, more basic flight training is conducted.

Only by training all the basic flying skills to the instinct state deep into the bones of one can be considered a qualified pilot.

It's just that this kind of training is all boring, but every fighter division of the Red Police Corps is always happy.

A solid foundation is the best way for fighter fighters to train their response capabilities. Only when they have a solid basic skills and learn other cooking skills can practice make perfect.

Of the six hours of flying time in the virtual world every day, half of the time is in the daytime and half of the time is in the night environment.

Among them, after one hour of basic training during the day, there is one hour of tactical action training, specializing in flying various extreme aerial tactics, and the remaining one hour is a simulated battle.

A general simulation battle is like playing a game. Four hundred fighter divisions are divided into two camps. Today, this camp drives the fighters of the Red Police Corps, and the other camp is piloting the fighters of the imaginary enemy, and then the battle, and tomorrow will be reversed.

The same is true for night training, three hours of night basic flight training, tactical training and combat training.

Then there is one hour of summary time every day. During this hour, all fighter divisions must submit a summary of today’s training and battle experience.

However, fighter divisions do not seem to be playing games every day. They also have to conduct various physical training every day.

A qualified fighter division must withstand the overload caused by the high-speed flight and maneuvering of the fighter, which requires that the fighter division must also have strong physical fitness.

The Red Police Corps has stricter physical requirements. Almost all require every fighter division based on the strict physical requirements of special forces.

A qualified fighter division in the Red Police Corps must be able to control fighter jets flexibly even with over 6G overload.

Such a requirement is for any fighter division. All are extremely harsh. But for every fighter division of the Red Police Corps, this is only the most basic requirement.

Sweating more in peacetime and bleeding less in wartime. This truth has been interpreted extremely strictly in the Red Police Corps.

Even fighter divisions must have a certain level of individual combat capability, because they are in the escape seats in the fighters of the Red Police Corps. Also equipped the fighter division with two weapons. One is a low-sound submachine gun and the other is an automatic pistol.

The requirement of the Red Police Corps for fighter divisions is that once they escape by parachuting within the enemy's control area, they must insist on the arrival of the rescue commando in the face of the enemy's search and encirclement.

Among the fighter divisions of the Red Police Corps, there is also a tradition from the Red Police Corps, swearing to the death not to be captured, especially fighter divisions that have many military secrets. Among the weapons prepared for them, there is a poison that can be instantly lethal. This poison was not prepared for the enemy, but for the fighter division himself.

Once the rescue commando did not arrive in time and there was no way to escape, the fighter division intelligently and decisively chose to end his life.

Regarding such a setting, Cai Ruichen knew what to say, because the Red Police Corps was originally a group that would never surrender in a deadly battle. There is a saying in the Red Police Corps-there is no red surrender in this world. Police soldiers, only warriors who died in battle.

Although Cai Ruichen wanted to tell the soldiers that he still had to be useful if he had the opportunity, he also knew very well that some things could not be changed even as a commander.

Of course, if you perform a mission and pretend to be captured, that's an exception.

And every soldier in the Red Police Corps is also a cruel role that is cruel to himself and even more cruel to the enemy.

In many cases, Cai Ruichen is even reflecting on the fact that if he confronts such an enemy, it will feel helpless to cooperate.

The most frightening thing is that an army that is not afraid of death is also a unit with a high will to fight. This kind of enemy is unwilling to encounter, even Cai Ruichen is no exception.

However, in normal times, the Red Police soldiers feel like they are the sunshine boy next door, each one is so perfect.

At this moment, in the training center, Cai Ruichen saw less than a few minutes and was a little eager to try.

When the Jiang Weiguo around him saw Cai Ruichen's appearance, he suggested: "Commander, do we want to come."

Cai Ruichen looked at Jiang Weiguo next to him speechlessly, and said, "I like to abuse people, but I definitely don't like being abused."

Cai Ruichen knows his level very well. Unlike playing chess, flying fighter jets is entirely a hobby. He has not undergone systematic training. How could he be the opponent of the Red Police Corps Air Force Hero General defending the country.

Don't say it's him, screening all the people who can fly fighters in the entire Red Police Corps, and it is impossible to find an opponent who can be Jiang Weiguo.

Of course, if Cai Ruichen has conducted professional training in this area and has conducted a long flight, then he will definitely dare to try the depths with Jiang Weiguo.

Jiang Weiguo may also know his Hearing Cai Ruichen's decisive refusal, he immediately said: "I choose the normal Black Hawk fighter. Commander, you can choose the elite Black Hawk fighter."

Upon hearing this, Cai Ruichen suddenly said a little funny: "Do you want to find abuse like this?"

Ordinary Black Hawk fighters are simply impossible to beat the elite Black Hawk fighters. Although the two fighters are both Black Hawk fighters, the various technological gaps between them cannot be made up by technology.

Because the electronic equipment and radars on ordinary Black Hawk fighters will be completely suppressed. Elite Black Hawk fighters with passive phased array radar, plus full-spectrum radar stealth and full-body stealth capabilities, will be better than ordinary Black Hawks. For fighters, it is absolutely crushing.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen has always been accustomed to piloting elite-level Black Hawk fighters in the virtual world, and he knows that the elite-level Black Hawk fighters are extremely powerful.

At beyond the visual range, the radar of ordinary Black Hawk fighters cannot detect the elite Black Hawk. In close combat, ordinary Black Hawk fighters are even less likely to be the opponents of elite Black Hawk fighters, even if they are against the Admiral. In this way, some properties cannot be compensated by technology alone. (To be continued~^~)

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