The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 836: Battle Death Canyon

Ordinary Black Hawk fighters can fly up to three times the speed of sound, but elite Black Hawk fighters can fly at more than five times the speed of sound.

Moreover, as long as an elite pilot can easily fly at the limit speed of five times the speed of sound.

Moreover, a pilot who has entered five times the supersonic speed will not feel any discomfort. The overload and pressure caused by the high speed are well offset by the anti-compression device outside the cockpit.

Otherwise, at five times the speed of sound, it is impossible for any pilot to report that he can stay awake. The most optimistic result is direct dizziness.

Because normal, human beings are subject to the pressure brought by three times the speed of sound. Once the speed of sound exceeds three times the speed of sound, it will become very dangerous. As for five times the speed of sound, humans have not yet invented the real flight to five times. Manned aircraft in the sonic atmosphere.

Cai Ruichen, who was driving an elite Black Hawk fighter, actually didn't feel it at all when he entered supersonic flight. Because of the speed of sound, he was even more unlikely to get the sonic boom from behind the fighter.

On the virtual display in the cockpit, the speed and the overall situation of the aircraft are shown in detail in front of Cai Ruichen.

What makes elite Black Hawk fighters really powerful is that the powerful electronic systems in the aircraft have powerful electronic warfare suppression capabilities, let alone the third-generation fighters, even the fourth-generation fighters will be under pressure.

Even if the rants from the United States come over, they are not enough to look at them. Under such electromagnetic suppression, it is enough to make all opponents blind and deaf.

Five times the speed of sound, the passive phased array radar is turned on at the same time, and the maximum distance of the virtual battlefield is more than two hundred kilometers.

A fighter jet entering a supersonic flight attitude. Soon the battle was in the center of the battlefield.

The airborne radar spotted Jiang Weiguo's Black Hawk fighter for the first time, and glanced at the recorded electronic equipment. Jiang Weiguo did not open the recorded electronic equipment.

Cai Ruichen also knew very well about Sombra fighters, Jiang Weiguo had also captured his position. The passive radar system on the ordinary Black Hawk fighter. Enough not to capture the passive phased array radar signal.

And by analyzing Jiang Weiguo's experience, Jiang Weiguo is also very likely to judge his own.

Sure enough, Cai Ruichen saw the opponent's rapid descent and tried to conceal the fighter's radar signal in the ground radar clutter.

But this set has no effect at all for passive phased array radar. The radar still firmly locked Jiang Weiguo's car.

In the cabin position. Cai Ruichen decisively opened the weapon insurance. At the same time, the speed had dropped to the subsonic speed under the belly of the fighter aircraft, the hidden magazine opened, and the two V-2KK missiles were pushed out of the missile compartment by grasping the slide rail of the missile.

Locked, the missile exited the capsule, and the entire launch process only took less than two seconds, but it was the moment he launched the missile out of the capsule. The opponent's radar turned on, and then the moment when the stealth magazine of the elite Black Hawk fighter opened. Directly locked onto the elite Black Hawk, Weiguo also decisively launched two long-range interceptor missiles.

At the moment of launching the missile, the stealth fighter opened because of the opened stealth magazine, which destroyed the stealth structure of the fighter. At this time, it can be clearly detected by radar.

At the moment when he was discovered that Jiangwei's active radar, Cai Ruichen didn't have any luck thinking that the other party just wanted to see his position.

At the moment of launching the missile, Cai Ruichen also decisively released strong electromagnetic interference, and at the same time made highly maneuverable evasive actions.

A turning radius of less than fifty meters was perfectly displayed by Cai Ruichen, and he quickly lowered the height by hundreds of meters in a circle. Cai Ruichen also saw two close radar signals on the radar screen at this time.

Sure enough, relying on his incomparable combat experience and air combat instinct, Jiang Weiguo instantly turned on the radar to lock on Cai Ruichen, and launched the missile as soon as possible.

The whole process did not even last for three seconds. With such an efficient response, Cai Ruichen believed that even a Raptor fighter would not get any benefits in front of an ordinary Black Hawk fighter that would defend the country.

The most important thing is that the whole process has surrounded the rhythm of the guardian country to a terrifying point.

The missile launched from the Patriarchate is the most advanced third-generation air-to-air missile belonging to the Red Police Corps, which is enough to threaten any fourth-generation fighter.

However, in the face of strong electromagnetic interference from the elite Black Hawk fighters, the two missiles launched by Weiguo lost their lock on the target halfway through the flight.

What only made Cai Ruichen helpless was that the two missiles he launched obviously did not cause any damage to the other party. Seeing Jiang Weiguo who was still approaching at high speed, Cai Ruichen once again launched two missiles decisively.

As a result, there is still no change. At this moment, Jiang Weiguo, who has been fully electromagnetically suppressed, can hardly come up with any means that can resist Cai Ruichen. The radar display on his fighter plane is already a snowflake, which is disturbed by the results.

In this environment, Jiang Weiguo could not judge how far Cai Ruichen was from him.

Fortunately, the recorded passive early warning system was still able to operate. After avoiding the two missiles again, the defending country made a decisive U-turn with a minimum radius without any cause, and then returned in the direction where it had come.

Jiang Weiguo knows very well that with the powerful combat performance of the elite Black Hawk fighter, Cai Ruichen can crush himself even in close combat. The most important thing is that he has no confidence to avoid the opponent’s close-range air-to-air combat missiles. UU Reading www.uukā What's more, the elite Black Hawk fighters, as well as the brutal artillery firepower network.

As soon as Cai Ruichen saw that Jiang Weiguo turned around, he ran away. Before he could think about it, he pulled the joystick decisively and caught up with him immediately.

The two forward-swept wings quickly clung to the fuselage once again, and the speed of the elite Black Hawk fighter instantly exceeded three times the speed of sound.

Jiang Weiguo, who ran in front, plunged straight into the canyon-shaped landscape in front of him.

Had it not been for Cai Ruichen had already caught up, under the terrain of the canyon, it would be impossible for the radar radar to detect the fighter flying in the canyon.

If he doesn't catch up, Cai Ruichen knows that he will completely lose the trace of Jiang Weiguo.

After decisively closing the afterburner, the forward-swept wings opened, and Cai Ruichen followed Jiang Weiguo and went into the canyon.

Cai Ruichen, who was catching up quickly, had already opened his close-range fighting ammunition, but the fighter jet piloted by Jiang Weiguo in front of him was like a loach, sleek in the narrow valley and couldn't aim at all. (To be continued~^~)

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