The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 837: The powerful will defend the country

The two fighters kept almost close to the transonic speed limit, and then chased them in a canyon that was only 20 to 30 meters wide.

And just when the two battles plunged into this gorge, they were still at the near transonic speed limit. Almost four hundred fighter divisions watching the scene were all sweating at the same time.

No one is more familiar with this canyon than them. This is a dangerous zone called Death Canyon, because when almost every fighter division was training in this canyon training ground, the fighters hit the mountain wall due to untimely operation. .

There is no such a canyon on the earth, because the narrowest place of this simulated canyon is only 10 meters, and the widest place is 30 meters. In such a narrow canyon, there is hardly any more than 100 meters. The straight lines are all completely irregular bends.

The most depressing thing for all fighter divisions is that every bend of the canyon is different, and it changes almost every day. If you want to control the flight direction with memory, you can only hit the mountain wall with one head.

And this canyon is one of the training subjects that every Red Police Corps fighter division must overcome.

Every fighter division who enters the Fei Canyon must maintain a 100% concentrated mental state, and the body's reaction must even be several times faster than the brain's reaction speed.

In the initial training, almost every fighter division broke and settled in the canyon, and almost no one was able to pass through every place in the canyon during the first flight.

This canyon is nothing to Jiang Weiguo, even at high speeds close to the speed of sound, he can still achieve the most perfect control.

Originally, Wei Guo thought that Cai Ruichen would retreat, but after a minute, Cai Ruichen still bite behind him tightly. It surprised Jiang Weiguo.

Because Cai Ruichen's speed in the canyon is also close to the boundary of transonic speed. Once this boundary is passed, it will be supersonic.

And in the entire Red Police Corps, there is definitely not more than one hand in the fighter division that can maintain such a high speed in this canyon.

Because there are many places in the canyon. Is smaller than the width of the two wings of the aircraft. Many times you have to control the fighter jet to fly over at an angle. The most dangerous thing is that you know when such a narrow curve will appear behind the next curve.

This kind of flight tests one item, that is, the reaction speed of the fighter division, and it also tests the courage of the fighter division by the way.

Cai Ruichen's driving of fighter jets. It's just interest. Did not reach the professional level at all.

Jiang Weiguo was very clear about this, but he didn't expect that Cai Ruichen could just entangle him so that he could not get rid of it.

In fact, in Cai Ruichen's mind at the moment, all his attention was focused on Jiang Weiguo, following the fighter jet. He immediately simulated what actions Weiguo would make in front.

The fighter he piloted. It also maintains the same rhythm as Jiang Wei’s fighters. Jiang Wei is experienced, and there is no pressure in the canyon. Cai Ruichen is learning now and selling, and it is just advancing with the rhythm of Jiang Wei. .

But even so, Cai Ruichen has concentrated all his energy, and the palm of his hand holding the joystick is already sweaty.

The pictures of high-speed flight and the twisty canyons in front of me are much more exciting than any super racing car.

It is said that the Biaoche can cause people to accelerate the secretion of adrenaline, but in Cai Ruichen's opinion, what a Biaoche is, in such an environment, the Biao plane is the real excitement.

The speed is always maintained at one thousand two per hour, and he keeps rolling and turning maneuvering, no matter how fast the turn ahead, he has never slowed down.

There have been many times Cai Ruichen felt that his driving battle had hit a mountain wall, but as long as he followed the rhythm of defending the country, every turn was perfect and limit.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen found that he liked this kind of stimulation. He hated the peaceful life, and he liked this kind of stimulation that challenged the limit.

Although all this is just a virtual scene under virtual reality technology, Cai Ruichen has no feeling of being in a virtual world at all, which is really cool.

If it hadn't been for the oxygen mask and the body was under the pressure of overload, Cai Ruichen would even be so excited to call out.

However, Cai Ruichen soon woke up, because this time he was not here to fly, but to fight.

The two close combat rounds that slid out of the concealed magazine had locked the front Jiang Weiguo.

Gradually adapting to the stimulating rhythm in front of him, Cai Ruichen also has the energy to prepare to launch the missile.

After an extreme camber of almost eighty-five degrees, there was a one-hundred-meter straight ahead. At this moment, Cai Ruichen decisively launched a short-range combat missile.

However, just when the missile was about to hit Jiang Weiguo, the fighter jet piloted by Jiang Weiguo suddenly twisted and shook the tail of the aircraft. Then the missile that was about to hit the fighter jet directly hit the nearby mountain wall and exploded directly. Up.

During the whole process, Cai Ruichen was stunned. There was such a way of maneuvering. The plane twisted its buttocks like a yangko in high-speed flight.

And because it is a missile approaching from behind, the missile will not detonate and use shrapnel to kill the target if it reaches a distance range without catching up with the battle.

But this is not important at The unbelievers Cai Ruichen fired another missile, but was still avoided, and while avoiding Weiguo, he did not even release the jamming chaff.

After Cai Ruichen launched the last missile, looking at Jiang Weiguo, who was still agile and dodge the missile, he knew very well that it would be difficult for him to shoot down the slippery fellow in this battle.

However, he did not give up either, because there are still cannons on the elite Black Hawk fighters.

It was just a few hundred rounds of machine guns. After lighting up the last round, Cai Ruichen knew very well that in this contest, he really didn't even have a chance to win.

Even if it is a full-scale electromagnetic suppression, it is useless to dodge all the defending country quickly under his own attack, even if he is given more missiles.

After all, the ammunition capacity of the elite Black Hawk fighter is already very scary, more than the average fourth-generation fighter.

Such a result can only be said to have completely reached the state of minimizing the operation of the Weiguo, and the fighters he controlled seemed to be alive. (To be continued~^~)

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