The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 838: Jiangwei the country

PS: As of this chapter, the monthly pass has been increased to one hundred and forty votes.


Although Cai Ruichen was very depressed, he also had to accept the facts, but it was not his character to fail like this.

He had many opinions when he thought of Weiguo's fat body and being able to drive fighters to such a level.

Especially when I thought of Jiang Weiguo's wretched look, how could he be like a hero-level fighter division.

After lighting up the last bullet of the aerial cannon, Cai Ruichen decisively pushed the joystick, and the nose of the aircraft was pointed at the vehicle of Jiang Weiguo in front of him. The next moment he opened the afterburner directly, and the vigorous power instantly increased from the two. Produced in the engine.

The huge thrust gave the elite Black Hawk fighter a powerful impulse. Since there were no two forward-swept wings, the fighter jitter also followed when it entered supersonic speed in an instant.

However, at this time, Cai Ruichen can manage so much, and even he has no time to manage.

When the fighter entered the supersonic speed, it directly gave Jiang Weiguo a violent explosion from behind.

The picture in front of the two people went black for an instant, and both of them were T out of virtual reality. They only saw the above reminder: "If you didn't skydive in time, you have been killed."

Both of them gave the same reminder. Cai Ruichen didn't want to skydive, but Jiang Weiguo was frightened by Cai Ruichen's sudden suicide. There was no time for the skydiving.

However, when the two came out of the simulated training equipment, the more than four hundred fighter divisions on the scene all applauded enthusiastically.

At the beginning of the duel between the two, for these fighter divisions, Cai Ruichen's performance was not bright at all.

On the contrary, they taught the Weiguo a lesson, but after the chase in the canyon, Jiu became very exciting.

In particular, Cai Ruichen's final sacrifice ignited the pride of every fighter division.

Strong generals have no weak soldiers. As a soldier, you need this kind of indomitable momentum.

However, all the fighter divisions are also very fortunate that this is a virtual battle. If in reality, they don't want Cai Ruichen to do this.

of course. It is impossible for Cai Ruichen to die with an enemy. Even if he did, he would choose to skydive.

Jiang Weiguo gave Cai Ruichen a thumbs up. He really admired Cai Ruichen. It was just a little emotional hobby, and only a few dozen hours of flying time could reach such a level.

And what kind of flight can be completed in virtual reality, there is absolutely no problem in reality.

but. Apart from accepting the cheers of everyone. Cai Ruichen is also looking forward to the day when the elite Black Hawk fighter will officially appear.

At that time, I am afraid that all the fourth-generation fighters in the world will be obsolete.

In front of the elite Black Hawk fighters, the Raptor and Lightning fighters do not have the ability to compete with the Red Police Corps for air supremacy.

Of course, in the actual combat environment, the pros and cons of weapons and equipment. It does not absolutely represent the outcome of the war.

However, having smart weapons and equipment will naturally be more favored by the goddess of victory.

Take advantage of the heat. Cai Ruichen soon returned to the virtual reality training equipment. He wanted to feel the joy of flying in the blue sky again.

Because the elite Black Hawk fighter also has an ultra-high ceiling, it lacks the ability to break through the atmosphere and return.

And when you get used to driving this advanced fighter, you don't have much feeling when you fly other fighters.

However, the elite-level invader fighter is also a good stealth fourth-generation fighter.

The Elite Intruder fighter is a light fighter, which is also a single-engine single-seater, but it has two air intakes, and the air intakes are also on the top of the aircraft fuselage.

However, the Invader fighter does not use a forward-swept wing layout or a canard. Instead, it uses a variable-swept wing layout. It is a high-speed penetration stealth fighter that can retract the wings to the back of the fuselage.

Just like the Elite Black Hawk, although it is available on the Air Force’s simulated training ground, in reality, I don’t know when it will be available.

Without a scientist, many weapons and equipment cannot be upgraded. Even if Cai Ruichen is anxious, there is no way.

And even after having a scientist, it may be difficult to quickly get an upgraded version of the fighter, let alone the ultimate form of the elite version.

Furthermore, in the base’s weapons and equipment, even the elite Black Hawk and Invader fighters are not the ultimate models, nor can they represent the base’s most advanced air force equipment technology.

The base also has more advanced fighters, even ordinary models, which are more advanced than the elite Black Hawk and Invaders.

However, compared to the current environment faced by the Red Police Corps, the ordinary models of Black Hawk fighters already have the power of World War I.

Even in the face of Russia’s high-speed mobile fighter jets, with a complete missile system, it will not fall short.

And even in the face of fourth-generation fighters, under certain conditions, they still have the power of World War I.

In fact, the focus of the fourth-generation fighter is stealth performance and powerful electronic equipment, but if there is a way to affect the electronic equipment of the fourth-generation fighter, it can completely shoot down the fourth-generation fighter during the engagement.

However, modern warfare has always been a systemic confrontation, and the overall national defense strength to be fought is difficult to reverse the overall war situation by relying on a wide range of advanced weapons and equipment.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen did not intend to count on one or two pieces of equipment to be able to completely compete with the powerful country, because it was too impractical.

At present, although he is sure to destroy Israel's air defense system, the Red Police Corps is still unable to compete with such a powerful country as Israel.

Israel, which has a sound defense industry strength, can quickly gather a powerful force once a full-scale war breaks out.

Therefore, if peace can be maintained at present, Cai Ruichen will never think of confronting Israel. Honestly developing strength is the kingly way.

In the evening, on the lively No. 3 Air Force Base, more than 3,000 people from the Air Force Base gathered on the edge of the huge airport runway for a bonfire party, barbecues and all-you-can-eat drinks.

Eight whole roasted cows are the main course of today's dinner. Eight yak yak keeps the soldiers of the cooking company busy for more than ten hours. The smell of roasted whole cows permeates the whole base, and there is a lot of laughter.

The center of Cai Ruichen's battle party, in line with traditional habits, and in order to strengthen the understanding with the soldiers, he once again set the ring here.

To meet the challenge of every soldier in the base, no matter what the challenge is, he will always come.

The lively atmosphere does not need anyone's drive at all. Every soldier is naturally cheered up at this time. Cai Ruichen has naturally become the center of cheers for all soldiers. (To be continued~^~)

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