The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 839: CIA intervention

PS: Thank you "Ambitious" classmate Alipay for the one-hundred yuan red envelope. This chapter adds more for him.


In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and the overall construction of Iraq is still continuing.

But Master Malin and Master Tikrit, who had been calm for several months, have recently become busy.

The king capital of Baghdad in the wasteland world has been solved. In the past half month, the mutants in Baghdad have been lured out and killed by a large number of them every day after losing control. The mutants in Baghdad now have The threat to the Red Police Corps was completely lost.

The recovery of other cities will begin as soon as possible after Baghdad is officially recovered.

Cai Ruichen clearly felt the preciousness of time. Compared with the time of development, he would rather give up the wealth in those cities.

Therefore, the next battle will be the simplest level push of the Red Police Corps. Except for the big cities, the mutants in other cities are either handed over to the Tyrannosaurus group to solve them, or directly razed by the self-destructed truck. .

In this world, the final battle is also about to begin.

The actions against those clan armed forces have been going on for several months, and now that is the case, those clan armed forces who rationally considered the future have bowed their heads to give up resistance, voluntarily handed over all their weapons and equipment, and accepted the control of the Iraqi government forces.

But there are still many clan armed forces, and they have chosen to resist to the end, perhaps because they are afraid that they will be settled by the autumn after losing their own armed protection because of their blood debts.

Or maybe it has always been just accustomed, unwilling to change from a superior existence to an ordinary obedience.

But no matter what the reason, Cai Ruichen has given them enough time to think about it.

For this kind of guy who can't see the situation clearly and is stubborn, Cai Ruichen has only one thing to do. That is to use the momentum of thunder to instantly level all the opponent's resistance.

However, once this step is taken, it is very likely to cause some trouble to Iraq, because these areas are still armed. Behind it is the color of certain countries.

Especially the CIA. A large number of clan armed forces are supported in Iraq. These armed forces were originally used to deal with extremist organizations and also caused trouble for the Iraqi government.

Up to now, the CIA still has no plans to give up these clan armed forces that they have worked so hard to support.

They have even reminded the Iraqi government, explicitly or secretly, not to mobilize these clans.

But whether for Cai Ruichen or Idris, these clans are armed. They are all objects that need to be resolved.

Even if the United States comes forward. Cai Ruichen will not give the United States this face. There is no way. He can give the United States face, but the base will not give him face. If a character fails, it is a failure. There is no face.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen has been extremely firm since the beginning of this action, especially Idris. As the president, he cannot accept that there are a large number of armed forces that are not part of the government.

The existence of these armed forces. Even the weakening of centralization will also bring great hidden dangers to social stability and economic development.

It may even make Iraq, which has been finally peaceful, face the threat of war again.

Idris naturally has nothing to say in this regard. As the president of Iraq, Cai Ruichen has given enough rights, and he naturally has to do what a president should do.

However, the US’s attitude cannot be ignored. However, the US CIA and the Pentagon have always been at odds. It is the US military that cooperates with the Future Technology Group. Therefore, the Pentagon has no meaning for the requirements of the CIA.

This is only one-sided and comes from the CIA's intention. It is hoped that Iraq, based on its friendly relations with the United States, will not act on some armed forces and acquiesce in the existence of these armed forces.

Regrettably, although Cai Ruichen also wants to give CIA the face and does not want to offend the United States, there are certain things that cannot be compromised.

Under Cai Ruichen's instruction, Idris clearly rejected the CIA's suggestion.

In fact, there is really no need to say this. The CIA wants to protect these clan armed forces, all because these clan armed forces are not only supported by the CIA, but also represent the stronghold of the CIA’s activities in Iraq and the source of secret funds.

These clan armed forces related to the CIA also mastered some minerals and oilfield resources. These resources were basically extracted by these clans to help the CIA. In the end, the crude oil or minerals they extracted were just exchanged for some food and cheap. Weapons and equipment only.

The most important reason the CIA does not want to give up these clan forces is that they are reluctant to bear the black income in it.

And once all these clans are disbanded, the CIA will be in Iraq and the road will not be so easy.

However, in the face of Idris's merciless rejection, the CIA is very clear that the current relationship between the United States and Iraq is good, and ordinary methods can really not deal with Idris.

In the end, the CIA could only use the power of the government to directly put pressure on Idris.

The pressure from the US government did not get Idris to give up his determination to act against these clans, because Cai Ruichen could not give up.

However, Idris has not been tough with the U.S. Brainless. At least in the current situation, the confrontation with the U.S. Brainless can only cause rifts in the previous relationship with the United States.

Therefore, under Cai Ruichen's instruction Idris proposed that the Iraqi government does not allow any illegal civilian armed forces, but accepts investment from American friends.

Cai Ruichen’s idea is very simple. All Iraqi non-government forces are enemies. There is only one way to avoid government forces’ encirclement and suppression, and that is to lay down all weapons and hand over all weapons that can’t even be a bullet to the government. military.

At the same time, the Iraqi government promises that it will not punish any of these clans, nor will it affect the normal lives of these clans.

In other words, what it was like before and what it was later on, the difference lies in whether they have weapons.

Regarding the relationship between the CIA and these clans, the Iraqi government can also acquiesce in the existence of such a relationship and will not interfere with the relationship between the CIA and the Zhexi clans.

Iraq, which made great concessions, also left the United States speechless. After all, it was just disarming weapons and equipment. Everything else remained as usual. After thinking about it, the CIA quickly agreed.

With no weapons, the CIA can help these clans re-arm at any time, but if the organizational structure is gone, it will be completely gone. (To be continued~^~)

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