The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 840: Annihilate the last resistance

The efforts of the US CIA made Idris make concessions. Many countries that have directly abandoned clan armed forces in Iraq can't help but become alive.

However, no matter which country it was, it wanted to protect the clan armed forces it secretly supported, but Idris rejected it severely, but he was warned by Idris.

The Malin division and Tikrit division, who started to act, did not act suddenly at the beginning, but gave all the clans the last three days to consider.

During these three days, most of the clans controlled by the CIA began to hand in weapons and equipment.

However, there were still several clans armed who rejected the CIA's proposal and chose to fight to the end.

In the last three days, some clan armed forces could not help but give up resistance.

Over the past few months, more than a hundred clans in Iraq have finally chosen to disarm and accept the leadership of the new Iraqi government.

The remaining clan armed forces will have no chance at all. Once the last three days have passed, the door of peace will be closed to them forever.

Cai Ruichen is not a soft-hearted person. His opportunities are for smart people who can see the situation clearly, not for those who are arrogant.

Of course, it is not for the executioners who are full of blood. Even if such people choose to give up resistance, they will not escape the fate of being judged.

For this reason, there are still nearly half of the clan armed forces who have chosen to resist, and there are even several clan armed forces. During this period of time, they took out all the weapon inventory and armed more men in the clan to prepare Contest with the government forces.

Just such behavior. Destined to be a blow to the top, the Red Police Corps is not the original Iraqi government army, nor is it a second- and third-rate army, but a powerful predator regiment.

When Cai Ruichen gave the order to start the operation, the last **** storm was set off in Iraq.

Baghdad in this world. Located on the edge of the Tigris River. A large building with twelve stories is surrounded by tall anti-collision piers and sandbags, and barbed wire fences are installed around it.

The entire building was full of armed men, and the streets on both sides of the building and the Tigris River at the back were all blocked.

One by one, tall, well-armed peacekeepers. Holding a shield nearly one and a half meters high in one hand. Holding the shotgun in one hand, the building was also surrounded.

On the shoulders of the blue combat uniforms of these peacekeepers, they all wore the badge of the Baghdad armed anti-riot forces, heavy explosion-proof helmets, and the position of their faces were also protected by anti-riot protective glass.

Every peacekeeper can barely see any exposed skin on his body, and every one is armed to the teeth. There are also vital protection devices and bulletproof pants all over the body.

The armed personnel in the building, although all wear uniform security uniforms. However, neither in terms of momentum nor materials and equipment can compare with the peacekeeping infantry in front of them.

Behind the shields of these peacekeeping infantrymen are fully armed special forces soldiers, each of whom is an elite from the special forces of the Red Police Corps.

The surrounding commanding heights were all occupied by snipers from the Red Police Corps, and all nearby were evacuated, and only some bold reporters were preparing news materials for tomorrow from a distance.

After all, this was also the first unified action against civilian armed forces since the Iraqi election. Journalists with very good noses also took action.

The operation has not yet started. Almost all journalists feel that they are worthy of their trip, because the weapons and equipment used in the joint operations of the Iraqi police and the army all have people's eye-catching feelings.

These weapons and equipment alone suffice to show that the Iraqi armed forces, whether it is the police or the field troops, have undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, whether these Iraqi police and military personnel have the ability to use these advanced weapons and equipment has become a question of interest to many journalists.

At the same time, they are also thinking, if the Iraqi government does not sing this drama well, will it trigger a new round of civil war in Iraq?

And all this depends on whether the current encirclement and suppression operations against these civilian armed forces can be clean and tidy, and whether they can demonstrate the powerful combat effectiveness of the Iraqi government's armed forces. This is particularly critical.

"The last chance is to lay down the weapons and stop all resistance, otherwise, when we attack, those who can survive will also be arrested for illegal armed resistance..."

Behind the peacekeeping force surrounding the building, a warrior assault vehicle with a big horn sounded the final warning.

However, almost half a minute passed, and the armed men inside who could almost be called desperadoes still didn't make any answer.

The commander in charge of this operation did not give the other party any opportunity and directly issued the order to attack.

All the warrior assault vehicles surrounding the building opened fire first, and the grenade launcher on the roof aimed a large number of tear gas bombs at all the glass windows outside the building.

With the sound of a lot of broken glass, a lot of tear gas smoke filled every floor of this building.

At this time, the armed personnel under the building also madly fired at the peacekeeping infantry holding the shield.

Staring at the dense bullet rain, all the peacekeepers held their shields undaunted, hiding their entire bodies behind the shields and advanced towards the first floor of the building.

At the same time, a large number of snipers also began to move. There was no need for the SEALs behind the peacekeeping infantry to take action. All the armed personnel who fired on the first floor of the building were quickly killed.

Sandbags and barbed wire could not stop the advance of the peacekeeping infantry. When they advanced to the gate of the first floor building, a large number of armed men who could not stand the tear gas in the building, all put down their weapons and rushed out.

Almost one hand, and the peacekeeping infantry and SEALs behind them all surrounded them and controlled all the guys who ran out.

All the weapons and equipment on their bodies were searched out, then handcuffed, and they were handed over to the guards of the late man.

The whole process went smoothly, but there were not many armed personnel in the building, and the battle was quickly over.

But these people should be fortunate that this is Baghdad, so there are not a few people dead, and the other troops that are acting at the same time are all directly crushed by tanks and armored vehicles.

(To be continued~^~)

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