The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 10: More outbreaks, ask for 1 monthly pass and 1 reward

To be honest, after three days of eruption, Gorgeous really felt a little uncomfortable. Originally, the mood of Ching Ming Festival was not very good, and there was no monthly ticket. All of a sudden, the whole person was really weak.

However, today’s holiday, far away in the gorgeous Hubei, and I didn’t have to go back. I just have a holiday today, in short, it is helpless.

Going out to relax at night, it’s rare not to go to work for a day, the whole person feels weird, so today it’s ten change, originally gorgeous I planned to change five, the ten chapters will be coded from morning to now, and five chapters will remain tomorrow Update.

Just think about it and forget it, just update it together, anyway, tomorrow is also a codeword, it is nothing more than one or two hours of sleep...

Let’s just say that the official website of the starting point is currently holding activities, and we are currently ranked twelve. There are not many gorgeous requirements. As long as the top ten is enough, everyone can receive a red envelope of a total of 100,000 starting coins, so I hope everyone Can subscribe to this book, please vote for this book if you have a monthly pass.

A gorgeous poor man, I really can't afford the monthly red envelope and the recommended red envelope. I can only grit my teeth, thinking about updating myself a little bit, in exchange for more support from everyone.

For this reason, Huali has always worked very hard, because we don't have any capital, only this fortune tells the capital, we should fight or fight. Everyone understands it best, but that's how it is not.

In short, I hope everyone can give the monthly ticket to the book, and there is also a recommendation ticket, and there is no other way to be gorgeous.

Ask for a monthly pass!

Ask for a reward!

Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Finally, thank you 180 classmates who gave rewards last week, thank you very much for your support:

Serial number: Nickname: Reward amount (starting currency):

1: Four-star chief corner: 20000 starting point

2: Fanyan ao: 10120 starting currency

3: Overbearing one: 10020 starting currency

4: Worry about water: 10,000 starting currency

5: Dandande sad 1: 9552 starting currency

6: Telling the endless past: 5888 starting currency

7: Wula's silly wife: 2000 starting currency

8: UFO of Half Face: 1938 starting coin

9: Too troublesome not to take: 1888 starting currency

10: l Fenghua: 1576 starting currency

11: Aftermath 123456: 1176 starting currency

12: Bugs, bugs, bugs: 788 starting coins

13: Don't know how to name it: 788 starting point

14: Outer skin: 600 starting currency

15: A Bo: 588 starting currency

16: ﹡ぐThe end of the play&の: 588 starting coins

17: muzyjy: 588 starting currency

18: Why didn't you name it: 588 starting currency

19: Kuofeng: 588 starting currency

20: Pikachu in Zhenxin Town: 588 starting coins

21: God's left leg: 588 starting point

22: Fate Xx: 588 starting currency

23: How come 5555: 420

24: Just want to be a beautiful man quietly: 420

25: Missyour: 400

26: I come from the N galaxy: 300

27: Wen Feng Mo Dong: 300

28: pumping love softly: 230

29: EM Zhenwu: 210

30: Register for gorgeousness: 200

31: Lime 5457: 200

32: Golden doll two: 200

33: The night in the dream: 200


35: Angel = Death: 170

36: My favorite Yaya baby: 130

37: Looking at the End of the World: 120

38: Memory if the city: 120

39: Science Fiction Chaser: 120

40: Opportunities are left to those who are interested: 120

41: The most embarrassing pill of mango: 110

42: Snow of Qianshan twilight snow: 110

43: Nan is called a beast: 110

44: quack my love: 100

45: Kill Mo: 100

46: Brother Sheng Ha: 100

47: Bookworm Small Building: 100

48: Stubborn pig: 100

49: Evernight Aurora 0311: 100

50: Greatness: 100

51: The distant shogunate: 100

52: Daming Xiaomin-Acquaintance: 100

53: Writing in this life: 100

54: The joy of strong desire: 100

55: Halfa: 100

56: Bu Wang: 100

57: Night Silver Knight: 100

58: Little Skull EI: 100

59: Bearish vicissitudes: 100

60: How to transfer memories: 100

61: Autumn charm on the ridge: 100

62: Major customers have: 100

63: Xie Ai Dê Baofeng: 100

64: Gu Ke Gu Chi: 100

65: All kinds of social guys Hi: 100

66: Shen Ling Chi: 100

67: Book crime: 100

68: Product grade molecule No. 001: 100

69: Desolate life: 100

70: Book Friends 150131022644058: 100

71: Strange things in the deserted village: 100

72: I bend the moon, 100

73: Gu Jiu: 100

74: A mouse looking at an elephant: 100

75: low-key Hao brother: 100


77: Bookworms love to read books 000: 100

78: Book Friends 160401071907901: 100

79: Drunk 05741: 100

80: End of the World Retainers: 100

81: Shui Yao said: 100

82: Book Friends 160219201346535: 100

83: Book Friends 160316170149242: 100

84: Book Friends 160329064549926: 100

85: Top top AaMing: 100

86: The book is familiar: 100

87: Haughty Fire: 100

88: fleeting years, white cat: 100

89: Aers July: 100

90: Engineers 521199: 100

91: I am KK also: 100

92: Domineering streaking, AK: 70

93: Fire dera brother: 70

94: Ice Seeking Eternity: 70

95: Spider Crab: 60

96: Drunk every day: 60

97: Red Man's Hall ^ O ^ Small Bad: 50

98: landcat: 50

99: The origin of the wind follows: 50

100: Supreme ~ lo*ic*n: 40

101: scp cold grass: 40

102: Blue Devils and Heart Demon: 40

103: Crystal Φ Crystal: 40

104: Three days of spoofing: 40

105: The name of Brother You was rushed: 40

106: stingy also: 40

107: Darkness: 30

108: Virtual Reality: 30

109: The Son of the Dark Night: 30

110: Mu Mu 101: 30

111: * Rabbit's: 20

112: There are always 30 days in a month to install...: 20

113: Mo Ye Yin: 20

114: Ximen Q falls to the dust: 20

115: worlds: 20

116: Youth without mole: 20

117: Book & Airline: 20

118: I want to be supreme: 20

119: Shangshan Qingli: 20

120: light blue forest: 20

121: Book Friends 160327095345 105: 20

122: Angel VS Death K: 20

123: 20

124: Xu Tianwang: 10

125: Set sail ~ set sail: 10

126: I am the king: 10

127: A Lonely World: 10

128: Book Friends 160330100752757: 10

129: Once in this life is good: 10

130: Twilight Saber: 10

131: You and me in the rain: 10

132: Chu Ge Everyday: 10

133: Book Friends 160401005701911: 10

134: The World Happy ZMZ: 10

135: Xueshan World: 10

136: Extreme Warfare World: 10

137: Zhuozi wants to breathe: 10

138: FBI Water Supply Company: 10

139: Indigo Party: 10

140: admin desert: 10

141: Not just: 10

142: Book Friends 160316001541605: 10

143: Life is wonderful because of me: 10

144: Sorrow of the Gods: 10

145: The blue sky: 10

146: Book Friends 131013135220321: 10

147: Dream Happy Speed: 10

148: Little Meow in the Grass: 10

149: Book Friends 160401090519422: 10

150: Dede Dede, 10

151: Dashang Warrior: 10

152: I am a nail and afraid of a hammer: 10

153: Single N Nobles: 10

154: H5h5: 10

155: Temporary Rangers: 10

156: Brave and invincible Little Derry: 10

157: A soldier that year: 10

158: Star Love Wind Talk: 10

159: Master of Magic 001: 10

160: BuleSun: 10

161: Small three kinds: 10

162: The east wind is raging: 10

163: Tianqian: 10

164: Question d: 10

165: The Trumpet of Chinese God: 10

166: H cold and remaining snow: 10

167: Fallen Winged Angel: 10

168: Book Friends 160402112127215: 10

169: ksxiao1001: 10

170: Non-Summary Jelly: 10

171: Book Friends 160305092948863: 10

172: The author is loli for a hundred years...: 10

173: 肀屮糸幺: 10

174: Cloun: 10

175: I am reading your book: 10

176: Looking for her in fleeting years: 10

177: Jie Ge 189: 10

178: Bookworm pet books: 10

179: Lao Sui 110: 10

180: Book Friends 160306095633240: 10 (to be new website is activated

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