The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 841: Another president who was fooled

When the current Red Police Corps was starting to act, Cai Ruichen returned to the wasteland world alone, because the tragic wasteland Iraqi president had stabilized his current physical condition after emergency treatment.

The president has asked to meet him many times, and Cai Ruichen also has many questions to ask the president.

After temporarily putting aside some of the work at hand, Cai Ruichen came to the intensive care unit of the Shaxi Town Field Hospital the first time he came to the wasteland world.

In the ward, with his hands and feet wrapped in bandages, Abdul Hamid, whose face is finally a little more vigorous, is the last president of the Wasteland Iraq. At this moment, his mood still seems very heavy.

The whole person leaned on the hospital bed, looking at the dim sky outside, without any focus at all in his eyes.

It wasn't until Cai Ruichen walked in that Hamid turned his head, looked at the young man who appeared before him, and asked, "You are Mr. Cai? The highest leader of the future base."

Cai Ruichen nodded, pulled a stool to the side, and sat on the edge of Hamid's bed, and said, "I heard you want to see me?"

Cai Ruichen behaved very plainly. Although the man in front of him was once the highest leader of the country, he is now an ordinary person here, and he is no different from any survivor.

The only difference is that this guy used to be president and he must know a lot of things that interest him.

Cai Ruichen had always wanted to uncover the mysterious veil of the wasteland, but he couldn't find a way.

"Thank you very much for saving me and the tens of thousands of safe bases in Baghdad and the survivors." Hamid said to Cai Ruichen gratefully.

"There is no Baghdad safe base anymore. The entire Iraq now has only one future base carrying hope." Cai Ruichen said calmly.

Hamid sighed when he heard the words and said: "That's how you saved them, otherwise everything will be ruined by the bastard."

"There is no need to talk about people and topics in the past tense too much. Do you want to see me just to say these words of thanks?" Cai Ruichen shook his head and said.

"Then you don't want to ask me?" Hamid didn't say. Instead, he asked.

"I do have some questions that I want to ask you, and I hope you can cooperate." Cai Ruichen did not deny, and there is no need to deny some things.

"I must know everything." Hamid nodded and said.

His life was saved by the person in front of him, not to mention that he had no reliance at all now. He still wants to live. But he is not willing to let it go flat, so he needs a little bit of chips.

Thinking about it, that is, everything he knows as a president, these are a little bargaining chip.

"Do you have no nuclear weapons?" Cai Ruichen asked simply and directly.

Hamid shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "Although Iraq once belonged to the Central African Federation, in fact. The Principality of Iraq has never had nuclear weapons. At the time, the Central African Federation had two strategic nuclear forces stationed in Iraq. However, after the disintegration of the Central African Federation, all strategic nuclear weapons were recalled.

The most powerful weapons left to us by the Central African Federation are some directed energy weapons. At present, these weapons are in my hands. Only I have the key to activate these weapons..."

Hamid really knows everything. Cai Ruichen has a simple question. He also explained why Iraq does not have nuclear weapons.

Because he was the president of Iraq at that time. Know everything and the inside story.

During the period of the Central African Union, most of the countries in the Middle East. All have joined the Central African Federation, but the time of joining is not very long, and everything is provided by the Central African Federation’s subject countries to provide a strategic nuclear umbrella.

Therefore, apart from the main country of the Central African Federation, no other country actually possesses nuclear weapons.

In addition, the subject countries of the Central African Federation have never built fixed nuclear weapons silos in other federal countries. They have only deployed mobile strategic missile vehicles and nuclear missile trains that often run domestically.

As a strategic deterrent to the entire Europe and the United States, however, according to Hamid, the Central African Federation at that time did not need any nuclear weapons at all.

Because before the official outbreak of the World War, the main state of the Central African Federation destroyed almost all major European cities.

The most powerful weapons that are truly left to the federal heritage of all principalities are directed energy weapons, high-power laser weapons and electromagnetic gun weapon systems.

With these weapons, this has made the Central African Federation countries more or less emboldened to fight.

Moreover, joining the Central African Federation has also allowed the industries and infrastructure of the Middle East and African countries to have the national quality and foundation, and to rapidly improve in just a few years.

At that time, it was the fastest growing time for the entire Central African Federation, and it was far from reaching the limit of the entire federation.

At that time, the whole world was prophesying that the Central African Federation would be the first country in the world to officially go out of the earth.

Because when the Central African Federation was at its strongest, it had already begun to establish fixed living bases on the moon and Mars at the same time. The first batch of technicians in all aspects who went to the moon and Mars for long-term life were ready to leave at any time.

The entire immigration work is almost ready to the end ~ the base of the moon and the base of Mars, which contain various items enough for hundreds of people to live for a lifetime, as well as planting houses and breeding houses.

But just as the launch vehicle carrying the first batch of personnel was ready to launch, the Central African Union disintegrated, and the road for human beings to first formal alien immigration was once again stretched away.

Speaking of this, Hamid looked bitter and said: "The Federation is definitely the most powerful country in the world. We are not even afraid of Russia and NATO uniting. As the president of Iraq, I have been joining in. I am deeply proud of being a non-federation. It is the federation that has changed the entire Middle East and Africa. It is a great leader and has given us a real understanding of faith and life."

Like almost every survivor, when Hamid talked about the leader, he also looked admiring.

To guide ordinary people's thoughts and establish their beliefs, this is quite normal in Cai Ruichen's view, but it is the first time that Cai Ruichen has seen a person so crazily as if the president of a country is like an ordinary person.

Thinking of Hamid as a president, Cai Ruichen naturally thought of Idris, who had been fooled by Uncle Yuri. It seemed that Idris was good, but suddenly it was like this. (To be continued~^~)

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