The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 842: The great achievements of the mysterious leader

Seeing Hamid's admiration look, Cai Ruichen deeply felt that Idris and this guy definitely have a lot of common language.

The Iraqi presidents of two different worlds, one worships himself crazily, the other worships the other leader crazily.

But I have to say that a leader can make the president of a country so admired, which shows that the personality of that guy is truly invincible.

However, it is also possible that Hamid, like Idris, was deceived, and even the entire Central African Federation was deceived.

Most people would never think so, but Cai Ruichen knows very well that he can actually do this, but he needs the cooperation of the base super unit's mind controller.

If the mysterious leader in this world really has a base, then many problems will not be a problem.

But every time the base was very confident, he was the only commander in the base, and there was no commander before.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen also intelligently chooses to believe in the base.

Sometimes he gets his brains open, and occasionally thinks that the base he owns may be the second-hand goods used by the mysterious leader, but that guy doesn’t know what’s wrong. In short, the base is in his hands and he has to give That guy scratched the strands.

These are all things that he started thinking about, and sometimes cranky.

However, Cai Ruichen can be quite sure that he has a very strong intuition that the mysterious supreme leader of the Central African Federation is definitely not simply dead or missing.

Moreover, he very much doubted the real identity of the overlord. In just a few words, the five-star temperament and the heavy pressure that the overlord exudes from him is definitely a king who has been in a high position for a long time.

Such a character can't be unknown in this world, he must be a man of great influence, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate his far-superior temperament.

And in the wasteland world, no one actually knows that there is a number one mission like the overlord. Coupled with the mysterious leader, Cai Ruichen could not help linking the two together.

However, without any corroboration, Cai Ruichen is not 100% sure about his Cai Chenrui.

By feeling and guessing. It cannot be the basis for decision-making on major events.

In a simple exchange with Hamid. Cai Ruichen also focused on the leader of the Central African Federation.

"Hamid, talk about your great leader."

"The leader is the greatest person in the history of mankind. He saved the entire Africa and built Africa into the most perfect paradise for mankind. It was also he who freed the entire Middle East world from the turmoil. He made us understand what it means. Live. What is dignity. What is honor..."

When talking about leader Hamid's first words of praise, Cai Ruichen didn't interrupt him. From these words, he could realize how difficult it was in that short span of ten or twenty years.

From Hamid’s words, Cai Ruichen also has a general picture of the Central African Federation in his mind. The Central African Federation, with a population of nearly 3 billion, is the most powerful country in the world. Although it is a federal state, it is a super federation composed of nearly 80 countries.

But these more than 80 countries. All are proud of being a member of the Federation. The glory of the Federation is also the glory of every member of the Federation.

Before the disintegration of the Federation, the Federation had the world’s largest land and population, the world’s strongest military and the strongest economy, and its annual fiscal revenue reached a terrifying US$50 trillion. At that time, the United States’ annual revenue The fiscal revenue is more than 20 trillion U.S. dollars, and China has a little more than the United States.

The annual fiscal revenue of the Central African Federation is the second largest in China, the third in the United States and the fourth in Japan combined a little more.

Before the disintegration of the Central African Federation, the global economy also developed to a level of more than one hundred billion US dollars, which is nearly double the US$60 or 70 trillion at the beginning of the 21st century.

These improvements are the huge effects brought about by the Central African Federation, but the world is so big, all the traditional powers have been surpassed one by one, and the contradictions will naturally become prominent.

With the rise of the Central African Federation, wars have never been avoided, and wars have been burning all over the world.

But for people in the Central African Federation, their lives have not been affected at all.

When Hamid said this, he also seriously emphasized a sentence: "Great leaders have always avoided other states from getting involved in wars. In many cases, they are wars and contests between the main federal state and NATO."

"Do you know this person?" Cai Ruichen took out a photo from his pocket and put it in front of Hamid.

Hamid took a serious look at the guy in the photo, then shook his head, and said, "This looks extraordinary, but unfortunately, I don't have any impression of him."

Cai Ruichen put away the photo of the overlord, and did not continue to ask this question. Instead, he asked Hamid: "Then do you remember what the leader looked like now?"

Hearing Cai Ruichen’s words, Hamid said inexplicably on his face: “I naturally remember that his face has always been lingering in my mind. During my imprisonment, I relied on my faith in the leader. Only persisted."

"Then talk about the leader's personal situation in detail, and tell everything you know about it." Cai Ruichen said.

"The leader is a very simple is also very pure. The place I remember most is the almost immortal face of the leader in the past ten or twenty years. There is no trace of time on his body. Can't see any wind and frost, he seems to have always been young and unchanged.

The leader is also a very attractive man, he is also almost an almighty wizard, as if there is nothing in this world without him. There have been rumors from the outside world that even if the leaders of all countries in the world are brought together, they cannot beat the leader alone.

Of course this is just a joke, but I know that the leader is really powerful, and the charm of a man is unstoppable. The most interesting thing is that beside the leader, there are many beautiful women who are always by his side... "

Hamid spoke very slowly, and he said every point carefully, but Cai Ruichen felt weird that for the leader Hamid was talking about, it felt like he was talking about him.

Because he fits the characteristics that Hamid said, this is definitely not Cai Ruichen's self-confidence, but it is really about the same.

But it was also obvious that Hamid didn't know him at all, and it was impossible to talk about him. In other words, the mysterious leader was almost indistinguishable from him in many characteristics. (To be continued~^~)

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