The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 844: Bold vision

"There is no body, and there is no message left, everything came too suddenly." Hamid shook his head and said.

"Why?" Cai Ruichen said in surprise.

"Because all soldiers who committed suicide detonated all arms and weapons, including all engineers and workers in the arsenal, all detonated powerful explosives, even the Supreme Command."

Hamid said painfully: "The explosion almost destroyed everything, and only the limbs of some people were found. There was no complete body left."

Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and continued to ask: "What is the name of the leader, and what are the names of the Supreme Command of the Central African Federation?"


An hour later, Cai Ruichen left the ward under Hamid's tired eyes.

The heavy footsteps are just like Cai Ruichen's mood at this moment.

At this moment, he once again felt the madness of this world, and in fact, everything in this world was crazier than he thought.

Because of one person, nearly eight million people committed suicide without hesitation. The most powerful army in the history of human development disappeared from the earth overnight.

It's not that Cai Ruichen has never thought that this army and the mysterious leader may just be hidden together.

Because it is really hard for him to believe what kind of army it is that can destroy the entire military industry and all weapons and equipment overnight.

Even the Red Police Corps is not necessarily able to do it. It is not a simple matter to install enough explosives.

Unless it is a mass suicide using a self-detonating truck, is it possible?

Cai Ruichen was in a contradictory mood. He felt that it was definitely not that simple. He didn't believe that the mysterious leader died suddenly like that.

But if the leader is not actually dead, those who committed suicide. Actually, he wasn't dead, but in this world, where could there be so many people hidden.

And it is almost impossible, because it is impossible for those millions of people to disappear without a trace under everyone's eyes, let alone such a huge military organization and weaponry.

Even these can be done. There is no place on earth. Can hide such a huge army.

After all, the earth is so big. Those who commit suicide are not just one person, but millions.

The more I understood, the more questions I got. I finally lifted a veil, and as a result, there was a thicker veil behind.

The whole world. It's still like a fog. Blocking in front of Cai Ruichen, he occasionally saw a little sign, but after a closer look, he couldn't see anything clearly.

What makes Cai Ruichen difficult to accept is that the dignified Iraqi president, like Zhang Changhao, doesn't even know the name of the leader.

Even the generals of the Federal Guard didn't know any of them. They don't even know what they look like.

Originally, Cai Ruichen thought that Hamid knew some place. The result has not changed.

All of this is really abnormal. Cai Ruichen's brain is running at a high speed, and all the messages are collected and analyzed one by one.

A very general outline of the wasteland appeared in Cai Ruichen's mind. The supreme leader of the Central African Federation suddenly died suddenly, and then 8 million people committed suicide. Among them, more than 2 million Federal Guards could not even find their bodies.

All the weapons and equipment of the entire Federal Guard were destroyed, not even a single bullet was left, and there was no sign of existence in this world.

No one remembers the appearance and name of every soldier in the Federal Guard. Ordinary soldiers don't know, and no one even knows the senior generals.

It is even unbelievable that no one knows the name of this supreme leader so far.

As if these people didn't exist at all from the beginning, only a piece of memory remained in the minds of survivors in this world.

Such a ridiculous thing, if placed in a normal age, can only be said to be a story full of loopholes, but here, it is indeed what happened.

The most unreasonable things are facts. This is what Cai Ruichen is most puzzling about.

He even began to wonder whether the Central African Federation had ever existed, and the memory of the Central African Federation was only that the memories of all survivors had been tampered with.

Because compared to everything he actually heard, he felt that there was no such thing as the Central African Federation.

Only reason told Cai Ruichen that the matter was absolutely so simple, and at the same time, his intuition also told him that the most important person in the whole thing was the mysterious federal leader.

He even felt that it was the guy who wiped out all traces of himself and the Federal Guard, and at the same time, he didn't know what method he used to modify all the memories of him and the Federal Guard in the world.

Then this guy was definitely not dead, he didn't know where he was hiding at this time, watching the world change.

Of course, these are just Cai Ruichen's thoughts once again, but this possibility definitely exists.

But there are also many unreasonable places. In this world, what else can force such a powerful Federal Guard to disappear without a trace?

When Cai Ruichen thought of this, his heart suddenly beat, the viruses that permeated the entire world, the existence of mutants, and the ultimate enemy that the base has always these are combined...

Connecting everything together, a very shocking fact gradually appeared in his mind.

Suppose that the leader really owns another red police base vehicle, but encounters an irresistible super enemy, and then he takes the red police base vehicle and all the red police soldiers and disappears, or moves to another world Or place.

As if he also has the ability to travel between two worlds, Cai Ruichen feels that if he encounters a force that is completely uncontestable in one world, he will choose to concentrate all his power in the other world, and then wait until the strength is strong enough. After contending with this powerful enemy, fight back again.

For such a strategic retreat, Cai Ruichen has always been prepared, but he does not know in which world the powerful enemy the base said will appear.

But one thing is certain, even the enemy who is super afraid of the base is absolutely terrifying.

If that mysterious leader has a base vehicle like him and has such an enemy, then some things make sense. (To be continued~^~)

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