The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 845: Commander of another base vehicle

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Regarding his first extremely bold guess, Cai Ruichen was actually more about combining his own situation and deriving his own guess.

Because Cai Ruichen is also hard to believe that there is a second Red Police base vehicle in this unfamiliar universe.

Although the base has always stated that there will always be only one commander for the base, he is also very clear that there is no absolute in the world.

Assuming that the mysterious leader also owns a base vehicle, owns another world, and at the same time has a powerful and terrifying enemy after having a base, then many things can be linked together.

The mysterious leader is the commander of another Red Police base vehicle, and the Federal Guard's more than two million troops are also soldiers in another Red Police base.

If that base is the same as your own, the Red Police soldiers of the other base will naturally not defy their commander’s orders, and if they are capable of teleporting over time, all troops will be teleported to outside this world. another world.

This idea is completely feasible for Cai Ruichen who owns the base.

But as soon as this idea appeared, Cai Ruichen naturally remembered that he was attacked at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

So far, there has been no result in that attack, and I don't even know how the attacker appeared.

But obviously it was an assassination against himself. Cai Ruichen did not believe that this assassination that actually had no loopholes was in New York.

It can only be said that the assassination was that time, it must have used methods and techniques that have not yet been thought of.

In the present world, Cai Ruichen can't think of anyone who has such a method. The United States will not do this, and Israel will not be able to do it, so there is almost no target.

But if it is combined with this matter. If the assumption that the leader of the Central African Federation is the commander of another red police base vehicle is true, then Cai Ruichen has reached a completely opposite conclusion.

If that great leader did not disappear, but was really assassinated by some powerful opponent, then those red police soldiers who followed him. Without finding any murderer. They all committed suicide, destroyed all information related to the Red Police Base Car, and followed the dead leader. It was also normal.

Because Cai Ruichen also knew that if he died suddenly one day, there would be no murderer, and even the base would not know how he died.

Then all the soldiers of the Red Police Corps will follow them. At the same time, the base will also destroy all evidence and information on the existence of all the Red Police Corps. For the base to complete all this, only a moment is enough.

If it were changed to another situation, Cai Ruichen was assassinated, and the base knew the murderer, then the Red Police Corps would retaliate the assassins and the entire organization the craziest, after taking revenge. The Red Police Corps and base will also implement the first possibility.

According to the base, everything the base has is based on the commander. When the commander does not exist, the base vehicle and the Red Police Corps will not be necessary.

Even in this world, the memory of the Red Police Base Vehicle will be erased.

When all these possibilities came to Cai Ruichen's mind, in his opinion, there are also two possibilities regarding the leaders of the Central African Federation and the Federal Guard.

One is dead, all dead.

The other is to transfer, waiting for a strong counterattack.

Regarding these two possibilities, Cai Ruichen is more willing to believe in the first one because it is more reasonable.

Otherwise, Cai Ruichen could not understand that those in the Federal Guard were really suspended for death, but how to hide and disappear, after all, they still have huge weapons and equipment.

However, another possibility cannot be completely ruled out, although in Cai Ruichen's view, such a possibility is far too few.

But regardless of the possibility, Cai Ruichen feels that through this exchange with Hamid, even if there is no evidence, he is sure that the mysterious leader is definitely the possession of another Red Police base vehicle. By.

Otherwise, everything will be inexplicable.

Even the most unlikely thing, but there are still certain possibilities.

Just thinking of this, Cai Ruichen suddenly felt Alexander.

Because it is really hard for him to imagine that there is any enemy in this world that can assassinate or force a force that has a red police base vehicle and has developed thoroughly, so that such a red police commander will die silently or be Forcing him to give up everything here to hide.

From Cai Ruichen's eyes at this moment, it is naturally difficult to imagine the existence of this kind of enemy, but one thing is certain. If this kind of enemy is the same as the powerful enemy that the base said, then for him, I am afraid it can only I thought about the way out in advance.

After all, Cai Ruichen didn't know whether he could be comparable to the mysterious leader after twenty years of development.

With his current understanding, the wasteland world has the leader of another Red Police base vehicle, and already has the ability to sweep the world at that time.

Cai Ruichen actually doesn't have much confidence, and can do better than this mysterious leader in twenty years.

Recalling all the information about this world, Cai Ruichen once again thought of a person, that is the mysterious overlord.

In Cai Ruichen's view, the overlord is almost certain that it is not the mysterious leader. Although Hamid does not have the name of the mysterious leader in his memory, he remembers the appearance of the mysterious leader very clearly.

When Hamid’s physical condition gets better, Cai Ruichen will let people describe the appearance of the mysterious leader according to Hamid’s So, now Cai Ruichen doubts the identity of the overlord, because The personal strength of the overlord is really terrifying.

It is hard for him to think that a human being will be so powerful, after all, this is not a fairy tale world.

Presumably for the power of mutants, Cai Ruichen felt that, in fact, the guy overlord was more like a mutant.

The mystery of the overlord, like why this world became like this, made him wonder.

And that overlord is definitely an insider, and he is definitely not an unknown person in this world.

Even Cai Ruichen had a feeling that the overlord might have some connection with the mysterious leader or the Federal Guard.

At the same time, the overlord may also be a disguise, not a real identity.

There are many ideas, but unfortunately, so far, there is no evidence and answers. Cai Ruichen walked quickly towards the base, and he wanted to have a good talk with the base. (To be continued~^~)

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