The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 846: Base's hindsight

Cai Ruichen, who came to the base, immediately told the base all of his assumptions. Faced with his bold guess, the base was silent for a long time and gave Cai Ruichen an unexpected answer.

"It's possible."

Cai Ruichen originally thought that the base would give any answer to refute his guess, but he did not expect it to be such an answer.

"Base, didn't you say that there is only one base and only one commander?"

"The base has only said that there is only one commander, but has not said that there is only one base, because the base does not know whether there is a second base, so it is impossible to answer this question."

"Well, you won, that means you don't rule out the possibility of a red police base in this world?" Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and asked seriously.

"In fact, the base does not rule out the existence of a third red police base, a fourth red police base or even more base vehicles?"

Before this, everything was just speculation. Cai Ruichen was not sure in his heart, but after getting the answer from the base, there was no answer and there was an answer.

It's just this answer from the base that made Cai Ruichen quite an urge to hit the wall, because there is still no clear answer, and the base is just like him, just guessing.

The answer from the base made Cai Ruichen suddenly messed up, and something like the emotional red police base was still mass-produced.

"If there is another base in this world, do you know?" Cai Ruichen asked, taking a deep breath.

"If there is a second red police base vehicle in the same world, the base will definitely know that so far, the base has not found the existence of a base vehicle in the wasteland world or in the present world. Even if there was another red police base vehicle in the wasteland. The police base vehicle, but one thing for sure is that the base vehicle does not exist now." The base replied very positively.

"Maybe it's hidden! Maybe it's secretly developing in a corner of this world!" Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

"This possibility can be ruled out, because as long as it is on the earth, the base is absolutely detectable."

The base's affirmative answer once again caused Cai Ruichen to fall into contemplation once again.

Combining every sentence of the base, Cai Ruichen can still understand a little bit. The base believes that there may be another Red Police base vehicle. But it is only a probabilistic thing, and it is also a very small probability.

For such a small probability answer, Cai Ruichen could not prove his guess.

And the base firmly stated that whether it is wasteland or the world. There are no other base vehicles, which has almost denied Cai Ruichen's guess.

But after careful thinking. Cai Ruichen also insisted on his guess, otherwise everything he knew about the wasteland so far would be too fucking.

At least in his opinion. All this is too unreasonable, there is no normal and reasonable explanation at all.

Unless there is really evidence to prove that this guess is false. Otherwise he will not change his guess.

"Base, I need more information about that powerful enemy." Cai Ruichen took a deep breath. Said seriously.

"First of all, the base does not have any more information about this enemy so far. This seems to be the result of a set procedure. The base just follows the procedure and does not know what will happen in the future.

Second, even if the base knows. Nor will I tell the commander at this time, because this will not bring any benefit to the development of the commander.

The base believes that as long as the commander does every key step in the future, he will always get through the difficulties. At the same time, he hopes that the commander will not be put under too much pressure. Your performance since taking office has always been the best.

Continue to maintain this state and give full play to the effectiveness of the base. No matter what kind of opponent you face in the future, Commander, you are doing your best. "

Hearing the answer from the base, Cai Ruichen shook his head, and his heart was chaotic for a while. He knew that there would be a super powerful enemy in the future, but in the end he didn't understand anything.

Even Cai Ruichen often suspected that the so-called powerful enemy was just a gimmick created by the base to create pressure on him.

But he didn't dare to bet that such a possibility existed, and regardless of whether such enemies existed, Cai Ruichen would not relax every development and progress of the base.

"Base, can you tell me the level of technological authority? If the highest level of authority is reached, how much hope is there to deal with the ultimate enemy?"

"The base has the highest level of authority. If the commander reaches the level of authority within 20 years from the beginning of possession of the base, there is a 10% chance of defeating the ultimate enemy."

"Twenty years, and now there are about 17 years left. When I reach the intermediate level, I am afraid that there will be 16 years left.

In sixteen years, there are still three levels of authority. That is to say, after I am at the intermediate level, I still have 16 years to reach the highest level of authority? "

"The base naturally hopes that the commander can find as much as possible to upgrade to the ultimate level of authority. If you reach it earlier, you will have one more chance of winning. According to the base's understanding, you want to better deal with the ultimate enemy and have the top level. You who have the authority can barely have the power to fight.

And when you have the highest level of authority, the commander, you also need to have all the super weapons, super units and special units of the base to fully utilize all the combat power of the base.

Remind the commander that the special base vehicle will be the commander’s biggest helper in the future. When the commander collects all the special base vehicles, they will get unexpected benefits. At present, due to insufficient information, we cannot answer . "

The base rarely said so much to Cai Ruichen in one breath, usually Cai Ruichen asked a question and the base answered.

This made Cai Ruichen feel weird and couldn't help asking: "You seem to have changed a lot in the base."

"The base has not changed. The auxiliary commander is the responsibility of the base. Anything that the base knows will not be concealed from the commander. The commander is progressing, and the base is also progressing. Some related intelligence and information are gradually known to the base. "The base explained.

"I believe you, but if you know any new information in the future, you'd better tell me the first time."

The base is still very cheating, Cai Ruichen does not know whether the base can be trusted, because in many cases, the base is often an afterthought.

If it were not for him to speak, the base would never take the initiative to say anything to him.

But the base is irreplaceable, otherwise Cai Ruichen really wants to change his mind for the base. Maybe the panda will be a good choice. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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