The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 849: Rising power Iraq

PS: It’s four changes today, the gorgeous mood is very bad, the state is very bad...


However, if you want to say who has achieved the most in the world this year, it is not Cai Ruichen, but Idris.

The limelight of the Future Technology Group is naturally overshadowed by Iraq, but in terms of achievements, the Future Technology Group, which has been developed for more than three years, last year's achievements are a bit inferior to the achievements of Idris since he became the President of Iraq.

Within one year and three months of assuming the presidency of Iraq, Idris has developed a devastated Iraq after the war into a country with the most complete infrastructure in the Middle East, which completely equals Israel's current infrastructure level.

In 15 months, earth-shaking changes have taken place in all parts of Iraq.

First, it spends a lot of money to carry out comprehensive infrastructure construction in Iraq. It takes a year to build 8,000 kilometers of high-speed railways, build more than 3,000 kilometers of first-class highways, and build tens of thousands of schools of various levels...

At the same time, Iraq is also the safest country in the entire Middle East after Israel.

In the past year, there has not been even one vicious incident in Iraq, nor has there been a large-scale violent conflict, nor has any extremist organization existed in Iraq.

After the Iraqi Defense Forces banned all clan armed forces, the Iraqi government made a heavy strike. In just one month, all private military factories and various weapons workshops in Iraq were destroyed.

In just a few months, all weapons and ammunition scattered among the civilian population in Iraq were completely confiscated, even shotguns and privately-made guns, without any exception.

Iraq has also risen from the bottom third in the global safety factor to the top ten countries in the global safety factor.

Just behind Israel, like Israel, it has become the safest country in the entire Middle East.

And this year, Idris has completely consolidated his position, and the entire Iraq can no longer hear any voice against him.

but. Under the performance phenomenon. In fact, all countries are very clear that Idris is, after all, a puppet supported by Cai Ruichen.

And the development achievements of Iraq in just one year, if it weren't for Cai Ruichen's support, even Idris's talents had increased by a hundredfold. It is absolutely impossible to achieve.

Iraq has become the envy of all countries in the world, but it is more than envy. Many heads of state still feel somewhat lucky.

Although such an Iraq has become strong and prosperous, the country has fallen into the control of an outsider. Not all countries’ capitals can accept such results.

Of course, more people cannot eat grapes and say grape sour.

Future Technology Group's investment in Iraq's construction. It is definitely a big deal. Thousands of billions of dollars are invested in without blinking, otherwise Iraq will not be able to develop like this.

but. What countries really envy is that Future Technology Group provides an interest-free military loan of one trillion dinars to the Iraqi government.

This interest-free military loan worth more than 100 billion U.S. dollars. Let the Iraqi Defense Forces replace shotguns for cannons in just one year. Overnight, it seemed to have become another army.

For more than a year, it was only a short year for the development of the country, but for Iraq’s military strength, it was an earth-shaking year.

All the miscellaneous weapons were sold by the Iraqi government as rubbish, and the ones that could not be sold were destroyed and returned to the furnace.

After the loan was issued, all-standard weapons and equipment began to be replaced in an all-round way, and in such a year, the Iraqi Defense Force, which had only more than 40,000 troops, also increased to more than 80,000.

Two new rapid reaction divisions were added, as well as an air assault brigade and a paratrooper brigade, and the Tikrit division was also upgraded to a heavy equipment division.

The combat effectiveness of the garrison has also been completely formed, and it is also equipped with a large number of standard weapons and equipment. Under the Iraqi defense system, although it is designated as a second-line force, in fact, it is no worse than the regular army of other countries in the Middle East.

Because these 100,000 garrison troops are made up of outstanding soldiers who have been eliminated and refined step by step from hundreds of thousands of troops.

It's just a bit worse than the Red Police Corps, so it was assigned to the garrison.

What makes all the third world countries envy is that in this year's time, the Iraqi Defense Forces has gone from an influential military level to the top 30 countries in the world.

Two thousand Rhino third-generation main battle tanks, more than four thousand infantry fighting vehicles, tens of thousands of assault vehicles, two hundred and twenty third-generation fighters, early warning aircraft and transport aircraft and other various military fixed-wing aircraft add up to two. There are more than 100 helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, but not many people know about them.

In terms of the navy, Iraq has reached the strongest level in Iraq’s history. Two stealth multi-purpose destroyers with a combat system similar to the Aegis, each with a displacement of nearly 7,000 tons, and four sea scorpions.

Here in the Persian Gulf, the strength of the Iraqi navy has surpassed that of Iran and has become a well-known emerging naval country.

From a country with almost no autonomous defense capabilities, in just one year, Iraq, which has the strength of a regional power, has naturally become the envy of the entire Third World.

Moreover, all the third world countries are well aware that Iraq’s current military strength is only temporary.

As long as the future science and technology group continues, Iraq’s military strength will grow stronger day by day.

And now Iraq has the power to change the Middle East pattern ~ This has to be said, it is a very shocking thing.

Iraq's renewed influence in the Middle East is also an extension of the powerful influence of the future technology group in the eyes of those interested.

Future Technology Group is definitely the most alternative existence of all companies in the world, and it is also the only non-pure military industry company that publicly owns a private army.

In the eyes of many people, Cai Ruichen's influence is not limited to economics and technology. You must know that he is a private entrepreneur who can cooperate with the US military in the military field.

However, as the saying goes, the wood show is bound to be destroyed by the forest wind, Cai Ruichen is currently among the top figures in the world, and vaguely already has a certain strength and influence.

The most important thing is that he is definitely not comparable to Bill Gates and his like, and the impact he has brought to the world is definitely not purely economic.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen was also rated as the most unproblematic person in the world. Some people even said that he could offend the United States and would not offend Cai Ruichen.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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