The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 850: Base Training Center

In one year, Iraq ushered in a blowout-like period of development, and the wasteland time was relatively stable.

Because the development of wasteland is limited by food and task pressure, I have never relaxed.

In a year's time, the fifth heavy equipment division of the Red Police Corps was formed. The Red Police Corps, with a wasteland of 100,000, already possesses a strong comprehensive combat capability.

Since this year, the sound of war in the wasteland of Iraq has not stopped, and the war has continued almost every day.

In one year, there were no more complete cities in the entire territory of Iraq, nor the existence of any mutants.

Tens of millions of mutants have become cannon fodder under the self-destructed truck, and Cai Ruichen firmly embarked on a mission-oriented path of destruction.

Thousands of self-destructed trucks destroyed almost everything that could be seen in Iraq.

In the current wasteland of Iraq, there are only a few lonely cities left, and the remaining buildings that once represented human civilization and splendor are all in the past.

When the last city, Basra, was under the explosion of a self-destructed truck, there was a lone port left, and there were no more mutants in the entire territory of Iraq.

The cold winter is approaching Iraq once again, and 15 months after the last cold winter, the cold winter may last for a year.

The cold winter that may last for a year, for Cai Ruichen, that's what happened. Anyway, he plans to let the base of the wasteland world enter the stage of recuperation during the next period of time.

It is not that he is not ambitious, but that the wasteland world is facing a severe food crisis.

One hundred tons of food per day seems to be a lot, but it can barely meet the needs of the Red Police Corps.

The food stocks are gradually being consumed every day, and now the number of survivors in the base has increased to nearly 200,000.

This 200,000 survivor is also the last human being left in the Wasteland Iraq. For the 200,000 survivors, if Cai Ruichen hadn't started mass production of nutrients, he would not have enough food to feed these people.

There is still a normal food supply, but it is strictly limited, and all require work points to redeem these foods that are like luxury goods.

For most of the survivors. Life is still very difficult. But it is very safe.

Fortunately, the survivors who joined the base family later can quickly integrate into the new environment.

In the cold winter that may last for a year, all missions for outings in Wasteland World are cancelled.

When the cold winter officially came, Cai Ruichen only felt very lucky, because the base was when the cold winter arrived. Also began to evaluate the completion of the authority promotion task.

If not, he has been speeding up. To kill mutants at all costs is simply impossible to successfully wipe out all mutants in Iraq before the arrival of the cold winter.

Once the cold winter came, Cai Ruichen could almost helplessly announce that the mission had failed.

If it is said that the temperature maintained by the wasteland in the cold winter is minus 20 or 30 degrees, the troops can barely move. But the minus is at least fifty or sixty degrees, so everyone is smart about staying at home and indoor activities.

At that temperature. It is almost impossible for the Red Police Corps to move outside. Among all units, only the War Bear can move freely outside, but it is impossible to regain Iraq in the cold winter by relying on the War Bear alone.

The reason Cai Ruichen devised a tactic of destroying all with self-explosive trucks was because he was worried about the sudden arrival of winter.

Fortunately, God gave him a year, just enough for him to get the entire Iraq in his bag.

At present, the base is still assessing the degree of completion of the mission to promote the authority. Once completed, the Red Police Corps will open up a new world.

A brand new era is approaching, and with the new era comes more severe tests.

However, in Cai Ruichen's view, as long as the Red Police Corps can continue to make progress, he is not afraid of any future challenges.

Waiting for the evaluation of the base is a very painful thing. Before the evaluation of the base, whether the task is completed or not is entirely the base's say.

If the base's assessment results indicate that the mission is not complete enough, Cai Ruichen can't even cry.

Of course, the assessment of the base is more about confirming. Even if there is a small flaw, it is a small problem. Even if it is difficult, it must be resolved.

After all, the 20-month time limit given by the base, there are still five months, there is still plenty of time.

Of course, it is best not to rework, but who knows what to say about the base.

Now, Cai Ruichen is waiting for the privilege to be promoted, and don't have any moths.

However, Cai Ruichen is not waiting. In order to prevent himself from always thinking about evaluation, he also plunged into the training center on the first floor of the base, using high-intensity training to concentrate his mind and waiting for the base to evaluate. result.

In the past year, Cai Ruichen has never stopped self-exercising, and has at least four hours a day, all in the training center.

The overlord's intrepidity, facing the king's unrelenting crush, allowed Cai Ruichen to temper himself even harder.

In almost every training, Cai Ruichen was memorized by Natasha from the training center, and the next day he entered the training center vigorously, constantly squeezing himself, day after day.

The training center on the first floor of the base is also quite famous, and it is a place specially used for training base commanders.

Cai Ruichen was able to grow to a strength comparable to super influence in just a few years. In addition to the changes in the base potion, a large part of it was also due to the presence of the training center.

In the twilight Outside the training center on the first floor of the base, two guards stood at the gate of the training center, one on the left and the other on the right.

Inside the heavy alloy gate, Cai Ruichen is wearing a short-circuit exercise. At this moment, he is sweating all over, resting on the ground with one hand, and is doing push-ups with difficulty.

No weight can be seen on him, but for him, a very simple one-handed push-up, but he looks very difficult.

Because this training center is an adjustable gravity room, the gravity in the training center at this moment has tripled.

Regardless of whether Cai Ruichen has no weight on his body now, in fact, every time he exercises, he is bearing a weight three times his own weight.

A simple push-up is extremely difficult in such a gravity environment, let alone a one-handed push-up, it is simply deadly.

If Cai Ruichen had not gradually adapted to the triple gravity, let alone one-handed, even two-handed push-ups would not be possible.

(To be continued~^~)

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