The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 853: The most cheating task in history

Cai Ruichen, who was promoted to the intermediate level, should be excited, but after seeing the new task, it was like a basin of ice water dripping from head to toe, and the heart was cold.

Since he came into contact with the base vehicle, this was the first mission that made him feel super cheating, although the previous missions were also relatively difficult.

But no matter how difficult the task is, in Cai Ruichen's view, it is not more difficult than this task.

Israel, known as one of the most difficult countries, is also one of the most united and efficient countries in the world.

Israel, where all the people are soldiers, once a full-scale war breaks out, both men and women can be armed on the battlefield for the first time.

Israel is also the country with the most complete reserve service system of all countries in the world. When this country reaches the most critical moment, Israel, with a population of more than eight million, can arm one million troops within half a month for three months. In that time, three to five million troops can be armed.

When the country is truly destroyed, every Israeli over the age of seven is a weapon of war.

Israel is also a developed country that still has a collective life system. All Israelis work and live together, and all children go to school together.

There is no private life circle, no kitchen for his own family, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all collectively.

This kind of system has been maintained for more than half a century, even if it is in line with the whole world, it has not changed this way of life.

Because every Israeli has a strong sense of danger. From childhood education, all Israeli men and women know that in the Middle East, facing the Arab world, Israelis must unite and defend themselves with the war. Israel was finally established.

Such a country is also the most terrifying. The combat literacy and fighting will of Israeli soldiers is absolutely the world's top.

There are only a handful of nations in the world that can compare with Israeli Jews.

An unprecedentedly united Israel, once there is a threat to the existence of the Israeli state, the entire Israel will explode.

At the same time, he will avenge all the Jews in the world. A large number of Jewish sources in the United States. He will never sit back and watch Israel's destruction.

The United States will have a more than 60% chance of directly participating in the war to help Israel resist any enemy threatening the existence of the Israeli state.

There is also a 100% chance that all military factories in the United States will operate at a high speed, and whether they send troops or not, they will continue to transport a large amount of weapons and equipment to the hands of the Israeli army. Take advantage of this to make a fortune from the war.

For Cai Ruichen. Israel is definitely a gunpowder keg, or a gunpowder keg holding a nuclear bomb.

There is only one reason why Israel must possess nuclear weapons in the first place, that is, Israel wants to defend its last piece of land.

Israel may not use nuclear weapons in the unfavorable situation of war, but once there is a threat to the existence of the Israeli state, Israel will definitely use nuclear weapons to preserve its own country's existence.

The time given for the mission is three years, and the French base vehicle is owned. It is a two-year requirement.

Leaning the center of development towards the world, Cai Ruichen is confident in two years. Have a good fight with Israel.

But within two years, the Israelis will be driven out of Palestine and Israel will be destroyed from then on. Let alone two years, in Cai Ruichen's view, even five years are enough.

You must know that the existence of Israel is originally the common interest of the Western world. Once Israel is removed, the Red Police Corps is almost equivalent to declaring war on the entire Western world.

The United States will never show mercy to Future Technology Group's men. It will immediately switch its guns and give Cai Ruichen a heavy blow immediately.

At the moment when he saw this task, Cai Ruichen thought in his mind that he must start to adjust the next strategic goals.

As soon as such a task appeared, it was almost to kill his rhythm.

Once a full-scale war breaks out with Israel, and the future technology group also shows the goal of fully occupying Israel, the United States will never stand idly by.

The best performance is that the United States still mediates, but the mission fails. The most likely result is that the United States has no military expenditure and strength to directly send troops to help Israel because of its strategic eastward move.

But all the weapons of the United States will help the Israelis to arm millions of troops in the first place.

Even if it is two years later, the size of the Red Police Corps in the world is at most 200,000. Unless it has a special unit replication factory, it can expand its force to about 300,000.

But even the 300,000 Red Police Corps would be submerged in the vast ocean of Israeli soldiers.

With the Red Police Corps alone, this task can almost be said to be a doomed task, because it is impossible to complete.

Cai Ruichen did not believe that the base would give a mission that was bound to fail, and soon he saw the key point at the core of this mission.

It is the common interest of the people in the Middle East to help the Palestinians drive the Israelis out of Palestine and destroy Israel.

Even Saudi Arabia is no exception. Saudi Arabia is also the country that most wants to drive Israelis out of the Middle East. This is especially true for Egypt. Almost all Middle Eastern countries are consistent on this point, no matter how many conflicts they have.

If there is the best opportunity to drive the Israelis out of the Middle East, then all the Middle Easterners will put aside all their grudges and deal the most serious blow to the Israelis.

This is also the only hope for accomplishing this task, but Cai Ruichen also knows more clearly that the possibility of the troubled Middle Eastern countries wanting to unite against Israel is too low.

Under the influence of the United States, countries such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan don't need to count on it at all. As long as they don't help each other, they are lucky.

Egypt, Lebanon, and Iran are more critical. Of course, if Syria is dominated by the Assad regime, there is hope.

However, although this can be said to be the only hope for accomplishing this task, Cai Ruichen is not a person who likes to put hope on other people.

Compared with these Middle Easterners who are also cheating many times, Cai Ruichen is more willing to believe in his own people.

For outsiders, we really cannot have too much hope.

So, in the end, Cai Ruichen still found that wanting to complete the task is simply comparable.

And once this task is started, it will completely destroy many development strategies he has formulated.

But this is the base's task. Even if Cai Ruichen is reluctant to accept it, he is still wise to accept it. (To be continued~^~)

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