The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 854: Cancel extraction

When a basin of cold water came down, it was directly cool, shook his head helplessly, and turned off the task panel. In the face of such a super cheating task, the only thing Cai Ruichen can do is to find a way to complete it.

Otherwise, the more advanced permissions will be lost.

This is the fact that Cai Ruichen is most unwilling to accept, even if he is an enemy of the whole world, he has no reason to give up.

Israel must also be the most important obstacle to the rise of the Red Police Corps. Not to mention that it allows others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch. In fact, he is a salted fish, and Israel is the old cat.

Even if he doesn't do anything, the Israelis will be unable to sit still sooner or later. After all, Israel will not watch the rise of Iraq step by step.

Therefore, there are still plenty of articles to do.

The base requirement is three years, but Cai Ruichen directly gave himself a two-year time limit for the fourth special base vehicle.

The French base vehicle, since the thorough communication with the base a year ago, Cai Ruichen has no reason to give up any possibility to improve the combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps in the future.

Knowing that there is a sea of ​​daggers and flames in front of him, even if there is enough retreat around him, Cai Ruichen will still move towards the sea of ​​daggers and flames.

For him, except for all the way forward, any retreat is no different from the abyss, it is not called retreat at all, it is called waiting for death.

Putting away the entanglement about the task, after taking a deep breath, leaving all the troubles behind, he wants to see how much help the intermediate authority can give him.

At this moment, ten minutes had passed while he was considering the content of the mission, and the base had been upgraded.

Close the task panel. Directly open the instructions for the main panel of the base console.

Upgrade instructions for the intermediate main base:

When the commander's authority is upgraded to intermediate level, the main base will also be upgraded to intermediate level, and the intermediate main base will open all intermediate authority units. And a number of important adjustments will be made, please see the follow-up instructions for specific adjustments.

The primary main base is only the basis for the growth of the commander, and it is used for the commander to build a solid foundation for development.

The mid-level main base is the beginning of all-round development, and only those commanders who reach the mid-level authority can truly have the strength to compete with powerful opponents. The road to dominance has just begun now.


Just looking at the simple instructions, Cai Ruichen began to boil over. What he looked forward to most was not the road to hegemony.

As the base said. Whether it is the lowest level of authority or the primary level of authority, it is the foundation.

Cai Ruichen agrees with this, so he is looking forward to all units after the intermediate level.

Look down slowly. After some brief explanations. Cai Ruichen immediately saw the changes after the base was upgraded, and soon his face showed excitement.

The first upgrade change is the daily transmission quality of the hyperspace teleportation array at the main base.

The lowest level of authority is ten tons per day, the primary level of authority is 100 tons per day, and when it comes to the intermediate level of authority, Cai Ruichen thinks it should be 1,000 tons, but obviously, he underestimated the base.

The hyperspace teleportation array in the intermediate main base. It can transmit five thousand tons of materials every day, the number of personnel to transmit. It also reached a thousand people.

However, this kind of transmission is still limited to the transmission between the present world and the base of the waste landlord.

With the daily amount of 5,000 tons of materials delivered, according to the current financial resources of the Future Technology Group, let alone feeding more than 300,000 people in the wasteland, there is no problem even if it is to feed 2 million people.

The most important thing is that the Red Police Corps can finally carry out a certain scale of teleportation in the two worlds.

In the past, because it was always necessary to transmit enough food, there was no extra room to transmit weapons and equipment.

But it is different now, because the wasteland does not need to transmit 5,000 tons of food and materials every day, and can spare a part of the transmission volume to transmit troops and weaponry.

It only takes twenty days to transfer all the soldiers and weapons and equipment of a reloaded division in the wasteland world to this world.

In the same way, the forces of this world can be transferred to the wasteland world as needed.

At present, the strength of the wasteland world has reached the scale of five heavy equipment divisions. With such a large scale, if there is no major combat mission, it is a waste of all to be placed in the wasteland.

When he saw this amount of transmission, Cai Ruichen also immediately remembered that there was nothing wasteland about the new mission.

In other words, in the next stage, the wasteland does not need to expand at all, and it is enough to hold one-third of one acre of land.

If there is no need to expand, the defensive units currently possessed by the wasteland base are sufficient for the firepower of hundreds of thousands of troops.

In addition to the task of cheating, Cai Ruichen needs to have a larger force in this world, and the force in the wasteland can be used.

When he thought of this, Cai Ruichen felt for the second time that the base was not very pitted sometimes, at least he wouldn't let him go to war hungry.

However, when Cai Ruichen saw the content of the second change, he didn't know whether he should be happy, or should he be happier?

The second upgrade change is that after the intermediate level of authority, the base will cancel the extraction function.

This also directly means that all units newly added by the intermediate authority can be built and produced directly without any extraction.

Cai Ruichen, who was accustomed to the base cheating, suddenly felt a very strange feeling after seeing this change.

It seemed that something was lost all of a sudden, and it was a little difficult to adapt to it for a while.

Without extraction, all super units and special units that meet the authority requirements can also be directly recruited and constructed.

This is definitely gospel But relative, there will be no special extraction in the future, and the super units that randomly appear in all tasks will be other super units in the future.

The description also specifically pointed out that this time the super units that are randomly rewarded for the intermediate level promotion task will exclude the super units with the primary level and intermediate level.

In other words, the super unit that is randomly rewarded will randomly appear from the following three super units under the higher authority.

Cai Ruichen is actually used to the extraction, but he has always been accustomed to the cheating results of extraction.

However, the draw also brought him a lot of opportunities, those superheroes, each one is obtained from the draw.

In the process of development, it has brought him a lot of help. If there is no extraction, Cai Ruichen feels that he might not develop so well.

However, canceling the draw, in Cai Ruichen's view, is definitely the best change in this upgrade.

Why does the base cancel the draw? (To be continued.)

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