The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 858: 2 big super weapons

If the emergence of the superhero Ling Liang is the beginning of the liberation of Cai Ruichen's personal freedom, then the emergence of the other two super units is the guarantee of the strategic deterrence of the Red Police Corps.

The super weapon nuclear bomb silo is not just a silo, but represents that the Red Police Corps will officially enter the era of nuclear strategic weapons.

The Red Police Corps with nuclear weapons and the Red Police Corps without nuclear weapons are completely two concepts.

The Red Police Corps without strategic nuclear deterrence capabilities is completely unable to exert its due combat effectiveness.

Because Cai Ruichen can't talk with the five gangsters at the same level, without strategic nuclear deterrence, and without entering the global nuclear power club, such a country, no matter how powerful it is, has nothing to do with global interests.

The five big gangsters don't really care about such a country, and such a country has a common name, cannon fodder.

The ultimate destiny of a country without strategic nuclear deterrence can only be to become the object of the game and the bargaining chip of the big country. The interests of small countries are the interests of the big countries, and they themselves have no interest at all.

In the process of cooperation with the United States, although the Future Technology Group has always been in a fair position with the United States, it is the role that the United States sees the Future Technology Group can play.

Once this effect disappears, Cai Ruichen believes that in the hands of the United States, he is also an interest and bargaining chip that can be sacrificed.

Even if it is a deal with Russia, the result is the same. In the world, Russia has no allies, only strategic partners.

As the saying goes, friends are used to sell. Brother is used to pierce the knife on both sides.

The difference between a friend and a brother is very clear to the Russians and they want to become a strategic partner that Russia cannot offend at will. It is far from enough to rely on strong conventional combat strength.

The most important thing is that the emergence of nuclear weapons has allowed Cai Ruichen to see more of the feasibility of completing the occupation of Israel.

If Israel uses nuclear weapons at the last juncture, Cai Ruichen will never show mercy. Nuclear deterrence is not for display, but for deterring the enemy.

The best way to frighten the enemy is to let all opponents. I'm all afraid of you, jealous of you. This is the essence of strategic deterrence.

But the emergence of nuclear weapons is for the Red Police Corps. It will also face pressure from all countries in the world.

It may even make the Red Police Corps lose out. After all, the emergence of a new nuclear country is not a good thing for all countries in the world.

I am afraid that then the United States and Europe. It will blow up. After all, if an Arab country with nuclear weapons appears in the Middle East, it is definitely the worst news for NATO.

However, Cai Ruichen is also very clear that in the coming time, the Future Technology Group must be prepared to break with the United States.

At the same time, many plans must be accelerated.

In short, the Red Police Corps with strategic nuclear weapons. It is already in an unbeaten position, unless it is a nuclear war.

The most important thing is. Once nuclear weapons officially appear, the Red Police Corps will truly rise in the world.

And this time, Cai Ruichen felt more surprised when the base opened up nuclear weapons so simply.

In his opinion, it is entirely in the base of the pit commander, at least until the high-level technological authority will open strategic weapons.

But he obviously blamed the base. In this regard, the base is clearly planned.

Now, Cai Ruichen also understands better, why the base has formulated the task of occupying Israel. The powerful Red Police Corps needs a stepping stone to rise, and Israel is the best choice for the entire Middle East.

As for the two super weapons that appeared this time, Cai Ruichen actually values ​​not nuclear weapons but weather controllers.

Among all the super weapons in the base, the super weapons that Cai Ruichen currently wants most are the weather controller and the teleporter.

After the upgrade of the base this time, the weight of the weather control instrument in his heart is already higher than that of the teleporter.

According to Cai Ruichen, Iraq in this world is not as tragic as the wasteland, but it is similar.

The year-round high temperature has made even the Red Police Corps miserable many times. The most dangerous thing is that desertification in Iraq is continuously spreading.

Nowadays, agriculture in Iraq is left with the land under the mountainous area in the north, and the area of ​​animal husbandry and agricultural planting concentrated in that area is rapidly decreasing.

Iraq has changed from a grain exporting country to a country where all grain needs to be imported.

This situation must be changed, but in the face of this natural environment, it is definitely not a simple idea to change.

Iraq must have its own agriculture, not only to achieve self-sufficiency in food, but also to meet the needs of the wasteland world.

Although imported food is not expensive, the people rely on food. If the future is completely blocked, it will be another crisis.

As for Iraq, it has always wanted to restore the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, which coincides with Cai Ruichen's ideas.

In fact, the ratio of Iraq’s population to land area, plus the flat plains, the existence of the two river basins, used to develop agriculture, is completely unique.

However, perennial wars, a large amount of land deserted, no one to manage, high temperature and lack of rain, so that abandoned farmland was annexed by the Gobi, resulting in a large area of ​​agricultural shrinkage in Iraq.

If all the land in Iraq can be used, the food produced every year can fully meet the annual consumption of hundreds of millions of is the simplest need, and there is no food to eat, let alone ideals. And revenge, everyone will succumb to hunger.

When the weather control device appeared, Cai Ruichen relaxed. With the weather control device, not to mention the restoration of agricultural production, even if the large deserts in southwestern Iraq are turned into grasslands, it is not a delusion.

Now, Cai Ruichen seems to have seen a large area of ​​farmland and the scene where the boundless desert becomes a grassland.

A scene where the wind and grass saw cattle and sheep appeared in his mind, and the next change in Iraq would be unstoppable.

Fortunately, this illusion was quickly put aside by Cai Ruichen. It will take some time to prepare for the weather control instrument to work.

The restoration of agricultural production cannot be completed in a short time. Fortunately, the preparation work does not need to be too long. Half a year is enough.

Starting next year, Iraqis will be able to eat food grown on their own land again, instead of relying solely on imports. (To be continued.)

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