The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 859: Cuban base car effect

Looking at all the changes after the upgrade, Cai Ruichen focused on the rewards for the privilege promotion task.

Although Cai Ruichen already owns two special base vehicles, the appearance of the third one still makes him very excited.

"Base, I want mission rewards."

"The first reward is successfully received, and the third special base vehicle. The Cuban base vehicle has already appeared in the arsenal. Please choose the position to deploy and connect to the two space-time positions."

As soon as the voice of the base fell, Cai Ruichen saw the control page of the Cuban base vehicle appeared on the control panel.

On the opening page, the description of the Cuban base vehicle appeared in the first row.

Cuban base vehicle: special base vehicle, you can choose any flat place to deploy the base vehicle, the deployed base vehicle cannot be changed into mobile mode again.

Special base vehicle function: After the Cuban base vehicle is deployed, the recruiting list of the main base vehicle arms will be increased by one, and it can carry out the recruiting work of two different arms at the same time.

Special base vehicle upgrade conditions: the direct combat force reaches 50,000 upgrades, 100,000 upgrades, 200,000 upgrades, 500,000 upgrades, and 1 million upgrades to the ultimate, and the corresponding exclusive unit-hyperspace terrorists appears.

The Iraqi base vehicle adds a construction unit list, and the Libya base vehicle adds a defense unit construction list.

However, in Cai Ruichen's view, the most exciting thing is the Cuban base vehicle. The new recruiting list of units of arms is definitely timely rain.

Cai Ruichen has always been worrying about the structure of the Red Police Corps. More than two hundred regular soldiers can be recruited every day, which seems to be a lot, but all other arms also need to be recruited. Improve the entire Red Police Corps system.

The recruitment time of other arms is all different. The recruitment time of the Navy SEALs is at most one hundred each day.

Therefore, after four years, the Red Police Corps currently has a direct combat force of less than 200,000.

Including all the other soldiers and units conscripted, the total is actually less than 250,000.

If they all choose to recruit ordinary soldiers, it will take four years. Enough to develop the Red Police Corps to a scale of 320,000.

Previously, due to the combat needs of the wasteland, most of the conscription time was spent. All are used to take on the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the wasteland world.

This has left many positions requiring personnel in a state of dissatisfaction.

The Iraqi government needs more red police officers to serve as government officials at all levels, and a large number of schools need educators to teach all Iraqi youths to solve their problems.

The Iraqi police force needs peacekeeping infantry, and the Iraqi Intelligence Service also needs spies. Industries in Iraq also need engineers. The Iraqi security forces also need special forces to join.

Adding up these most basic positions, the talent gap is at least more than 100,000, and these gaps still exist, and with the spread of the situation in Iraq, such gaps have not narrowed, and the scope has become even greater.

According to big data statistics, all job gaps in Iraq currently add up. There are at least 150,000 and nearly 10,000 key positions. Lack of professional upper ranks.

Cai Ruichen has always been worrying about this issue. Ten thousand key positions need to be resolved as soon as possible. The layout of global intelligence agencies and external counterparts also requires personnel.

Compared with ordinary positions, these key positions need to be resolved as soon as possible.

Originally, Cai Ruichen planned to give priority to filling the gaps in these positions after his authority was promoted. However, the tasks that emerged made him only choose to continue to strengthen the scale of combat forces.

The emergence of the Cuban base vehicle, a trouble that may take a long time to solve, was solved in this way.

Now he can use it to recruit regular soldiers of the Red Police Force while recruiting other arms and improve the structure of the entire national government.

It’s not clear whether the Cuban base vehicle’s ultimate military super-temporal terrorist is powerful or not Cai Ruichen, but the ability to add a call-up list to the Cuban base vehicle is no less than a super weapon.

Now, Cai Ruichen somewhat understands what the base said when communicating with the base a year ago. The benefits of a special base vehicle are really huge.

Even in some aspects, the role of these special base vehicles is enough to exceed the role of super weapons.

Calculated at the current rate, nearly two hundred and eighty-eight regular soldiers can be recruited every day, and that year will be an army of one hundred thousand.

But now this number does not need to be shared among other arms at all. It is enough to recruit soldiers every day.

Moreover, according to Cai Ruichen's habit of developing the Red Police Corps, many special arms can also be carried out on another conscription list.

Excited, Cai Ruichen quickly averaged the recruitment time of all other arms. Spies, educators, engineers, SEALs, snipers, etc. were all counted. Combining the proportional structure of the recruitment, Cai Ruichen soon Get the average number of recruits per day.

Although this number is not as large as the number of ordinary soldiers conscripted, it can also reach an average of 200 per day.

In one year, the number of recruits is more than 70,000. If the regular army is added, the annual number of red police personnel will reach 180,000.

In the four years of development, the total number of red police personnel is more than 200,000, and now it can reach 180,000 every year, of which the number of soldiers who strengthen the Red Police Corps alone has reached 110,000. This made Cai Ruichen's heart suddenly hot.

Less than ten minutes later, Cai Ruichen once again increased the success rate of completing the occupation of Israel a little bit.

In the best plan time, in one and a half years, he will have 250,000 Red Police Corps soldiers available in this world. If the garrison is added, nearly 400,000 troops will be able to participate in the war with Israel.

But thinking of the 400,000 troops structure, Cai Ruichen's excitement quickly subsided.

Because it is clear that there are so many soldiers, but the production of weapons and equipment cannot keep up with the rhythm.

Originally, soldiers enlisted were always a carrot and a pit, but now there are many more carrots, and there are still so many pits, and the structure is not complete.

However, as long as there is adjustment, there is no problem. It is nothing more than reducing the resulting scale of the mechanized force.

But there is another problem that we have to pay attention to, and that is to recruit so many soldiers every day, and the daily capital expenditure will increase to an extremely high amount. (To be continued.)

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