The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 860: High efficiency and high consumption

The cost of recruiting soldiers is compared to the cost of training a qualified soldier, and the value of base funds and the value of currency in the world are compared, as if they were given away for nothing.

This has always been the reason why the base has developed so rapidly, because the absolute value of the base funds reflects the unique advantages of Future Technology Group.

The recruitment cost of a regular army is 300 funds, compared to a three-ton concentrate of iron ore, which is only more than one hundred dollars when converted into US dollars.

If you get a qualified soldier for more than one hundred dollars, if all countries are like this, and nothing else, you can arm tens of millions of troops casually without any pressure.

But it has to be said that when the recruiting scale of soldiers reaches a certain level every day, it is also a huge expense.

Especially for now, when the production costs of many weapons and equipment are all very high, the daily income of 10 million yuan is really nothing.

Especially the naval units, once they are fully developed, not to mention the income of 10 million yuan, even the income of 100 million yuan is far from enough.

Now, every day's capital income is also a planned expenditure, and every day is to ensure that a part of the funds can be left.

And recruiting soldiers is not all very cheap, especially those higher-level arms units, which often have a capital of 5,000 and tens of thousands.

Although for the role of these high-level arms, five thousand funds and ten thousand funds can also be said to be super cheap, which is completely the price of cabbage, but when these high-level arms need to be recruited every day. The cost is up all at once.

According to the previous average calculation, one hundred high-level arms are enlisted every day, and the average cost is as high as 700,000. In addition to the recruitment of common arms, the cost of recruiting arms every day needs to be increased from the original more than 30 funds to one million.

The cost and proportion of recruiting have been tripled, and the cost of arming these soldiers will also be tripled. Every day from the original capital investment of almost one million, it is directly necessary to increase the capital by at least three million.

If you count the training costs and there are other series of capital investment, it is just these costs every day. At least 3.5 million yuan is required.

This expenditure is a direct increase of 2.5 million yuan compared to before, that is to say. With current fund income. If a full-scale and high-speed recruitment work is really started, there will be a funding gap of more than one million yuan.

And this is only calculated from the unilateral gap of soldiers. If the Shanghai Air Force equipment is satisfied, the gap will be even greater.

Thinking of this, Cai Ruichen asked Panda to calculate the entire funding chain for the first time, combining the highest-speed production of all equipment of the air force and army on the base, plus the increase in the cost of recruiting soldiers.

In an instant, Panda will display the results. In the absence of large-scale warship construction, the development of the force structure has increased to 110,000 per year. In order to meet all the armed needs of these soldiers, the base needs to spend a minimum of 15 million yuan every day.

If the Navy develops in an all-round way in the future and establishes a large-scale surface fleet of the Red Police Navy, it will require at least 20 million yuan in capital expenditure per day.

At present, the daily capital income of the base is still maintained at less than two million per day. The remaining capital income is all dependent on the import of global ore.

In the present world, Cai Ruichen has built more than two hundred ore refineries to ensure future funding needs.

Many of these ore refineries are listed as garbage and industrial waste processing centers. Every day in Iraq, all garbage and industrial waste will be concentrated in these ore refineries for processing.

Disposing of garbage can bring tens of thousands of capital income to the base every day, and it can also evolve the environment, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

However, there are a hundred ore refineries, which have been operating at low speeds. The daily work of these ore refineries is to decompose the recovered ore into refined raw materials, and then export them to increase income.

At present, Cai Ruichen has signed import agreements with many mineral companies around the world, and a large amount of ore continues to enter Iraq every day.

In the more than one year since the beginning of importing ore, there are already 20 million tons of ore in the warehouse.

And outside the radius of the base, the minerals in many parts of Iraq are also being slowly developed, and many ores are all stored on-site.

All this is Cai Ruichen's preparation for the future to prevent the source of overseas ore from being cut off.

At present, Mirae Technology Group has imported nearly 50 million tons of ore each year, which is almost equal to the value of 5 billion yuan in funds each year.

Originally, Cai Ruichen felt that this amount of imports was almost enough. After all, there will still be a long period of time for mineral imports in the future.

But now, Cai Ruichen feels that such a quantity is far from enough. Combined with the task of occupying Israel, he now feels strongly that in the next period of time that peace can be maintained, a surge in minerals must be imported.

At the same time, the export of all raw materials should be stopped, all ore refineries should be put into operation, and the first to ensure that there is a daily income of 20 million yuan.

On the other hand, we must also begin to lay out all the minerals in Iraq, especially the minerals in the wasteland world. Anything that can be developed must be developed immediately.

In the next few years the Red Police Corps will face very severe external threats, and there is no need to continue to maintain the so-called reasonable development.

"The base, call out the wasteland and all the mineral resources in the world." Cai Ruichen did not immediately go to receive the super weapon, but instructed the base.

The base moved quickly, and all the minerals in Iraq in the two worlds appeared on the main map.

Two worlds, both are Iraq, but the mineral resources in Iraq in the two worlds are all different.

It can also be seen from this that there are fundamental differences between the two worlds.

There is no need for Cai Ruichen to calculate one by one. On the main map, the total reserves of all minerals are directly displayed, how long it will take to enter the full mining level, how much capital income can be obtained each day, and how long the mining can continue.

When Cai Ruichen saw the statistics displayed on the main map, he was somewhat relieved. For the next few years, the two worlds of Iraq's minerals combined will barely be enough to use. What's more, he has many other plans for plundering funds to be implemented. (To be continued.)

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