The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 862: Mind controller

"Base, I want to receive the reward of the super unit."

Cai Ruichen said to the base expectantly.

Rewarding a super unit directly, Cai Ruichen prefers this kind of simple reward compared to the slightly unreliable extraction.

It is absolutely necessary to play any heartbeat, no matter what super unit is awarded, it is the most direct gain.

"Confirm to receive task rewards, all super units will appear, please commander to choose a reward randomly."

As soon as the base's voice fell, Cai Ruichen discovered that the extraction platform that he thought would disappear directly, appeared again.

Only this time, the units that appeared in front of him were all bling, and there were several units shining colorfully.

The golden icons are all super units, including all superheroes and super weapon units.

The seven-color light units are special units, and the level of these special units is no less than super units.

Superheroes: Lie Yan, Cheng Shitao, Black Lotus...

Special units: industrial workshops, ore refiners, replication factories, recycling stations...

Super Weapon Unit: Iron Curtain, Hyperspace Teleportation, Mind Controller, Gene Mutant, Super Fortress, General Executioner, Floating Island Fortress, Proton Impact Cannon, Vacuum Implosion Bomb, Ultra Energy Wave Destruction, Space-based Kinetic Energy Weapon System, Skyrim Laser weapon system.

Cai Ruichen took a closer look at all the super units in front of him and found that there were not many superheroes left.

Tanya, Natasha, Yuriko, Super Yuri, Boris, these five superheroes. He already had it, and Ling Liang also appeared in the middle level authority.

So in this random selection, there are no superheroes who have been recruited.

And in the super weapon unit. There are nuclear bomb silos and weather control instruments under the intermediate authority, so these two super weapons are not seen here.

Each of these units in front of him is enough to accelerate Cai Ruichen's adrenaline secretion. If he can, he hopes to have these super weapons now.

But unfortunately, what kind of super weapon can be obtained depends on luck.

The base gave him enough time to check these super units. But time is also limited, just when Cai Ruichen looked at these extremely powerful units, his head was full of YY. All super unit icons are all wrapped in magic boxes.

It's exactly the same as drawing. Looking at these super units that have changed positions, Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and said, "Choose the fourth one."

Cai Ruichen thinks that his lucky number is four, and he hopes to be able to do so. Can bring him luck again.

but. At the moment when he made his choice, Cai Ruichen also understood that, in fact, these super units, no matter which unit appeared, were the most lucky for him.

The fourth magic box opened slowly, and the icon with golden light slowly emerged.

The golden icon gradually enlarged before his eyes, and the background in the icon was a huge square. In the center of the square is a huge statue.

Quite a bit like the Statue of Liberty. It doesn’t look smaller than the Statue of Liberty.

However, when Cai Ruichen saw the appearance of the statue emerging, he suddenly felt a mess.

The appearance of the statue on the icon is exactly the same as him, and the details of the statue's face are very vivid, giving people a feeling of being alive.

The most vivid place is the appearance of this statue. There is no difference between Cai Ruichen and Cai Ruichen. It is more similar than those wax figures.

Even if the statue looks like a bronze statue, it is different from the normal skin color, but it is the same vivid.

What makes Cai Ruichen feel more shocked is that he just glanced at the face on the icon that was exactly the same as himself, and suddenly there was a feeling that the sculpture in the icon seemed to come alive, as if he was looking at another himself.

What made Cai Ruichen messy was that the first super weapon unit he owned was actually his own statue.

However, he was 10,000 points satisfied with the result of this extraction. This super weapon unit can immediately take effect.

Mind Controller: The construction price is one billion base funds, the construction time is half a year, and it covers an area of ​​ten square meters.

Explanation: The auxiliary super weapon unit does not exist to serve the war completely. Its greatest function is to stabilize the nation's people, gather hundreds of millions of people around the commander, and unite the nation thoroughly. Although this change still takes a long time, as long as it is under the influence of the mind controller for a long time, the mind will eventually be controlled by faith.

Mind control is only applicable to civilians and acts in the commander’s ruled area. The mind controller does not have any attack power. It only has the thought of invisibly affecting the civilians in the ruled area. It induces all the civilians in the ruled area and erects the commander like a **** The general image is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

The moment it is built, this potential influence will begin immediately, changing the minds of all people in a subtle way, and can increase the positive influence of the commander thousands of times in the hearts of the people.

It only takes one year, and a commander with a mind controller will be able to own a country like iron barrels, and you will be the most sacred belief in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.

Scope of influence description: Act on any place under the commander’s rule, including all civilians in the newly occupied and occupied areas as well as nominally and actually ruled note: The mind controller is not absolute, it The existence of the people is to accelerate the people's love for the country and the worship of the commander, but if the commander does things that make everyone extremely disappointed again and again, it will inevitably lower people's hearts and affect their own status in the hearts of the people. Therefore, the commander should not be arrogant and lustful because of having this unit. Of course, you can't stand above the temple and do nothing. Inaction is the greatest sin.

Note: All super units awarded do not require any cost and will not occupy the construction list. When the reward appears, you can choose to build.


The mind controller is the super weapon in Yuri's revenge, but it is obvious that the so-called mind controller of the base does not have the function of controlling people.

At the same time, it does not have the ability to destroy. Of course, reality is not a game after all. If the mind controller can control other people casually, what the Red Police Corps needs to do. The mind controller can instantly make Cai Ruichen the highest leader in this world.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen did not feel surprised at all. However, he was quite satisfied with the ability of the mind controller. (To be continued.)

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