The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 863: Powerful mind control effect

The mind controller can definitely be regarded as the super artifact among all the super weapons of the base. At least in Cai Ruichen's view, the mind controller is comparable to a million masters.

The Middle East is a very exclusive place. If an outsider wants to gain a foothold here, he must get the support of the locals.

Cai Ruichen's ability to gain a foothold in Iraq so far is completely inseparable from the support of Elder Mohammed, one of the four major elders in Iraq.

Otherwise, most Iraqis would not buy his account at the beginning, let alone support it.

When he was in Marin Town, he even had difficulty developing.

Don’t think that you can stabilize in a place like this with a certain amount of military strength. Iraq is not an idealized place. People here have their own beliefs. Under the long-term wars, Iraqis have always been vigilant towards the outside world. There is no unprovoked hostility, it is already very good.

Cai Ruichen was able to get Mohammed's support at the beginning of his development, which helped him too much.

If it were not for the elders to speak, the general hospital in Marin Town would not be built, and the people in Marin Town would not come to help him work, nor would he accept him as an outsider.

Even more would not choose an outsider like him after the conflict broke out with the armed forces in Marin Town.

However, Mohammed’s support is not without a price. Idris has developed very smoothly under his command. In just over two years, he has become Iraqi from an unknown person. Of the president.

It's just that Mohammed didn't know. How far is Idris's attitude towards Cai Ruichen?

For Cai Ruichen's long-term help to the Iraqis, Mohammed was extremely pleased and satisfied.

Elder Mohammed is a very pure person, and he saw this in the first place. Will choose to help Cai Ruichen, choose the cooperation between the two parties.

However, for Cai Ruichen, who now almost controls Iraq, Mohammed's help is also very limited.

He is now looking at the whole of Iraq, not the one-third acre of land near the town of Marin, and Iraq is also in the initial stage of development.

Mohammed has influence in Iraq, but in other countries. It is much weaker.

Most Middle Easterners know at best that there is an elder Mohammed in Iraq. Is one of the thirteen elders in Arabia.

The outside world only has respect for Muhammad, and Muhammad's influence cannot change Arabs in other countries. Let them accept Cai Ruichen from the bottom of their hearts.

This is also true in Iraq. Cai Ruichen can feel that Iraq's attitude towards him is actually more of a need.

Although Iraq respects him more, it is because they need Cai Ruichen to bring them a better life and wealth, not to respect Cai Ruichen from the bottom of their hearts.

If one day the Iraqis feel that Cai Ruichen cannot continue to bring them more benefits, then this respect will slowly fade away.

If anyone tells the truth or slanders maliciously. To create a malicious impression on Cai Ruichen in the hearts of Iraqis is very easy to achieve malicious goals.

Although Cai Ruichen has fully controlled the Iraqi government. He also controls the Iraqi army, but in terms of grassroots public opinion, he has almost no better way to change the current status quo.

He has always hoped that the Iraqis can accept his existence from the bottom of their hearts, but for an outsider, it is too difficult to do this.

If there are no shortcuts, it will take a long time to accumulate before more Iraqis can accept his existence from the heart.

In addition, we must continue to promote and build momentum, and it is best to make every Iraq feel his goodwill at all times.

But even if it is so, give him enough time, but the Iraqis are still Iraqis after all, and they are more willing to trust their compatriots than a Chinese.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen has always been waiting for the super weapon of Mind Controller.

If the conventional method is not enough, then use unconventional methods. As long as the country of Iraq can be turned into a force that unites with him, it is a criminal method, and Cai Ruichen will not hesitate.

Because he never planned to carry out so-called plunder on Iraqis, nor did he think of harming Iraqis, let alone harm the fundamental rights and interests of Iraqis.

He just needs an efficient and united country to serve as the backing and development cornerstone of the Red Police Corps.

This kind of relationship is not a vampire-like unilateral looting, and in order for this rear area to provide better protection for the Red Police Corps, he has to find a way to make the rear area more comfortable.

The first one is to have an industrial foundation and all the basic living facilities, and the people also need to accumulate a certain amount of wealth in order to make the entire war economy run.

Compared with what Cai Ruichen wanted from the Iraqis, he actually paid more for the economy.

If Iraqis can escape the war and maintain a peaceful living environment, then Cai Ruichen is sometimes a little too much, not too much.

Therefore, when Cai Ruichen saw the detailed description of the mind controller, the whole person suddenly relaxed.

The mind controller is definitely more useful than the simple instructions. People affected by the mind controller will unknowingly respect the base commander as a if the base commander is It is equivalent to an oracle, no one will violate it no matter how ridiculous it is.

In Cai Ruichen's view, such a super weapon is too cruel. If applied properly, it can even obliterate the heritage and nature of a nation.

However, he will not do this, and his thoughts on Iraqis will not change because of the powerful function of the mind controller.

A man has something to do or not. Some goals can be achieved by any means, but once some goals are reached, there is no need to further harm the world for unwanted ambitions.

Of course, if all Iraqis are willing to bundle explosives and die with the enemy because of the failure of the war, Cai Ruichen will not refuse.

At that time, it can be said that the country of Iraq will once again be caught in the boundless war. Instead of tragedy in the war, it is better to release this force.

However, another function of the mind controller is Cai Ruichen's most valued ability.

(To be continued.)

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