The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 864: Blowout development is coming

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For Cai Ruichen, the real role of the mind controller is when the Red Police Corps expands its territory in the future.

After seeing the great achievements of the mysterious leader in the Wasteland, Cai Ruichen had a desire to fight him.

The way of the duel is very simple. He has to achieve greater results than that leader in the same time.

In the early days, Cai Ruichen, who had a base, was very confident to surpass that leader.

But since predicting that the mysterious leader is also a guy with a base, he suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

To be honest, the achievements of that mysterious leader can hardly be copied, or it is transcendence or obliteration.

Establishing a strong Central African Federation gives Cai Ruichen more than ten years. It is definitely not a dream to complete it.

But that mysterious leader was actually supported by two to three billion people in the Central African Federation. This has always brought a lot of pressure to Cai Ruichen.

After all, it is not difficult to occupy and control a certain country in the Middle East and Africa.

However, it is not a simple matter to gain the respect of everyone from the bottom of their hearts. In Cai Ruichen's view, it is completely a fantasy.

However, now his thinking has undergone the most basic change, and at the same time he is even more convinced that the mysterious leader of the Wasteland must be the commander of another base.

Because only the base mind controller has such a function. It can combine thousands of different tribes, hundreds of people of different beliefs and habits, and people of two different colors. All are integrated in the same country, and there has never been a conflict.

At the moment when he saw the mind controller, Cai Ruichen also saw his hope of surpassing that guy.

As an careerist, Cai Ruichen has never denied his ambitions. The interests of the world have already been divided up.

Now he can only gather all the small interests that are outside the core interests as much as possible, and integrate all the countries that can be integrated. Then challenge the existing world structure.

After owning Iraq, Cai Ruichen's eyes. Having exceeded Iraq’s national boundaries, what he wants now is the entire Middle East.

Next he needs the whole of Africa, and finally he will occupy the whole world.

Such a crazy idea. Only crazy people have it. But Cai Ruichen is sober and understands his own weight, so he set a goal like a madman.

Moreover, if he wants to defeat Israel, he still needs the support of more people in the Middle East. If he relies entirely on Iraq, he can only push Iraq to the forefront of the storm and eventually become the target of the Western world.

In fact, it was as early as the first vigorous national movement in the Middle East. The Federal States of the Middle East were almost formed

At that time, with Egypt as the center, a unified Arab country was established. It became the core value of the entire Middle East world at that time.

Although in the end, this idea was destroyed by Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Israel, so far, many people in the Middle East still hold this idea.

It's just that there is still a lack of a leader who can lead all countries in the current Middle Eastern countries, or the existence of a powerful Middle Eastern core country that can crush other Middle Eastern countries.

Egypt had such a nature at the beginning, but the subversion of the major royal families in the Middle East made Saudi Arabia unable to sit still.

Because if the Middle East Federation was established at that time, it would bring huge disasters to Saudi Arabia.

During that period of time, the Saudi military has repeatedly had armed mutinies. Although the Saudi royal family was not overthrown in the end, it also scared the Saudi royal family.

In the end, the Americans stabilized Saudi Arabia and included Saudi Arabia in the scope of protection. Otherwise, there would be no royal family in Saudi Arabia, just like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, etc., all become a thing of the past.

The same is true now. If you want to establish a country with a unified federal system in the Middle East, a unified economy, a unified currency, and a unified political power, you must pass the Saudi barrier.

However, Cai Ruichen did not think about overthrowing the Saudi royal family, because once the Saudi royal family is to be overthrown, the United States will definitely protect the Saudi royal family for the sake of global dollar status.

Moving the Saudi royal family is equivalent to moving the United States, and only the Saudi royal family in the world dare to point at the Americans’ nose and scold the Yankees.

However, Saudi Arabia has always been blocked by the development of the Red Police Corps. If the Saudi royal family does not make the right choice, Cai Ruichen will definitely not be polite to the Saudi royal family.

Originally in his development strategy, Israel and Saudi Arabia were two countries that had to be dealt with.

This is not only because these two countries are neighbors of Iraq. The main reason is the difference in politics and philosophy. If he wants to rule the entire Middle East, he must push Israel and Saudi Arabia in front of him.

Obviously, the base also understands this and regards Israel as a task he must complete.

However, Cai Ruichen has never thought about eating fat in one go, and some plans are too urgent.

Some plans can completely bypass the two obstacles of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The appearance of the Mind Controller will reduce his time and trouble. He needs to have more Arabs outside of Iraq and become his most loyal supporters.

The chaotic Middle East world has brought death and injury to the people of the Middle East, but it also brought many excellent opportunities to Cai Ruichen.

Too many Middle Eastern countries need to change, and he now wants to make this change appear in advance.

After leaving the console, Cai Ruichen immediately summoned Xu Jie over. Xu Jie was in control of many plans, and he needed to re-adjust the progress of some plans.

When Cai Ruichen left the base, the mind controller was under construction. Soon, this statue will appear in the central square of Marin Town.

At that time, the whole world would not have thought that this statue looks more like Cai Ruichen deliberately promoting his great achievements, but it is actually a super weapon.

It's just that no matter how big your brain is, you won't think of this aspect. At best, it's a compliment. The statue is so realistic, and then there is no more.

No imaginer will associate an ordinary statue with a weapon.

And Iraqis will not feel anything strange, at most when they think of Cai Ruichen, they can't help but become excited and admired.

From now on, the Red Police Corps will also usher in a blowout rhythm of development. Intermediate authority and powerful enhancement effects will soon be demonstrated. (To be continued.)

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