The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 868: 2 rockets lift off at the same time

In the control center, Cai Ruichen did not make any comments in the accident world. He knew better than anyone the problems that need to be customer service to establish a space station.

This is the reason why the future aerospace companies have not passed this information before this.

Almost the same as the launch of the launch vehicle, almost everyone is not optimistic about the Future Technology Group that suddenly announced that it will build a space station.

After all, before this, the Future Technology Group had not conducted any experiments in this area.

Regardless of whether it is the Mir space station or China’s Tiangong space station, before the formal establishment, many technical tests have been carried out before they are actually launched.

The development of science and technology is originally a very rigorous course. Although the Future Technology Group has always been breaking the rules, the space station is not more complicated than other technologies. It involves many technical difficulties.

Even if the technologies are all mature, it is still necessary to carry out relevant experiments and accumulate practical application experience in order to transform the technologies into practical applications. There are almost no cases of rapid development of science and technology.

Even the people who are most optimistic about the future technology group, this time, there is almost no reason to be optimistic.

As the core of the whole incident, Cai Ruichen, who personally revealed the news, naturally became the center of public opinion.

However, as the center of public opinion, Cai Ruichen in the control center has an indifferent appearance and is quite confident.

In fact, it is impossible for the outside world to know that before the official launch of the space station components, there have been many simulations in virtual reality, and many problems have been gradually overcome in the simulation.

Cai Ruichen is not a casual person. In his opinion, things that are uncertain, it is best not to do it, since it is done. Then it must be successful.

This launch gave him the feeling that it was more like one of thousands of virtual simulations. All the links and steps were exactly the same.

now. Standing next to him is Chen Gaoyuan, general manager of the Future Aerospace Company (a guest guest of a book friend). The two looked about the same age.

When Chen Gaoyuan was on the outside world, he immediately scared many people. The heads of the subsidiaries of the Future Technology Group were all very young, but he did not expect that such an important company in the future aerospace company would actually be a young man with a small mouth. People headed.

And for the success of the launch and recovery of the launch vehicle. Chen Gaoyuan's name. Also began to become a household name.

Outsiders all naturally designated Chen Gaoyuan as one of the heroes of the future aerospace company. In fact, what the outside world does not know is that Chen Gaoyuan does have his talents, but whether the launch vehicle test is successful or not, he is only a role model. The role of scheduling is the work of thousands of engineers in the future aerospace company.

This time, the establishment of the Future Space Station is a major event for the Future Technology Group. The impact is far, and he naturally cannot be absent.

When Cai Ruichen arrived at the lobby of the control center. He was there long ago to greet Cai Ruichen.

In the entire control center, if you want to say that the most nervous person is Chen Gaoyuan. As the top director of the aerospace department, even if he has conducted thousands of simulated launches and space capsule docking tests, he is still a little worried about the entire launch and Any flaws in the butt.

Especially when docking, two huge space capsules are to be docked on an orbit of 420 kilometers, and it is necessary to ensure that the interfaces of the two space capsules can accurately touch each other.

And the above interfaces must also be able to be tightly integrated, even if the angle differs by one millimeter, the docking may fail.

The requirement of the test is that the error of the entire docking work must be less than one millimeter, otherwise, even if the docking is successful, it may cause the connection to not be tightly locked together.

It's just that whenever he saw the confident look of Cai Ruichen beside him, he was always relieved inexplicably.

"take it easy."

Cai Ruichen suddenly said, Chen Gaoyuan heard this, his face somewhat embarrassed.

He didn't know how Cai Ruichen, who was standing in front of him, knew that he was nervous. When Cai Ruichen said that, he also hurriedly adjusted his mentality.

Standing in front of Cai Ruichen, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After listening to Chen Gaoyuan's heartbeat frequency returned to a normal level, there was also a little bit of satisfaction in his smile.

As time passed, at 7:30 in the morning, all the pre-launch preparations for the launch vehicle were completed.

The hand of the time was officially aligned at 6:30 in the morning, and the fixing devices of the two launch vehicles all loosened the launch vehicles, leaned backwards, and clung to the grooves on the ground.

The two launch vehicles stood alone on the launch platform, and the one-minute countdown to launch officially began.

All the reporters in the launch center also hurriedly adjusted the camera one last time, preparing to follow the launch of the carrier rocket, and captured the scene of two rockets lifting off into the blue sky at the same time.

Today’s Iraqi sky is blue and cloudless. It is a good weather that is very suitable for observing the entire launch process.

The one-minute countdown soon ended. Chen Gaoyuan was already standing in front of the transmitter controller, looking at the projection image on the central screen in front of him, his eyes beating with the countdown numbers.

When the last ten-second countdown came, Chen Gaoyuan opened the safety cover on the launch button, placed his finger on the launch button, and waited for the moment when the countdown was cleared.

10, 9... 2, 1, 0

At the moment when Zero appeared a short buzzer sounded in the control center. In that instant, Chen Gaoyuan also pressed the launch button.

Where the two launch vehicles stood, blue flames sprayed from the bottom of the launch vehicle with the roar of the launch vehicle engines, and a large amount of cold water was instantly vaporized by the high temperature of the launch vehicle.

Under the two simultaneously ignited carrier rockets, a large amount of water vapor and dust and smoke spread quickly. The two carrier rockets slowly rose from the ground at first. As the thrust climbed, after the two carrier rockets left the ground, Also climbed up at a very high speed at a uniform speed.

The water vapor and dust and smoke passing through the surrounding rice mills dragged a long blue flame, and the disturbing air did not bring a bright white plume of smoke.

The two launch vehicles that were lifted off, maintaining the same speed and height, and at the same angle and direction, disappeared into the sight of all personnel on the ground.

Soon, the two launch vehicles officially broke away from the gravity of the earth, passed through the atmosphere, and appeared in space. (To be continued~^~)

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