The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 869: Space capsule docking

The launch vehicle with no air resistance increased its speed again and quickly approached to an orbit of 420 kilometers.

After reaching 400 kilometers from the ground, the head fairings of the two launch vehicles separated from the launch vehicle at the same time, exposing two circular space capsules inside, and these two space capsules were placed vertically on the head of the launch vehicle. And in the body.

At the moment when the fairing was detached and the space capsule was successfully exposed, the engines of the two launch vehicles were turned off at the same time, and the launch vehicle, whose speed dropped instantly, made the two space capsules very naturally separated from the launch vehicle.

Two six-meter-long space capsules with a diameter of nearly three meters, after being separated from the launch vehicle, still flew forward at an unabated speed.

At this time, the two launch vehicles have already begun to perform the return and landing procedures, and the two space capsules are farther and farther away.

In outer space, the two launch vehicles continued to fly forward, but because they did not activate any power, they all moved forward by inertial force.

At this time, the speeds of the two space capsules remained the same, and at the same time, the several small tail nozzles on the space capsule began to slightly adjust the direction and course of the space capsule.

In the end, under the control of ground personnel, the two space capsules stopped just in space 420 kilometers from the ground, followed the gravity of the earth and began to orbit.

Since the two space capsules are launched at the same time, ground personnel are required to control the connection of the space capsules.

However, the connection work was not carried out immediately. Instead, it first started to check the data and conditions of the two space capsules at the moment to make sure that the two space capsules are exactly at the same height. Before approaching the connection, both the angle and the high speed must be carried out. confirm.

And when the work is here, it is the final link. At this time, even Cai Ruichen couldn't keep calm completely.

It can be said that ninety-nine percent of the entire launch work has been completed, which is only one percent short of the last one, but it is just one percent. If it fails. Ninety-nine percent of the previous successes were also failures.

However, the staff who are controlling the two space capsules are very calm. Because of this control work, they have simulated operations no less than tens of thousands of times, grasping every detail. All have reached the level of nuances.

not to mention. Next to them, there is an excellent team, providing them with sufficient data and guidance.

After determining the positions and speeds of the two space capsules, the engine on the space capsule also began to officially operate. The long cylindrical space capsule has two circular tangent faces together, driven by its own power. , Approaching at an extremely slow speed.

Inside the ground control center. After the two space capsules approached to a distance of less than half a meter, almost everyone held their breath. Looking at the space capsule in the projection, they fit together little by little.

When the two space capsules were fully fitted together, everyone in the entire control center cheered.

In fact, when the angle is manually adjusted to a certain distance, the built-in control chips of the two space capsules are already running. The laser calibration function is used to firmly keep the two connection points in the same position.

When the laser calibration starts, there is no need for ground personnel to operate, and the two space capsules can complete the connection by themselves.

The whole process was also very smooth. The two space capsules were closely attached to each other. When the interface was completed, the connector started to operate, and the two space capsules were successfully locked together without any problems.

The first node of the future space station was so successful, but this is only the first step in the Long March.

In the future, more space capsules will continue to be launched, eventually forming a huge space station in space 420 kilometers from the ground.

This space station is definitely not just a space station for experimentation as everyone imagined, but Cai Ruichen's ambition to step out of the earth.

The future space station of the future is definitely a veritable spaceport, yes, the so-called space station is only used to confuse everyone.

Cai Ruichen's real goal is to build a space port in the earth or space that can meet the needs of future space development.

And the two docking space capsules in front of them, for the future plan of the entire space station, are just lice on elephants, extremely small.

Otherwise, Cai Ruichen has no need to waste money to build a space station. The big boss has always hoped to cooperate with the Future Technology Group in the development of the Tiangong space station.

If it is really just a small space station, Cai Ruichen can fully cooperate with his hometown. With the excellent performance of future launch vehicles and the technology of space development, his hometown will be very welcome.

After all, the plan to build the Tiangong space station in my hometown is also quite expensive, and the speed of the plan is not very fast.

And there is no other way in my hometown, I can only do it myself. After all, rich and technological countries are participating in the project of the International Space Station, and these countries have no extra funds, and they have built another space station with their hometown.

It just so happens that the Future Technology Group has money and technology, and the big boss naturally thought of Cai Ruichen for the first time.

Unfortunately, Cai Ruichen did not agree to the cooperation of his hometown, but he did not refuse. He just said that he would have time to talk in detail later.

However, what the big boss did not expect was that Cai Ruichen actually came such a sudden hand, UU reading he didn't even prepare at all, and the senior level of any country in the world is also not prepared at all. .

Because no one thought that Cai Ruichen's heart would be so big, and he really did so. To build a space station by himself is simply a lunatic.

And the lunatic already praised Cai Ruichen very much, at least he has this kind of technology, otherwise, it would be a lack of support.

Inside the control center, it became a sea of ​​cheers, but Cai Ruichen, as a leader, naturally thought of not cheering, but an explanation to the outside world.

According to the United Nations Constitution, any country or organization has the right to use space peacefully. The development of space stations by future science and technology groups is a legal thing in the world, and no one will interfere.

But for those who like to sing badly for the Future Technology Group, Cai Ruichen still feels that it is necessary to establish an unbeaten image of the Future Technology Group in the world.

Such an image is tantamount to a benchmark that everyone wants to surpass. Just so, Ruichen Cai has never been afraid of any challenge. On the contrary, the level of those who are worried about the challenge is too low. (To be continued~^~)

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