The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 871: Big boss's complaint

As soon as the press conference hosted by Chen Gaoyuan ended, news of the successful docking of the two space capsules at the first node of the future space station also spread quickly to every corner of the world.

The power of the media is huge. After getting some precious images from the Future Technology Group, almost all forms of media around the world have been forwarded one after another.

The future media company also released a complete video for the first time. The video started from the countdown to the satellite launch and then to the docking of the two space capsules. It was very clear and complete. There was also a narration explaining the entire process and principle.

New York TV also aired this video for the first time, and Professor William took this opportunity to leave the studio dingy.

Like last time, his comment on the first launch of a future launch vehicle was the same, and soon he was beaten by the facts.

This makes him still have the face to stay in the studio. As for the host, it is considered that he has not seen it.

After all, at this time, there is nothing to say, only to celebrate the success of mankind in the field of space development.

This time Cai Ruichen was indeed very successful. Before the news came out, his voice started to ring.

The first is the phone call of Elon Musk, a tech madman, who is full of envy and jealousy in his words.

They even bluntly stated that the two sides should not only engage in verbal technical cooperation, but should actually deepen cooperation in the field of space technology.

If one year ago, Musk had no such idea, just for Cai Ruichen to invest in space exploration technology companies, then he really wants to cooperate with future space companies now.

It's just this kind of cooperation, and there is also a NASA in the middle. Only when the US government agrees can it be possible to cooperate.

Now, whether to cooperate or not is entirely up to Cai Ruichen. It is obvious that the future aerospace company is already ahead of the space exploration technology company in the development of launch vehicles.

Even the space exploration technology company has successfully recovered the Falcon carrier rocket on the sea, but compared with the precise recovery of the future aerospace company to the launch site, technically, it is simply different.

Even if a space exploration technology company can successfully recover a rocket on the sea every time, it is still far behind on the technical level. It is Gaoming to be able to recover the launch vehicle to the launch site.

Therefore, once the two sides cooperate in the field of technology, it is completely that the future space company is helping the space exploration technology company. For the future space company, it is at best to get some benefits from the United States.

If this kind of cooperation is placed before the mission of occupying Israel, Cai Ruichen has really thought of using this cooperation to get other benefits from the US government.

But now, he has no idea at all, because he has felt that the cooperation with the United States will soon have to be terminated, and he will be the target that the United States does everything possible to kill.

If this kind of cooperation starts, it is investing in the enemy. How could Cai Ruichen do so.

Let alone cooperation now, Cai Ruichen is already preparing for the future withdrawal of funds from the United States. Once the United States really wants to turn his face against him, he will not hesitate to withdraw all the funds and teach the United States a lesson first.

As for the business and investment layout in the United States, he has now begun to slow down the pace, preparing to minimize losses.

However, if the United States is really hostile to the Future Technology Group, Cai Ruichen can completely abandon the US industry, but the United States can lose a lot.

In particular, those consortia in the United States, in order to cooperate with the Future Technology Group, all invest a lot of factories. Once the core components sent by the Future Technology Group are not available, the reinvestment of the industry will be directly affected.

When the time comes, the United States will have to see whether it has the courage to completely sever all ties with the Future Technology Group, and whether it dares to freeze all the industries of the Future Technology Group in the United States.

If the United States did not do this, Cai Ruichen would not easily give up the US market, but if the United States imposes sanctions on the future technology group or makes things difficult, Cai Ruichen will decisively choose to die.

Cai Ruichen, who had already prepared for the worst, naturally couldn't agree to Elon Musk. He just perfunctorily hung up the phone.

In the next half an hour, he received congratulatory calls from many business partners. After chatting with these partners, Cai Ruichen also stopped busy.

However, before he could take a good breath, the phone rang again, but the ringtone was a little special.

Hearing the content of the ringtone, Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up and shut himself in Chen Gaoyuan's and then the phone was connected.

"Young man, I should really congratulate you, you made the world unexpected again."

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard the angry voice of the big boss from the other side of the phone, and didn't know what was wrong, as soon as Cai Ruichen heard the voice of the big boss, the whole person relaxed.

During this period of time, Cai Ruichen has often secretly communicated with his big boss on the phone, and the relationship between the two has also made obvious progress.

There is no serious tone in the speech at first, just like two friends who have been together for many years, chatting together very easily.

In fact, the current Cai Ruichen and the big boss can be regarded as intimate friends, as if they have become a year-long friendship, and the atmosphere has always been very relaxed when communicating.

Both of them didn't put on a high-handed demeanor and stand, very much like two very ordinary people, suddenly meeting and then making tea and chatting.

It’s just that the two of them don’t have a lot of common topics, and they usually focus on business. After all, the identity of the two of them is there. Even if they have a common topic, there is basically no good time to really open their arms. Communication.

As usual, as soon as the big boss called, he directly talked about business matters. After Cai Ruichen first greeted him, he never gave him a chance to speak, and continued:

"It's just that I don't understand. Didn't I make it clear enough when I invited you to cooperate on the Tiangong project last time? It only took a few days for you to look back and have another heartbeat with the world. However, also I have to congratulate you for successfully launching the space station project."

Hearing the obvious complaint from the big boss on the phone, Cai Ruichen couldn't help but stroked the bridge of his nose, shrugging and speechless.


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