The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 872: Look back home

"In fact, cooperation is still possible now. I am still very interested in the Tiangong project."

Cai Ruichen replied to the big boss. He was not trying to perfuse the big boss, but he did have a great idea about the Tiangong project.

The future space station involves many secrets in the future, and it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to let any second-party forces and personnel interfere.

And the future space station developed is not a pure space station. When necessary, he even wants to install nuclear fusion reactors and directed energy weapons on the space station, so that the space station has certain self-protection and attack capabilities.

Of course, these are just ideas, but one thing is certain. The future space station will definitely not be a small-scale space station like the Mir. The ultimate goal is to build a space station like a spaceport. The structure will be very complicated. The requirements are also extremely high.

These are the problems that Cai Ruichen needs to overcome, and when the space station is built, it will also be a veritable space station.

To prepare for future migration to the moon and Mars, many confidential things will also be installed on the space station.

And no matter who it is, no matter how much benefit the other party pays, Cai Ruichen will not let outsiders intervene in the space station.

In order to cooperate with his hometown in the next stage, Cai Ruichen is also really interested in the Tiangong project.

Interested in the Tiangong project, Cai Ruichen does not want to obtain any technology from his hometown, but specifically wants to export technology to his hometown.

The export of technology is a normal thing in the development of various countries. When the United States originally tried to win over its homeland against the Soviet Union, it also exported a large amount of technology to its homeland.

There was also a period of golden relations between my hometown and the United States.

In order to let his hometown rest assured to cooperate with him, Cai Ruichen felt that it is necessary to show his sincerity. At the same time, such technical output can be regarded as a win-win cooperation, and he will not suffer in the future.

When the big boss heard what Cai Ruichen said, he was somewhat surprised. In his opinion, Cai Ruichen, who runs the space station himself, naturally looks down on his Tiangong project.

But soon, the big boss thought of the key point and said: "If we really cooperate, then the United States might not be happy. The United States banned us from joining the International Space Station project. It has always been very good for our Tiangong project. If you have an idea, you don't want to fail to understand this!"

The big boss’s question obviously has a tentative purpose. However, Cai Ruichen did not evade the big boss’s temptation. He simply said: "There are some things that we can say in person. If the big boss is willing, I believe my team can give The Tiangong project has brought good results."

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, the big boss said with interest: "Are you going to go back to your hometown?"

"I'm sure to go back. After all, my hometown is my hometown. If you are far away, you will miss it." Cai Ruichen said calmly.

"Dr. Cai returned to China, then I should have a good reception." The big boss said happily.

Regarding Cai Ruichen's plan to return to his hometown, the big boss is looking forward to it. After all, Cai Ruichen now has people, money and money, and he has many enviable cutting-edge technologies in his hands.

How many countries hope that Cai Ruichen can visit his country, but unfortunately, after coming to Iraq, Cai Ruichen has only left once, or to negotiate with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at the United Nations.

In addition, Cai Ruichen didn't stay long when he went to the United States. He just inspected American technology companies and appreciated the co-existence of the United States' Silicon Valley.

But it was this trip that directly brought a lot of investment to the United States, and provided many American technology companies with good development opportunities.

After that time, Cai Ruichen never left Iraq.

Even when the Nobel Prize was released to him, he was not there.

And various countries and companies, as well as universities, including the schools that Cai Ruichen has studied, have continuously sent invitations to Cai Ruichen, hoping that he will come and go.

It's just that such invitations are all mud cows entering the sea, and at most they receive a blessing from Cai Ruichen on a special day.

Therefore, the big boss is naturally looking forward to the news that Cai Ruichen has clearly shown that he is going to his hometown this time.

Over the past two years, the cooperation between My Hometown and Future Technology Group in the field of natural energy has reached hundreds of billions of dollars in funds alone.

Almost all important industrial cities in my hometown are all building green energy projects. A large number of magnetic energy reactors, high-altitude solar power generation and kite power generation technologies are very popular in my hometown.

This has brought a lot of benefits to my hometown, and the cooperation of these energy projects has also enabled the Future Technology Group to get a lot of economic benefits ~ ~ Both parties have huge benefits.

However, for cooperation in the energy field alone, the big boss still feels that the structure is too small. The Future Technology Group has many advanced technologies, and many technologies are very much needed by the hometown.

But Cai Ruichen has never defended his hometown, and the big boss also understands that Cai Ruichen takes into account the attitude of the United States.

But now, the big boss heard an unusual signal from Cai Ruichen’s simple words. As for what this signal is, he still doesn’t know very well, but there is one thing he can feel that this young man wants to There is a big move.

"When the time comes, the big boss don't hide and dare not see me, I will be very happy." Cai Ruichen said with a curled mouth.

"I'm afraid no one in the whole world will want to avoid you, and I will not." The big boss said indifferently.

"That's not necessarily the case, the big boss should be prepared, I'm afraid it will surprise you at that time." Cai Ruichen said.

"My heart is pretty good. The doctor said that I can live to be a hundred years old, so you don’t have to worry, and there are not many things in this world that can keep me calm. Even if it does, I really want to feel it. Click." The big boss laughed and said indifferently.

However, in the heart of the big boss, unlike what he showed, he does not think that Cai Ruichen is aimless.

At the same time, he also believed that maybe something big would really happen, but he couldn't think of what it was.

But he probably understands that the land in the Middle East is probably not peaceful again.

When the big boss thought of the land in the Middle East, the corner of his mouth suddenly showed a wry smile, but it quickly turned into schadenfreude, and he laughed instead. I don't know, I thought he was crazy.


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