The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 875: General Tigress

ps: I am extremely grateful to "Prodigal Son Binghuo" for the 100,000 starting point for achieving the hegemony of the hegemony. The first time for him to change ten.

Yesterday's twelve shifts, and today it is ten shifts again. The gorgeous and sincere heart bursts. Let He go, okay?

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"I have ordered the Supreme Command to gradually formulate all the action plans of the Red Police Corps in the future. From now on, you will be the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command and be responsible for the formulation of all operational plans for the Red Police Corps. , Is also responsible for the specific matters of commanding operations. Tan Ya, El Yessel, Zhao Long, Chao Leizhen, Yi Minhao and others will assist you."

Hearing Cai Ruichen's order, Ling Liang did not shirk, but directly accepted the order: "Ling Liang promises to complete all tasks and will never disappoint the commander."

"It doesn't matter to disappoint me. The important thing is that we must not let all the officers and soldiers of the Red Police Corps down. Our words and deeds determine the survival of every soldier." Cai Ruichen said solemnly.

"Ling Liang understands, please rest assured, the commander, I will not let anyone down, I will only make all the enemies desperate." Ling Liang said sharply.

"Very well, I just like this feeling." Feeling the sharp temperament that Ling Liang exudes suddenly, giving him a sense of sharpness, he is very satisfied.

The Red Police Corps needs such a general, because the Red Police Corps is originally a sharp army, far superior to any army.

The Red Police Corps has never been afraid of any challenge. For every soldier in the Red Police Corps, the enemy is used to defeat them.

Originally, Cai Ruichen was a little worried about Ling Liang's ability, but when he received the order from Ling Liang, Cai Ruichen was completely relieved.

The temperament of the strong woman before is definitely not an illusion, the feeling that he gave him Xiaojiabiyu and the sister next door is just an appearance.

At this moment, Ling Liang in front of him was the real female tiger general, a decisive commander.

That's right, it's the commander. In Cai Ruichen's view, Ling Liang at this moment has all the aura that a commander should have.

"I will come up with a plan for the Israeli operation as soon as possible, but I hope to be able to get the right to mobilize all members of the Red Police Corps, including any arms." Ling Liang immediately entered his role and behaved in a manner that was a general. , There is an unspeakable harshness in the words.

"This is no problem. I will pass on all the plans and layouts to you. You can use all the resources. Everything is for killing Israel." Cai Ruichen nodded.

"Israel is not a problem, but commanders you should consider the international pressure you will face if a full-scale war with Israel breaks out, as well as the internal pressure of Iraq." Ling Liang reminded.

Cai Ruichen was very satisfied with Ling Liang's reminder, how long it took him to be called up, and after learning the task, he could consider the situation in such detail.

International issues are naturally a key issue. Regarding this issue, Cai Ruichen has been focusing on consideration from yesterday to now.

NATO, headed by the United States, cannot allow Israel to disappear from the Middle East. If it wants to complete its mission, it must let Israel disappear from the Middle East.

This is the most acute confrontation issue for both parties, and there is no room for negotiation.

Such a sharp confrontation issue is extremely heavy pressure for the Red Police Corps, because it means that NATO is very likely to participate in the war.

After a year and a half, it is basically impossible to resist NATO's huge force with a maximum of more than 200,000 troops.

What's more, it has to face the more than half a million troops that Israel can quickly mobilize, as well as its own hundreds of thousands of regular troops and up to nine armored divisions.

So what Cai Ruichen can think of is to take advantage of his strength and use the strength of his hometown Russia to create pressure on NATO.

And because of this problem, he needs to win over or control more countries in the Middle East. Otherwise, Iraq will be alone in the Gulf region, and facing NATO pressure, even if his hometown and Russia want to help him, he will probably find it difficult to stick to it. when.

The support of NATO and the United States is also one of the reasons why countries in the Middle East have almost no more ideas about Israel.

In fact, every Arab country is also very clear that even if they have the ability to drive Israel out of the Middle East, NATO is absolutely unwilling to see such a situation.

Being jealous of the United States and NATO, coupled with the interests of the country, Cai Ruichen is absolutely not naive. As long as he attacks Israel, other Middle Eastern countries will definitely help.

This is a difficult point, and it is also a difficult point that he must overcome, because even if he doesn't have the **** mission of a base, he must find a way to deal with these countries in the Middle East.

Otherwise, talking about the Middle East Federation would be nothing more than spectacle and hopeless wishful thinking.

As for the problems in Iraq mentioned by Ling Liang, it is indeed a very important issue before getting the mind controller.

Fortresses are often breached from the inside Especially for outsiders like Cai Ruichen, NATO does not even need to send troops directly to Iraq. It only needs to do a little action behind the scenes. There are still troubles in Iraq.

After all, part of the root of Iraq is disputes between clans. Once NATO supports those unstable elements in Iraq, the entire rear of Iraq will be over.

Moreover, NATO wants to support these personnel. It is very simple. Directly from Turkey, it can continuously deliver weapons and equipment to Iraq. When the time comes, there will be a civil war, and then there will be no more.

Ling Liang said this question because Cai Ruichen's Chinese identity is too sensitive in the Middle East world.

But because of this, Cai Ruichen is most at ease. Under the mind control, when he wants to do something with Israel, the whole Iraq is a monolithic piece. Even those from NATO, no matter how tempting they promised. It is impossible for the promise of interests to affect the stability of the fortress from within.

Therefore, from beginning to end, the focus has been on these other two.

However, Ling Liang didn't know that he could already build the mind controller. It was normal to remind this.

"Under the mind controller, the third problem does not exist. All directions must be placed on the outside." Cai Ruichen explained.

Ling Liang nodded when he heard the words. One less trouble is equal to a little more chance of winning.

However, the task of destroying Israel still brings tremendous pressure to Lingliang. After all, the time for the Red Police Corps to develop to the present is still too short. If Israel is the target after two or three years, it will be easy. a lot of.

Unfortunately, Cai Ruichen had no choice at all.


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