The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 876: Profiteering under technology monopoly

Marin Town should now be called Marin District. A year ago, Iraq officially designated Marin Town as a municipality directly under the Central Government, becoming the first municipality directly under the Central Government and the first tax-free city in Iraq.

Marin District is the place that used to be Marin Town. Because of the existence of the Future Technology Group, Marin Town has changed from the past. In just four years, Marin Town has become the most modern representative area in Iraq.

Here, there is an architectural pattern that is no less than that of any international metropolis, especially around the headquarters of Future Technology Group, a conceptual technology community has been established, and it has become one of the most popular tourist areas in the world.

The prosperous Marin District is as prosperous as any city. Here, you can taste the food of any place in the world, and you can also experience the customs and traditions of any place in the world.

The 1,000-meter-high headquarters of the Future Technology Group, 70% of the area, is also open to tourists, and it integrates the most advanced technology of mankind.

In order to watch an augmented reality projection movie, some people even took a flight to the movie theater of the future to watch it. Especially recently, the Future Technology Group and many Hollywood film companies in the United States have cooperated to shoot many blockbusters, and all boldly adopted the latest naked eyes. Augmented reality technology allows every viewer to feel the charm of the blockbuster immersively.

It’s just a pity that watching such a blockbuster requires routine physical examinations. Patients with heart disease and high blood pressure are prohibited from watching such movies, because movies using augmented reality technology are really shocking.

Moreover, the price of each movie ticket is ten times that of an ordinary movie ticket, and there are fewer than 100 such movie theaters in the world, and only one in every big city.

However, every day all movie tickets are sold out of stock, but only movie images captured with augmented reality image capture technology can be used for augmented reality projection playback.

Therefore, it is not always possible to see movies under augmented reality technology. At present, because of the cooperation between the future film companies and Hollywood, there are only a few steps of Hollywood blockbusters that can really make moviegoers feel what it means. Place yourself in the movie world.

However, the film companies of the future that have been able to achieve this kind of movie viewing effect, monopolizing this technology, naturally become the target of all the film and television industry vying to cooperate.

Almost all of the blockbuster films that have cooperated with Hollywood have made a lot of money, and the box office of augmented reality movie theaters has reached hundreds of millions of dollars.

However, it is a pity that the future film companies will also set a very high threshold for the so-called cooperation requirements. The minimum requirements are for large-scale films.

Because only large-scale movies can show the effects of shocking the soul under the augmented reality technology.

Moreover, the cost of shooting with the lens captured by the augmented reality screen is extremely high, and it is very troublesome to shoot, subverting the traditional shooting effect, requiring every frame of the picture must be shot from all angles.

The most important thing is that with all the current special effects technologies in the world, it is impossible to make the pictures of augmented reality movies perfectly. All the post-productions are all done by the future film company.

In several blockbuster films with Hollywood, those film and television companies in the United States have retired in the later stages, and for the first time faced the situation of having nothing to do.

All blockbuster post-production costs, all filmmakers and investment companies, all have to pay the future film company a post-production cost of 70% of the total film investment, the 360-degree image capture lens used during shooting And a series of equipment such as moving the whole picture capture lens, all must be rented from the future film company.

There is no selling, no direct cooperation, only making money. In the future, the film company will still have a part of the box office revenue and the income of the augmented reality theater.

Regardless of whether the movie is big or not, the future film company will actually make money first.

For a Hollywood blockbuster, if the proportion of post-production is more than half, the cost of post-production alone is at least $100 million.

Then add in the shooting props and just a movie. In the future, the profit of the film company in both aspects will be at least 100 million US dollars.

Therefore, for every movie played in augmented reality, the future film company has already taken away the bulk of the profits for the first time.

Although the film companies that work with them have very opinions, they are more aware that technological monopoly is huge profits. There is no doubt about this.

The most important thing is that the future film companies actually learn from them completely, because when they help other countries' film companies in post-production, they all ripped off.

Only this time, they have become ripped off However, although the production costs required by the future film companies are very expensive, but in terms of efficiency and quality, all the ripped-off American film companies have nothing to say. It can be said that even all can't help but give a thumbs up.

A Hollywood blockbuster, two hours, of which more than sixty to seventy percent of the pictures are post-production, to the future film company, it only takes three months to complete.

Compared with normal film post-production, the efficiency is increased by more than four times, and the effect produced is so real that it is almost hard to distinguish between true and false.

Every boss of a film company who was ripped off, after experiencing the shocking effect of a movie, all felt worth it.

The most important thing is that for these blockbusters, global moviegoers are very much buying, and the box office results are not bad, even if it is a scum plot, but the shocking production effect, most moviegoers are still very satisfied. of.

In the past year, the Future Film Company performed post-production for more than a dozen blockbusters. Up to now, these blockbusters are still being played in the future cinemas. They have not been offline, and they have always maintained full records. There are a lot of people who make an appointment to watch the movie, but it is not yet their turn, and some people watch it time and time again, quite a rhythm that cannot be stopped.

As long as the whole world buys it, the financial benefits will naturally be indispensable, and soon the Future Technology Group will soon follow the introduction of personal terminal augmented reality playback software, which can put movies in front of you for viewing, and can also put any video Fragment.

The emergence of this software has once again taken the world by storm.

And all of this comes from the survivors of the wasteland. The income of billions of dollars a year in the field of film and television media, these survivors have made great contributions.


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