The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 889: Establish a base in Siberia

Cai Ruichen focused on the minerals in Siberia because his goal was not only to obtain minerals.

Siberia is close to Alaska in the United States, where there is no human population throughout the year, coupled with the year-round low temperature, close to the Arctic Circle, it can be developed into an overseas stronghold in secret, a secret military base close to the United States, directly in Russia.

Of course, this matter is impossible for Russia to know.

What's more, there are still a large number of minerals in Siberia. The reserves of these minerals are huge and can meet the long-term mining. Especially the large copper mine in Siberia, even if the base is fully mined, it cannot be mined in ten or twenty years. Finished.

Because of investment problems and extremely difficult mining, no one wants to suffer, but Cai Ruichen is not afraid.

He doesn't even need to transport the minerals back, just recover all the minerals into funds there.

Of course, everything must be disguised, otherwise the fool will see that there is a problem.

It is very easy to conceal, at least in Cai Ruichen's opinion, the minerals of the Far East, in the eyes of the outside world, are extremely difficult to extract in the next few years.

He can mine secretly, and does not need to be the same as ordinary mining methods, others can see it at a glance.

It's like mining iron veins in the Arabian desert. It can be done underground. Up to now, he has been mining in the depths of the Arabian desert for several years. Now it has been mined in Saudi Arabia. During this period, no one noticed or noticed anything.

Cai Ruichen also intends to use this method, just need a technological expansion station to expand in Siberia, and then carry out the underground construction mode, it can start development without knowing it.

The secret military base is just like the placement of the armed forces under Baghdadi. It only needs a barracks and some supporting arsenals to meet the needs. The only thing that needs to be cared about is the supply of food.

If there are a large number of people, a lot of food will be consumed every day, but for the sake of confidentiality, it is naturally impossible to plant and breed, and everything depends on external supplies.

This is different from the secret military base where Baghdadi is located. The latter is in Iraq. Cai Ruichen wants to provide daily supplies. It is too simple. There will be no problem raising these people for a lifetime.

But in Siberia, which is still barren, it is completely impossible. Fortunately, Cai Ruichen did not intend to recruit troops from that place from the beginning.

Just like mining in the Arabian desert, it is all about increasing funds for a short period of time. The secret mining of minerals is to provide more capital income for the base.

Even if barracks and other construction units are built in the expanded underground space, soldiers will not be recruited.

This place can only be used as an extraordinary soldier. When necessary in the future, let this army become an extraordinary soldier, which has the effect of unexpectedly attacking it.

Of course, if this place is not available in the future, Cai Ruichen will definitely not suffer. After all, there are really a lot of minerals in it.

In the future, it can also become a secret source of funds for the base. I am afraid that no one will care about a cold mineral vein that has never been developed on the surface!

However, in order to prevent the Russians from missing this place, which is also the beginning of cooperation with Russia, Cai Ruichen also has to give the Russians a sweetness.

It is a very risky gamble to buy out a piece of minerals at once, because the minerals have not been developed yet and everything is the result of exploration.

With the current human mineral detection technology, it is not 100% accurate. If the mineral reserves inside are less than the detected quantity, or the difficulty and cost of mining are much higher than expected, then for investors, It means nothing is lost.

If it is really a one-shot deal, for Russia, it is no different from any risk.

All risks need to be borne by the Future Technology Group. After all, it is not investment and joint development, nor does it require Russians to pay. It is safe to get more than half of the money in the first place.

Of course, risk means profit. If there are more minerals than expected, and the difficulty of mining is not as difficult as expected, and the cost is not so high.

Then the Future Technology Group will make a lot of money, and the benefits can be improved a lot at once. This is why there are so many adventurous people in this world.

Investment is originally a risk and gambling, and it is understandable for the Future Technology Group to do so.

However, for the minerals in Siberia, the Russian side has been exploring for several years. At the beginning, Russia, which was mining by itself, has also fully assessed the difficulty of mining and the benefits.

And so far, Russia has not formally made a move, which can already explain a problem, that is, the prospects for mining are definitely not good.

Compared with the value of minerals, the funds invested are even larger.

If there are people in this world who are really willing to buy the mining rights of these minerals, then Russia will definitely welcome them.

Therefore, after hearing what Cai Ruichen said, Putong and Jing did not even hesitate, so they decisively agreed.

Russia now needs a lot of funds. In the whole world, there is the ability to help Russia and the forces in Russia. Apart from China, there is only Cai Ruichen.

In Putong and Beijing's opinion, Cai Ruichen's proposal of a one-time purchase is definitely taking care of Russia. Otherwise, if the mining of minerals is used to obtain income, the day lily will be cold for Russia now.

It's not very useful at all. If you can really get a huge amount of money, even if it is cheaper to sell to the Future Technology Group, Russia will not lose money at all.

Of course, it is impossible for Putong and Beijing to know Cai Ruichen's true goal, nor can they understand the powerful mining capabilities of the base, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to agree to Cai Ruichen's proposal.

With this proposal, the relationship between Putin and Beijing has been brought closer. Putting and Beijing naturally began to show their sincere respect while they were talking.

The total value of Siberia’s mineral resources is at least tens of billions of dollars. As long as the funds are obtained, the situation in Russia will be much better.

Although it was not free assistance, it was the beginning of the in-depth cooperation between the two parties. After that, both of them worked while the iron was hot, and pre-determined cooperation projects in other areas.

Just wait for the teams of both parties to complete the details of the cooperation, and the agreement will be signed, and the cooperation will come into effect.

After confirming cooperation in many areas, the squeeze in the hearts of Putin and Jing was wiped out.

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