The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 890: Put and Beijing's methods

After hanging up the communication with Putin and Beijing, Cai Ruichen also had an expression of obvious relief. It is a long process to prepare for many cooperation with Russia.

Especially certain cooperation projects are long-awaited cooperation projects.

At the same time, the relationship between the future technology group and the United States will not suddenly fall into a state of hostility. The most important thing is that the United States now does not know what it will do next.

Therefore, he has plenty of time and space to slowly adjust his relationship with the United States. This is where he has the most advantage.

Regarding the United States, Cai Ruichen does not have any favorable impressions of the United States, whether it is from a standpoint of interest or from a personal standpoint.

Enmity is inevitable. Since the Gulf War, the series of US foreign military operations have always brought about war chaos in the region.

Since the Gulf War, the United States has sent troops to those few countries, and none of these countries is stable, except for Iraq, which Cai Ruichen has trained.

Afghanistan has been fighting for years, and fighting with the Taliban has caused huge casualties on both sides every day.

Libya, once the wealthiest country in North Africa, has now become a warlord separatist regime. The inaction of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France has turned Libya into a warlord separatist state. The domestic situation can be described as erosion, and it takes the opportunity to describe it. Let extreme organizations grow rapidly in this place.

In just a few years, extremist organizations have grown from a few hundred people to tens of thousands. Domestic warlords are fighting with each other and there are armed conflicts every day.

Originally a relatively wealthy country in Africa, Libya now has more than one-third of the population, staying below the poverty line every day, directly becoming one of the poorest countries.

Many Libyans have left their homes, saying that their homeland is difficult to leave, but facing a home without any hope of survival, more people choose to cross the Mediterranean and go to Europe to seek life. The remaining people are all those who can’t escape. It is to choose one of the warlords to join, giving priority to ensuring their own survival, but this result can only make the melee more intense.

At the most intense time, Libya had two parliaments, two governments, two presidents, two government forces, and then there was a greater scuffle.

If it is more peaceful, it is now Syria. In this country that has been trapped in a civil war for five or six years, it has spawned hundreds of factions in the most time. In the Kurdish cluster alone, there are more than one hundred. Armed opposition from different factions.

Even so far, after Russia and the United States have successively called for a cessation of fighting, there are still armed conflicts from time to time when the process of peace talks is officially entered in Syria.

A simple peace treaty is obviously impossible to restrict hundreds of different armed forces throughout Syria, because everyone wants their own interests.

A paper contract is just a piece of waste paper for all armed forces, and such peace talks are almost impossible to bear fruit.

But for the Syrian people, who had been in constant wars and gunshots before, at this time, everyone’s faces are full of smiles.

Although there are sporadic conflicts, compared to before, such sporadic armed conflicts, that is, shooting machine guns, or occasionally attacking Syrian government forces' tanks on the streets, do not have much impact on the overall situation.

However, Cai Ruichen is absolutely not optimistic about Syria. How can a country with hundreds of armed factions be able to achieve a peace process?

It's like combining all the countries in the entire world, suddenly one day, all merged into one Earth Federation. At present, it is simply impossible.

The situation in Syria is also the same. Although Russia is calling for the formation of a federal government, it is clear that Russia is only targeting the Assad regime’s Bashar as one aspect, the Kurds as one aspect, and the other is the three northern provinces supported by Saudi Arabia. .

This is not to say that all the opposition forces have the right to form a federation. Even if the federation is eventually established, it can only be divided into three parts. Syria cannot be divided into one or two hundred.

Therefore, even though Russia and the United States have conducted private bargaining chip exchanges for a year, the situation in Syria is still the same.

In addition, there are Turkish and Iranian interventions, as well as Saudi Arabia’s interference. Russia and the United States have not actually focused on the Syrian issue. As a result, although the war has subsided in Syria, the situation is still Full of various crises.

Such a crisis may cause war to break out again at any time. As long as Syria's final solution does not give certain benefits to the already larger warlords in the country, then peace will ultimately remain a spectacle.

Therefore, in Cai Ruichen's view, it is almost impossible for the Syrians to resolve the situation in Syria.

The only way is to break and stand. No matter which country it is supporting, dare to directly send troops to quell other organizations and help them establish a stable enough regime, then Syria can really be However, due to the interests of various countries, once someone did this, it would be tantamount to offending all other countries. Even the United States would not be so reckless.

Of course, even if the United States is willing to do this, it is not worried about offending other countries or allies. Unfortunately, the current US military power in the Middle East is simply not enough to accomplish such a strategic goal.

It is also impossible for Congress to have extra budgets to support the U.S. military in fighting a war that will do more harm to the United States than good.

The same is true for Russia. As long as Russia is plunged into the quagmire of war, there will only be one ending, which is definitely a tragedy.

This time Russia’s withdrawal is also Russia’s finances, and it has not allowed Russia to continue military operations in Syria.

This is where Cai Ruichen admires Putin and Beijing the most. The whole of Russia can almost be said to be the same as Putin and Beijing. In terms of Russia's national strategy, Putin and Beijing are all alone.

It can also be seen from this point that Putin and Beijing’s political skills are so powerful, and the support rate within Russia has never seen any crisis.

Such a person is fully equipped to lead Russia back onto the key stage of the world.

In fact, Putin and Beijing have completely achieved it. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the 21st century, the United States was quite despised of Russia, and strategically, they all despised Russia.

However, after Crimea joined Russia, the Ukraine incident, and the Syria incident, it also began to make the United States truly understand that it must not be treated with contempt for Russia. What's more, Russia is in the Far East. Possess decisive power.

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