The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 891: Make Saudi chicken feather duck blood

Russia is completely different from the United States. Without the huge think tank members and staff of the United States government executive agency, the United States caught the United States by surprise, whether it was the development of the Ukraine incident to the present or the sudden dispatch of troops to Syria at that time.

Because, the United States has always believed that Russia did not dare and did not have the determination to expand the influence of the incident.

In fact, the high-level inside Russia is indeed as expected by American think tanks, but Putin and Beijing are different.

It is possible that overnight, just because of an order from Putin and Beijing, the Russian Zhang Ti strategy can be fundamentally modified.

Take the Syrian incident as an example. The most fundamental goal of Russia’s troop deployment is to ensure the stability of the Assad regime and the stability of the president of Bashar.

Before Putin and Beijing suddenly announced the dispatch of troops, the top level of the Russian government and even the defense minister did not know of such a decision.

Then Putin and Beijing decided to send troops to Syria, directly recruit Shoigu, and directly announced this order.

On the same day, the Russian fighter plane arrived at the air base in Tartus, Syria, just a few hours later, and immediately carried out the first round of air strikes against the ISIS armed forces.

This time the withdrawal was also very sudden. The day before the withdrawal order was issued, Defense Minister Shoigu had just reported to Putin and Beijing on the latest airstrike report in Syria.

Originally, the Russian military was even ready to take the opportunity to continue to increase its troops in Syria. As a result, Putin and Beijing suddenly announced their withdrawal the next day.

Then all the Russian fighters in Syria were withdrawn to the homeland at the first time. The efficiency was so fast that even the entire Europe and the United States did not react.

These are all decisions made by Putin and Beijing alone. This makes the United States never foresee when Putin and Beijing will make amazing moves.

The most important thing is that it is not very peaceful here in the Far East. Russia's military presence here is becoming stronger and stronger. It wants to prove to the outside world that the Russian war is not aimed at Eastern Europe, the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

With the personalities of Putin and Beijing, the United States is really worried, and I don’t know when Russia will do something amazing.

It has to be said that Russia has returned to its status as a major power. The official result of Putin and Beijing's efforts is only the most tragic aspect of Russia at present, which is the economy.

If everything calms down and Russia is given a period of time to develop its economy and allow the domestic economic situation to recover, Russia will be even stronger.

Putong and Beijing do not need to complain, the economy is the capital of a superpower.

I believe that a Russia with strong military strength and strategic nuclear deterrence capabilities has eaten enough of the pain caused by the economic hindrance.

Just like a wooden barrel, Russia's military and strategic nuclear deterrence planks are all very tall and stable, but the economy has become a shortcoming.

With the existence of this short board, no matter how much water is in the Russian bucket, and no matter how many people keep putting it in the barrel, the water in the bucket can only be as high as the short board.

This is where Russia has been the most inadequate. It has a strong military, but it does not have a strong economy to match Russia's status as a major power.

From this point, Cai Ruichen has also fully learned the lessons of Russia, so he has always developed the economy first.

If there is no money to fight any war, even the army cannot support it.

This is the fundamental need for the future technology group. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a country like Iraq to develop to the point where it can afford the Red Police Corps in a short time.

Money is the most fundamental need of a big country. A big country without money is not a country at all, it is a tragedy.

The present world is not a game, nor is it possible to do it overnight. If possible, Cai Ruichen is more willing to ignore everything, and then desperately develop the Red Police Corps, and then push the world equally.

But the end result of that is that the developed Red Police Corps either faces famine or has no money to go to war. The result can only be a tragedy.

Wealth, power and strength are the kingly way of development. When these are there, the influence and the right to speak will all be available, otherwise it will be the saddest joke.

"Commander, what did Putong and Jing talked about with you?" Xu Jie asked curiously, seeing Cai Ruichen's apparently relaxed appearance.

"A very rewarding meeting, but in the next time, we will all get busy." Cai Ruichen's mouth turned up slowly and said.

Seeing Cai Ruichen's smile, Xu Jie knew very well that someone else in this world would be unlucky.

"Just ask the commander for instructions." Xu Jie said.

"The focus of the next work will still be on Saudi Arabia and Yemen. However, from now on, we must also start investigating all information in Syria in advance." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

"In Yemen, do you want to increase the intensity of military operations?" Xu Jie asked Yes, told Abdul, let him completely let go of his hands and feet, at least to make Saudi chicken feathers and duck blood. By the way, I heard that a member of the Saudi royal family is practicing on the front line, so it hurts Saudi Arabia. "Cai Ruichen said without thinking.

"If it is against the Saudi royal family, will the Saudi government increase its military operations against Yemen at all costs?" Xu Jie said hesitantly.

"What I want is for Saudi Arabia to increase its air strikes. Since neither Saudi Arabia nor the United States intends to stop the oil war, let Saudi Arabia's fiscal deficit be bigger. I don't believe that Saudi Arabia can continue."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "I will reinforce the combat effectiveness of the Houthi armed forces, so you can tell Abdul, as long as his heart is big, give me as much trouble and give me the whole water. It's muddled. I'll be dissatisfied with a little trouble, and even if he kills the Saudi king, it will be even more satisfying."

Xu Jie couldn't help making a sweat wiping action, although there was no sweat on his forehead, just because of Cai Ruichen's decision, it was a bit crazy.

Killing the king of Saudi Arabia, the entire Saudi Arabia will be smashed with the Houthi armed forces. Once the time comes, I am afraid that the Houthi armed forces will no longer exist. Even a large number of Yemeni civilians will be implicated in total war.

However, Xu Jie knows very well that although his commander is very humane for a long time, but if he encounters a change in important strategic decisions, playing more reflects the essence of the hero. Fortunately, Cai Ruichen also sticks to his bottom line. That is not to sacrifice one's own people, including their own citizens.

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