The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 894: More than 200 missiles

The means to control oil prices is in the hands of Saudi Arabia, but it is the United States that controls oil prices. ???

Without the permission of the United States, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Saudi Arabia to choose to reduce exports and increase crude oil prices.

Even if Saudi Arabia is willing to do this, the United States is not willing.

So at present, the price of the international crude oil market is still below 30 US dollars per barrel, which is almost cheap to grandma's.

Since neither the United States nor Saudi Arabia has any ideas to raise oil prices, in order to help Russia ease its finances, Cai Ruichen reluctantly helped Putin and Beijing.

Among the orders Abdul received was an attack order against Saudi oil fields, which caused great trouble for Saudi Arabia and also carried out an all-round sudden attack on Saudi oil.

Of course, if such an attack depends solely on missile strikes, even if all the funds of the Houthi armed forces are pooled together, they cannot afford so many missiles.

Missile strikes against oil fields are to strike against those large oil fields in Saudi Arabia, against crude oil factories, and against ports where crude oil is exported.

As for the small and medium-sized oil fields, just hand it over to the special forces that have sneaked into Saudi territory to complete it.

In order to better implement this plan, Cai Ruichen can almost say that he wants people to be given and weapons and equipment for weapons and equipment.

In just a few days, after delivering nearly 200 missiles to the Houthi armed forces, another 500 special forces were dispatched into the Houthi armed forces.

For Cai Ruichen, entering the Houthis is no problem at all.

His secret base in Yemen has been fully constructed, including a barracks and several war factories.

If it were not for avoiding too much attention from the outside world, Cai Ruichen could equip the Houthi with fighter jets and main battle tanks.

Over the past year or so, Cai Ruichen has also recruited thousands of soldiers from the Red Police Corps to enter the Houthi armed forces.

These people, all because of their fierce fighting, performed well on the battlefield in the exhibition for more than a year. All have become the basic-level officers of the Houthi armed forces, and many have also entered the middle and high-level Houthi armed forces.

When the soldiers of the Red Police Corps were recruited, they were all out-of-the-way Houthi. They spoke the native language of the Houthi so thiefly that no one doubted the identity of these people.

Houthi armed. He has been recruiting troops and buying horses, only recruiting Houthi, and it is not difficult to get in.

Now, among the Houthi armed forces with a scale of tens of thousands, one in fifteen people is a soldier of the Red Police Corps.

Without being noticed by anyone, Houthi himself did not know. His rights may be emptied at any time.

fortunately. Cai Ruichen had no such plan, as long as the Houthi armed forces were still in his hands. The Houthi status will not be affected in any way.

As for the position of the leader of the Houthi, Cai Ruichen did not really have no idea at all. He just said that the time has not yet come, because the Houthi armed forces cannot be chaotic. Houthi needs to rule this huge war machine.

Maybe when the war is about to end, or when the war is over, after the Houthi is worthless, everything will be different.

Cai Ruichen needs a Yemen that is completely in his own hands. Rather than a Yemen whose existence may betray itself at any time.

It is useless to consider these now. The first thing to consider is how to feel the pain of the war in Saudi Arabia.

"What you said makes sense, but we have so many missiles and we can't take care of so many targets at all." Husse weighed and said inwardly.

"I have also considered this issue. I allocated 50 missiles to focus on attacking all air bases in Saudi Arabia, ensuring that the Saudi Air Force will not have the ability to deploy at all in the next half to one month.

In addition, the fifty missiles prepared were used to attack the military factories and steel-making and electronic industries in several key cities in Saudi Arabia, making it impossible for Saudi Arabia to successfully produce weapons and ammunition in at least three months.

With another fifty missiles divided, there is only one target of attack, and that is the Saudi royal palace. The royal palace will be completely razed and the royal symbol of Saudi Arabia will be smashed. It is best to kill it together with the king and Saudi Arabia.

All the remaining missiles focused on attacking the four large Saudi oil fields-Gewar Oil Field, Sefatiwa Oil Field, Haota Oil Field, Shahiba Oil Field, and the world's largest crude oil export ports Tanura Point and Hafuji port. "

Having said this, Abdul saw the emotional color on Houthi’s face, and then said: "Your Excellency, as long as it can cause a certain destructive blow to these targets, then Saudi Arabia must be disrupted. , I will personally lead the special forces to sneak into Riyadh and kill Mansour."

Mansour, the president of Yemen, went to exile in Saudi Arabia directly after the Houthi armed forces occupied the capital of Yemen, seeking asylum from his elder brother.

It was also because of Mansour that Saudi Arabia sent troops to Yemen in order to help its little brother regain power in Yemen.

For Houthi, Mansour must die, and all Yemeni government officials who fled to Saudi Arabia must also be killed.

Killing these people will cause the government forces in Yemen to be unreliable, and will greatly reduce the resistance of these government forces.

Therefore, upon hearing Abdul’s suggestion, Houthi was very excited. If these plans are successful, stabilizing the situation in Yemen is just around the corner.

After all, the resistance of the current government army has been reduced a lot, and killing the foreign government in exile is the last straw that crushes the camel of the Yemeni government army.

"How sure are you?"

Just thinking of sneaking into Riyadh and assassinating Mansour, Houthi was a little worried.

Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia, and Mansour is even more afraid of death. There were sufficient security forces around him, coupled with Saudi security forces, and Mansour has stayed in Yemen from exile to Riyadh. The Saudi embassy is surrounded by heavily guarded soldiers, making it difficult to approach.

Such a goal of assassination, even the most powerful special forces in the world, is probably difficult to accomplish.

"Even if there is only 10% certainty, I think it is necessary to try it. If there is a chance, I will act. If there is no chance, I will not go blindly." Abdul said.

The assassination of Mansour is indeed the fastest solution to the Yemeni civil war. Even if it is difficult, you must try it.

And he does have a certain degree of certainty, because behind him, there is the layout of the Red Police Corps for several years. (To be continued.)

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