The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 895: Determine the target of the attack

ps: This chapter rewards the 3oooo starting currency plus more for Fanhua League leader, continue to ask for rewards!


From the beginning of the exhibition to the present of the Red Police Corps, after the Future Technology Group began to make profits, it has carried out an all-round layout in the world, either explicitly or implicitly. Liewen?net???????????

The huge layout involves any corner of the world, and the focus of the layout is the Middle East.

In particular, Cai Ruichen believes that among the Middle Eastern countries that may become rivals in the future, they are the key targets.

Such a layout is not simply the use of spies to establish an intelligence department, but the response is to deploy combat forces within these countries.

Although this kind of combat power is nothing at all in the face of national power, although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, don't underestimate the power of small groups.

History has proven countless times that those who can create history are often those forces that have been ignored by the mainstream.

Saudi Arabia must be the target of the Red Police Corps to conquer. The existence of Saudi Arabia is no less destructive to the stability of the Middle East than Israel.

Israel is not easy to solve, and Saudi Arabia cannot solve it because of the protection promised by the United States.

Even at some point, under the leadership of the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel have similar policies towards other countries in the Middle East.

From the very beginning, Cai Ruichen also regarded Saudi Arabia as the enemy of the Red Police Corps. There is no doubt about this.

A kingdom, in essence, and a democratic country, the state system is a clear opposition.

At the beginning, if it were not for the help of the United States, the Saudi royal family would have been overthrown under the coup. Because of this, the Saudi royal family was frightened.

For this reason, the layout of the Red Police Corps in Saudi Arabia is arguably the largest.

Abdul was naturally going to die. The entire plan was made by the Supreme Command of the Red Police Corps, and his mission was to execute it.

These suggestions he gave to Houthi were also the decisions of the Supreme Command of the Red Police Corps.

He could tell. Houté was indeed very excited about his suggestion, but he still had a little hesitation in his heart.

Because such a plan is completely different from his intention to purchase missiles.

From the personal point of view of Houthi, he is more inclined to razing Riyadh to the ground, with more than 200 missiles. They are all prepared for Riyadh.

But now, after hearing Abdul's suggestion, he is also quite excited, and it is indeed the most conducive way to future exhibitions.

After weighing inwardly, Houthi finally chose to follow Abdul's advice.

After all, over the past year or so, every suggestion made by Abdul has enabled the Houthis to win more victories. At this point. He fully trusted Abdul.

However, he was not reconciled to give up his plan to attack Riyadh in this way. Instead, he said: "Re-contact the arms dealer. I will continue to buy missiles. This time, I will use my overseas account."

In order to teach Saudi Arabia enough lessons. The Houthi even intends to use his own private money to make more money if the money is gone, but the thought of the daily air strikes in Saudi Arabia has brought casualties to the Houthi. Houté's heart was very upset.

He also wants Saudi Arabia to taste the wounds brought about by the war. For such pain, he doesn't want a short period of time. He wants to create a scar that is difficult to heal on Saudi Arabia.

Let the Saudis, when they think of this wound, they can feel what it means to be painful.

"I will contact, but there is no guarantee that they will have so many missiles to provide us."

Abdul nodded and continued: "However, even if they have missiles, they cannot be delivered to us right away. In order to avoid long nights and dreams and prevent our missiles from being exposed for a long time, I suggest that they should deal with Saudi Arabia immediately. Missile strikes are carried out on those important facilities within the territory."

"No problem, you can arrange this matter. It depends on which target you want to hit. It's up to you." Hu Sai nodded. He naturally knew that the noses of the all-pervasive spies from the outside world were more sensitive than dogs. These missiles One more hour in the hands, one more exposure risk.

If the news of the missile is known to the outside world, the effectiveness of the missile strike will inevitably be compromised. Even before the missile is launched, it will attract Saudi and Israeli fighter jets.

The Houthi is not a stupid person. He bought these missiles at a cost of 180 million U.S. dollars. For this reason, the entire Houthi armed forces now do not even have a million U.S. dollars.

As long as these missiles are shot out and fly into Saudi territory, the investment of this $80 million will be earned.

If it were destroyed on the shooting car, it would be impossible to cry.

Abdul did not hesitate and said decisively: "I will make arrangements immediately, and please be careful at the same time. I will leave here directly and go to Riyadh as soon as possible."

Seeing Abdul's decisive expression, Houthi didn't want him to leave. In his eyes, Abdul's value was more than 10,000 soldiers.

But he is also very clear that some things are destined to be done by someone.

The entire Houthis, if there is a chance to kill Mansour, it must be Abdul.

Although he was full of reluctance, Hussein did not say anything to save him. He just stepped forward to give Abdul a hug and said, "As long as you can or come back, nothing else matters, do you understand?"

"Thank you for your love, I will definitely come back to see you with Mansour's head."

Abdul said very firmly, and then he left the headquarters without looking back.

Watching him leave, Hussein sighed, and once again set his eyes on the map...

On the ground back, Abdul had changed into a normal Arab costume.

The outside of the commander is a seemingly desolate village. At night, the village is unusually quiet, and there are no people moving inside.

Walking out of the house, standing on a quiet village road, Abdul slapped his palms, and a dozen dark shadows came out from the corners of the village.

These people walked to Abdul very quietly and waited for his instructions.

"Follow the original plan and come out immediately."

Among the people who received the order, he quickly followed Abdul towards the outside of the village. Outside the existence, under the night, under a huge camouflage net, a bus that looked tattered was parked in the village. outside.

Everyone got on the bus one by one. The motives of the bus slowly started, and the exhaust pipes at the back suddenly emitted thick black smoke. The motives were like an old man's cough, as if the fire would go out at any time.

However, in the end, this dilapidated bus still staggered on the road. It was driving on the same dilapidated road. The body was shaking, as if it was about to fall apart. There were no lights or cars. The taillights seem to be scrapped cars that refugees don’t know where to buy. (To be continued.)

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