The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 897: The loopholes in the Saudi defense system

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As Abdul and his party were heading for the Saudi capital of Riyadh, Cai Ruichen, who was far away at the base, was also paying close attention to this matter. ??

Since he started to intervene in the Houthi armed forces, the contests with Yemen and Israel have not been the Houthi armed forces, but have been directly replaced by the Red Police Corps.

And if he hadn't intervened, the current situation of the Houthis would have been very dangerous.

This war, from the beginning, has long been a war of the Red Police Corps.

It's just that the outside world doesn't know it. Only the soldiers of the Red Police Corps and Cai Ruichen, who is the decision maker, know this.

While the whole world is looking for who is supporting the Houthi armed forces, Cai Ruichen is still continuously providing weapons and equipment to the Houthi armed forces.

Relying on concealment methods that no one can think of, the Houthi armed forces are advancing fast on the road to aspiration to the Yemeni regime.

Over the past year, Cai Ruichen is quite satisfied with the situation in Yemen, because everything is under his control.

So far, all the exhibitions have been carried out step by step according to the plan, and then the real battle is about to begin.

At this moment, on the world map in front of Cai Ruichen, all the positions of the Red Police Corps personnel were presented in detail before his eyes.

His eyes were all focused on the territory of Saudi Arabia, especially in Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, showing many blue dots. Every blue dot was a member of the Red Police Corps.

The map function of the base is that you cannot see the enemy's territory, but the base will show the movements of each Red Police Corps in detail.

In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, a small skull also appeared on the map. This signal means that there is a hero of the Red Police Corps in Riyadh.

This class of heroes, Cai Ruichen was sent to Saudi Arabia very early, in order to present a great drama to Saudi Arabia and present an unprecedented gift.

Treat the enemy. Cai Ruichen has never been soft-hearted, any enemy, in his opinion, is used to destroy, absolutely not to sympathize.

As long as it is an enemy, there is no pity and sympathy. What he has to do is send the enemy to hell.

More than two hundred surface-to-surface missiles specially provided to Houthi. It is an important part of this special gift.

in fact. Cai Ruichen has been preparing various missiles in Yemen very early, since he extracted the V-2 missiles. The Red Police Corps officially has long-range missile strike capabilities.

All kinds of precision-guided missiles can destroy all the US military bases in the Middle East in one go. Of course, this requires sufficient missiles. Only then can it break through the air defense umbrellas of the US military bases.

However, if it is used against Saudi Arabia, there is absolutely no need to be so troublesome, although Saudi Arabia also has American Patriot air defense missiles. But in fact, Saudi Arabia's domestic air defense system is nothing to say.

Before that, when the Houthi armed forces fired 36 Scud missiles, the Saudi air defense system only intercepted two missiles.

He also caused his own air force commander to be killed by a missile. Speaking of which, Saudi Arabia is ashamed. Although Saudi officials officially announced that the air force commander killed by the missile died of natural disease, everyone with a discerning eye knows that this was only caused by Saudi Arabia. It's just a fig leaf.

After all, speaking of it is really shameful, and it can be seen from it that Saudi Arabia, which has been comfortable for a long time, and its local defense system have long existed in name only.

What's more, the Saudi air defense network has always been incomplete, and there are inherently large loopholes.

Among the Middle Eastern countries, the Saudi air defense network is far inferior to Iran, Pakistan, Egypt and other countries, and it is more of a pediatrics than Israel.

Moreover, there has always been a lack of necessary combat readiness training, and the result has been loose. This has always been a common problem of Saudi troops.

The combat effectiveness of soldiers composed of a group of local tyrants can be imagined.

Those in-service officers are more about training their qualifications, rather than serving as soldiers.

This is also the place where the Saudi army has always been criticized by the outside world. Even most people in the world are advising Saudi Arabia not to engage in the army. If something happens, it’s good to directly hire the army of other countries to help, and you can save countless dollars. Military expenses.

However, one thing I have to say is that the weaponry of the Saudi army is the most advanced country in the Middle East.

A large number of Saudi ground troops are equipped with German-made Panther tanks, and almost all the world's advanced weapons and equipment are purchased to equip their own troops.

The number of missiles in the Middle East countries is the largest, and all fighter jets are very advanced. After all, the navy is a little weaker, but it is also among the best in the Middle East countries.

Regrettably, in Cai Ruichen's eyes, this Saudi army built with a lot of money is worthless.

In Cai Ruichen's eyes, judging whether a country is powerful or not is definitely not based on one or two advanced weapons and equipment, but on the overall strength structure of the national defense.

Whether the various combat systems can be perfectly combined to ensure that each link can be closely coordinated.

Because of any weakness, it is possible to cause a complete collapse of the war, just like Saudi Arabia.

Probably because of the relationship with the United States, Saudi Arabia has not been very keen on developing its local air defense and anti-missile capabilities.

Also learn from Saudi Arabia's view No country dared to attack itself at all. The direction of the military's development is all inclined to attack.

In modern warfare, every truly powerful country and place is never pure offense, but a strategic defensive pattern and defensive offensive strategy.

Only by protecting one's own domestic industry and economic production can a large-scale war be waged.

If there is only a powerful offensive force in the sky, but without the corresponding defensive capabilities, wouldn't everything be ruined when someone else’s missiles come?

This is the biggest problem for Saudi Arabia now. It’s just that Saudi Arabia has never paid attention to it. Even after being hit by the scuds of the Houthi armed forces, Saudi Arabia has not paid attention to its local air defense construction.

In the eyes of Saudi Arabia, such an attack is only accidental, and the Houthi armed forces only have those missiles, and there will be threats in this regard in the future, and there is no need to engage in those things.

After all, the price of a set of anti-aircraft missiles is not cheap, and it can only be bought here to rust. It is better to buy a few more fighter jets. (To be continued.)

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