The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 898: Missile launch

ps: Thank you for the 1oooo starting coin rewarded by "Yang Shuo". This chapter adds more for him. ?E? Novel?????

The gorgeous computer is resurrected, and finally there is no need to go to the Internet cafe... I beg for a reward!

Welcome to search for "gorgeous hypocrisy" and follow the gorgeous WeChat public account! Huahua will often communicate with you, pay attention to benefits! Today we have released some high-definition pictures of the units, and we will continue to release them in the future.


Cai Ruichen really hopes that the future enemies will be like this, but this is only his wishful thinking. This kind of strange idea is the only one in Saudi Arabia in the world.

However, this cannot be blamed on the lack of vision of those in the Saudi royal family. In fact, this is a kind of thinking, a unique thinking created under the protection of the United States.

The protection promised by the United States has always assured Saudi Arabia, and has never worried that someone could attack Saudi Arabia.

However, Saudi Arabia was wrong about not attacking Saudi Arabia's homeland, but that does not mean not attacking Saudi Arabia.

What the United States promises is to protect the Saudi royal family for thousands of years, but it does not guarantee the safety of every place in Saudi Arabia.

The U.S. did not make any response when the Houthi armed forces fired a missile for the first time. This is the most obvious example.

Wherever the United States has time, no matter how distracted it is to pay attention to places like Yemen, the United States cannot be too busy in the Middle East.

As long as Saudi Arabia does not really face the risk of being occupied, and the royal family's rule over Saudi Arabia faces the risk of being overthrown, it is impossible for the United States to intervene in such matters.

At this stage, the core focus area of ​​the United States in the Middle East is Afghanistan.

The United States has nearly 10,000 troops stationed in Afghanistan. Recently, the spring is blooming, and the Taliban have officially launched the spring offensive. On average, at least one company of the Afghan government forces will be killed every day.

U.S. military power in the Middle East. It also had to be involved in a large number of areas in Afghanistan. As for Saudi Arabia and Yemen, in the eyes of the United States, they are all trivial matters.

Anyway, there is another Israel behind Saudi Arabia. Even if Saudi Arabia is in trouble, doesn’t this still have Israel?

Rather than paying attention to Yemen, the United States hopes more. It can persuade Future Technology Group or Iraq to assist the United States in participating in the fight against Taliban extremist organizations.

The priority is clear. From the US perspective, all matters that involve the current core interests are the most important.

As for Saudi Arabia and Yemen, in fact, they have little to do with the United States. The interests of the United States are not in Yemen either. Being able to provide Saudi Arabia with military intelligence support occasionally is enough to give Saudi Arabia face.

It is precisely because of this. Cai Ruichen was able to let go of his hands and feet to create trouble for Saudi Arabia.

At this moment, more than two hundred surface-to-surface missiles are rising from the sky in Yemen. Waiting for the arrival of the final shot order.

The coordinates of the attacked area are all input to the control chip of the missile warhead, and the flight control of the missile is completed by the missile's inertial guidance.

but. When the missile is about to hit the target, the passive laser guidance system of the missile warhead will also be automatically turned on.

This is when necessary, under the guidance of the ground laser, to achieve true precision strikes.

However, this kind of guidance can only be within a certain range, because under the final laser guidance, the missile can only be slightly adjusted, and it is impossible to re-adjust to attack a new target at a longer distance.

Generally, it is only used to determine key targets, or to guide the attack trajectory to the correct target when the missile deviates slightly.

Change the range of the target so that it cannot exceed the landing position of the missile 500 meters. In normal times, this function is the same.

But when necessary, it can maximize the lethality.

And this time, in order to ensure that every missile can attack the target, there are soldiers from the Red Police Corps around all planned targets, ready to guide the missile attack.

If this attack started from the base's own combat system, it would not need to be so troublesome.

But the Houthi armed forces can only use this simplest inertial guided missile and let them use acoustic cruise missiles. Think about the level of electronic equipment in the Houthi armed forces. They don't even have a satellite, so forget it.

Otherwise, in this year's time, Cai Ruichen is enough to help the Houthi armed forces prepare five or six hundred sound cruise missiles.

The cost of one sound cruise missile is 50,000 yuan, and the cost of 100 sound cruise missiles is 5 million yuan.

Five or six hundred sonic cruise missiles are nothing more than 20 million funds. For the current base income, it takes a year to prepare these missiles, which is a drop in the bucket.

But it involves the issue of the ability to use it. In addition, the only countries in the world that have sonic cruise missiles are Russia, India and their hometowns. At the same time, the existence of sonic cruise missiles is also very sensitive.

It may cause a lot of trouble. It is not as good as a simple and practical ground-to-surface missile. At least it can be disguised as a Scud without any trouble.

At the end of the night, most of the people in Iraq fell asleep. If you look down from space, the lights of the entire Middle East world will be extinguished.

Inside the base, Cai Ruichen is waiting for the moment when all members of the Red Police Corps in Saudi Arabia are ready.

In the headquarters of the Houthi armed forces, Houthi is also waiting for news from Abdul. In order to ensure a smooth assassination of Mansour, when the missile falls into Riyadh, it is the best time to assassinate.

Because at that time, there will be a missile aimed at the Yemeni embassy in Saudi Arabia. The Houthi special forces led by Abdul will enter the embassy as soon as possible, find Mansour, and kill him.

Therefore, the missile will not fire until Abdul and others arrive in Riyadh.

It's just that this period of time is also quite tormenting for Houthi. Seeing that the time has slowly come to 3:30 in the middle of the night.

The Houthi also started to pace back and forth in the headquarters a little to the previous agreement, if he has not received the news from Abdul at four o'clock in the morning, he will also issue an announcement. The command to fire a missile.

For these missiles that are ready to be launched, it is best not to wait until the next night, because it is really not a bet.

This is also Abdul's suggestion, because this trip sneaks into Saudi territory, and there is a possibility of accidents at any time, and attacking Saudi Arabia is the key point.

At 3:30 in the morning, according to the itinerary, he should have arrived in Riyadh, but the more this happens, the more difficult it is for Houthi to calm down.

Almost every minute, I would check the time and then the communicator, waiting nervously for news.

Time passed again by one minute and one second, and it seemed that it was about four o'clock. Just when Houthi had prepared to issue the missile launch command, the communicator rang and a garbled signal appeared on the display. on.

After seeing the messy characters on the monitor, Hu Sai was pleased, and decisively picked up the wired telephone, and ordered: "I order, all missiles will be fired at the same time."

(To be continued.)

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