The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 901: Burning Saudi

At this moment, the Saudi Ministry of Defense has become a mess. The two armored divisions were the first to be attacked, and the damage to the battle remains unknown. ??E novel????????????????

Just after receiving intelligence from the US Pentagon, the Saudi Ministry of Defense also contacted all the troops immediately to conduct air defense.

In fact, the radars in Saudi Arabia also showed off the incoming missiles. Even without the order of the Ministry of Defense, they all began to prepare for air defense.

But the air defense order was issued, but the missile came too suddenly.

For the three large oil fields in Saudi Arabia, the nearby army has not yet made any response. With missiles falling over seven times the sound, the three large oil fields instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Dense missiles scattered, letter attack ammunition, small bombs falling like a torrential rain, and a large number of oil wells and oil depots covered the explosion radius.

The warhead of a missile is as high as 500 kilograms. Inside the warhead, there are dense sub-bombs, and the charge of each sub-bomb reaches two kilograms.

When one missile comes down, there are more than two hundred sub-bombs, and the damage area covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

Moreover, all bombs are special explosives similar to solid incendiary bombs. The dense explosions have formed a huge sea of ​​flames, covering almost all oilfield facilities.

A large number of workers in the oil field still don't know what happened, only a brief air defense sirens sounded, and then nothing happened.

Lucky people may still have a chance to survive. Those who are not lucky have been directly swallowed by the explosion of flames.

However, the real disaster is not the flames produced by these explosions, but all the oil wells in the oil fields were ignited by the fire.

The crude oil was all burning under the flame, and the starlight that could have been seen was instantly covered by dense smoke, and the dark curtain formed by the dense smoke instantly covered everyone's heads.

There are bright red fires everywhere, caused by the eyes. All over the earth, there are billowing plumes of smoke everywhere.

Crude oil is like spraying everywhere, burning flames spreading in the oil field, and there will be violent explosions from time to time.

Under the billowing smoke, only a lot of staff who were trying to extinguish the flames could be seen, but under such a raging fire. A large amount of crude oil becomes the raw material for combustion, which is not normal and can be extinguished.

The spreading fire also ignited a large number of oil pipelines, especially those pipelines that were blown off under the explosion. A large number of explosion sounds were mainly from these pipelines.

Although the surviving staff have tried every means to stop the spread of the disaster and shut down all drilling oil wells. All oil pipelines were also closed. But the disaster has not been well controlled.

However, compare these oil fields. The ports of Tanura Cape and Vlaki Port are more like **** on earth.

A large number of missiles attacked these two ports, although the Saudi air defense missile force fired several Patriot air defense missiles and intercepted three attacking missiles. But the remaining missiles still destroyed two huge ports.

In response to missile strikes in Saudi Arabia, most of the missiles are concentrated in these two ports.

Missiles attacking oil fields. The total is about 60, and the number of missiles attacking the two ports is as many as 100.

In particular, the port at Tanura Cape has all been taken care of. The inverted missiles attacking here are not cluster munitions, but are all destructive penetration bombs. The key targets of attacks are given priority to the ports. All oil depots.

A missile with a charge of 500 kilograms, plus the explosive power of the remaining fuel, turned all the fuel depots into even more terrifying-class bombs in a blink of an eye.

The oil depots hit by the missiles all exploded. The power of the explosion of the large oil depots, even in cities far away, was shattered by a large number of doors and windows.

The huge sound and impact generated by the explosion caused a large number of workers in the port to be instantly shaken to death under the explosion.

Especially those underground oil depots, under the power of missile penetration, went deep into the depot and exploded. Multiple underground oil depots were directly detonated, and the entire port seemed to be knocked down.

A large number of facilities in the port were quickly submerged in the explosion. The heat radiation brought by the burning crude oil quickly ignited a large number of surrounding houses and warehouses. The neatly placed barrels of crude oil are just a tank. Explosives.

In less than a minute, none of the two ports could find any safe place.

Even those ships docked in the port were all affected by the explosion, especially those oil tankers that were loading crude oil, all of which were affected by the explosion, and then burned, and there was a possibility of a second explosion at any time.

The ships outside the port hurriedly left, and there was chaos everywhere, just like in the port.

No one thought that such a situation would suddenly occur, and the attack was so sudden that no one could stand it.

In the port, there is hardly any intact place in sight. The sky has not yet lit up, but the burning fire can be seen even if it is more than 100 kilometers away.

The billowing smoke can be seen even if it is two hundred kilometers away.

The pungent smell in the air permeated all nearby cities. Countless people were awakened by the sound of the explosion, breaking the glass and casually causing some wounds to ordinary people.

In the city, there is chaos everywhere, and the streets are full of panic-stricken civilians, as well as various police cars and fire trucks roaring.

All nearby military departments were dispatched urgently and all joined the rescue team, but under such an attack it was more in vain.

However, for Saudi Arabia, the real disaster has just begun. Residents as far away as Riyadh were awakened by the explosion and immediately heard the harsh air defense alarm.

At the same time, Riyadh’s anti-aircraft firepower responded in a timely manner. A large number of anti-aircraft missiles lifted into the air and flew toward the missiles that fell sharply in the sky.

The ground air defense weapons all sprayed dense flames, hoping to block the falling missiles as much as possible.

However, there are too many missiles attacking Riyadh. There is no way to intercept all fifty missiles at once.

Such an attack may only be intercepted under the layers of interception nets only if the defense circles of those major countries.

However, Saudi Arabia does not have such interception capabilities. Even the defensive network in the entire circle is only the most basic two-tier interception mechanism.

The four Patriot air defense missile battalions have fired more than a dozen air defense missiles in just one minute, and the various air defense weapons of the two air defense brigades are all trying to deploy barrage over the city. (To be continued.)

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