The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 902: The collapsed palace

Missiles that fall at seven times the sound are inherently very difficult to intercept. Conventional air defense weapons simply do not have the ability to intercept missiles that fall with a vertical trajectory.

As for the Patriot air defense missile, the probability of interception in front of such a missile is at most half and half, and it does not have the ability to intercept it completely.

Under the interception of Saudi Arabia’s air defense forces, seven or eight missiles were eventually intercepted.

The remaining missiles have landed in the city center of Riyadh.

The Saudi Royal Palace occupies a huge area, and the garden flowers and plants look very beautiful. Under the lights at night, it shines like a fairyland.

This situation has lasted for hundreds of years in Saudi Arabia, but in the next ten seconds, the entire palace will completely become a thing of the past.

The first missile that fell, directly on the top of the palace, penetrated into the palace, and then on the first floor, the 500 kg warhead was directly detonated, the palace with luxurious interiors, and the entire main structure exploded. collapse.

A large number of Saudi government and royal family members in it had not had time to make any response. They were all engulfed by the explosion, and their lives were instantly terminated.

Next, missiles fell one after another, and every place within the palace was covered by missile attacks.

The huge garden was destroyed, all kinds of luxurious facilities, and the palace built by the Saudi royal family for several generations, turned into a burning ruin in just ten seconds.

There are ruined walls everywhere, the wreckage and fragments of architectural structures everywhere, and the gorgeous lights are off. Thousands of people in the palace have completely become a thing of the past following this century-old palace.

There are countless precious collections, calligraphy and paintings of exquisite celebrities, countless art collections, countless treasures of human history, all followed by the explosion.

Saudi royal family. Globally recognized local tyrants, countless treasures in the palace, under a simple missile attack, became history, completely turned into the past.

In Riyadh, with countless eyes looking at the burning palace in the distance, almost every Saudi person thought they were dreaming.

Because of this picture. It's too hard to imagine.

The missile attack on Riyadh has not yet ended. The Ministry of Defense of Saudi Arabia, which is also the highest national defense assembly of Saudi Arabia, is busy. A few missiles fell, and the huge structure of the National Defense Council penetrated from top to bottom.

The entire National Defense Parliament Building has also directly followed in the footsteps of the Royal Palace. Inside Riyadh. There is also a mess everywhere.

Countless crowds flooded the streets and ran towards the few air-raid shelters. On the streets, the police and troops, too late to manage these people, all rushed towards the explosion.

The missile attacked Riyadh. There were violent explosions in various places in Riyadh. In Riyadh, almost all important Saudi government institutions have been destroyed by missiles.

Even the central bank of Saudi Arabia. They were also within the target of the attack. Two missiles hit the central bank building. The entire building collapsed in the explosion, blocking all the surrounding streets.

At this time, the missile strike that spread throughout Saudi Arabia came to an end, and the entire process of the front and back missile attacks took only three minutes.

In such three minutes, Saudi Arabia’s ambitions of the expansion of the two 6 Army armored divisions, weapons and equipment worth tens of billions of dollars were destroyed.

The three large oil fields are all submerged in the fire. This fire is difficult to extinguish in a short time.

Even if the fire is extinguished, it will take at least several months to resume normal crude oil production.

And repairing so many drilling wells and equipment, it would be difficult to restore the previous oil production without a year.

The two large ports in Saudi Arabia were also destroyed. In the ports, there are almost no complete facilities in sight. There are burning flames and ships everywhere, and a large amount of crude oil flows into the waters of the Persian Gulf.

Even the nearby US military bases are dispatched to help rescue these two ports.

In other cities in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi military industry has also been severely damaged, especially many high-tech industries, almost all of which have been devastated.

The lethality of a missile is enough to destroy a large-scale project, and it is the kind of comprehensive destruction and destruction.

All air bases in Saudi Arabia also suffered devastating damage in this attack. Cluster bombs destroyed a large number of airport facilities and also destroyed a large number of fighter jets parked in the hangar.

However, the most tragic is the Saudi capital, which represents the Saudi government and the royal palace of the center of economy, finance, and power. Under the burning fire, there is no complete rubble.

The Saudi King’s Guard Corps, which rushed over in an emergency, can only rescue the ruins in front of them as much as possible, and see if they can rescue a few more people.

However, in fact, everyone is very clear that under such an attack, even hiding in the basement of the palace, it is difficult to survive.

The lethality of the rapidly falling missile, even if it cannot destroy the basements, is enough to bring damage to the people inside.

And no one thought of such an attack, even at the last moment, probably not many people had time to hide in the basement.

The most important thing is that the Saudi royal family never believes that they will be attacked. There are defensive facilities inside the palace, but unfortunately, these facilities are usually not used at all. People inside are more willing to sleep in their own rooms.

Although no one believes that anyone in the ruins of the palace at will survive, the guards of the kingdom have not given up any possibility of existence.

A large number of fire trucks quickly arrived at the palace and kept sprinkling water on the burning ruins.

In the city of Riyadh, there are more panicked crowds. In the embassy area of ​​various countries, every ambassador in the Saudi embassy is all disturbed.

However, these ambassadors all stayed in their rooms, looking at Riyadh, which was burning everywhere, with shocked faces. Riyadh now looks so strange.

The flames of war that suddenly ignited suddenly appeared in Saudi Arabia, which no one expected.

Even if there is a precedent for the Houthi armed forces to launch missiles in Saudi Arabia, but compared to this attack, the previous missile attack is not even a pediatrician.

At the same time, King Salman of Saudi Arabia, who was far away in Turkey, was stunned for more than ten seconds after hearing the news. The attendant who came to report could not hide the look of panic...

(To be continued.)

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