The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 910: Principle of dispatch

Saudi Arabia sent troops to Yemen. Why did it come to the end, but did not have a really strong ally to come and help?

In fact, the reason is very simple. The five big hooligans in the world plus the European Union, no one wants Yemen to appear.

At that time, the situation in Yemen had not yet erupted into a civil war, and it was only Saudi Arabia's unilateral request to combat the Houthis.

The first country Saudi Arabia looked for was the United States, but since it came to power, it has never actively launched any war with the outside world. Moreover, the United States has too many reasons not to help Saudi Arabia to fight the Houthi armed forces.

However, Saudi Arabia showed favor for the oil war. The United States was not good at rejecting it. In the end, it only agreed to provide some intelligence on the battlefield to help Saudi Arabia engage in the logistics of the war. The United States could not help with the rest.

Regarding this result, the Saudis are not too disappointed, because they also know very well that the United States cannot participate in the war.

After all, Syria and the United States do not fight, let alone send troops to Yemen.

In fact, when the Syrian chemical weapons problem emerged, one year before the Syrian chemical weapons incident, it was said that if the Syrian government forces dared to use chemical weapons, it would be a red line for the United States.

As long as Syria touches the red line, the United States must send troops. This is absolute.

As a result, a year later, Syria really had a chemical weapon problem.

When this incident officially appeared, the entire United States began to act in an all-round way, and the American media began to wantonly create public opinion. Propagating the evils of the Assad regime, the military, preparations for the use of force against Syria are also fully prepared.

The whole process of propaganda and action. It took almost a week. At that time, the entire United States went up and down the world, and almost everyone could feel that the United States was really going to send troops.

On the eve of the official dispatch of troops, that is, at the last White House meeting where the dispatch order needs to be finally signed, it was super abruptly announced that it would renounce the use of force against the Syrian government.

Everyone in the entire White House meeting was stunned. But that’s how it was announced, although everyone was dissatisfied, but in fact. That's it.

The US military in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, which had all done a good job of launching air strikes against Syrian government forces upon the official signing of the presidential order, has all been cancelled.

A military operation prepared for a week ended abruptly. At that time, the entire Middle East. The whole family is waiting for the United States to send troops.

Even the Saudi ambassador to the United States sent a message to Saudi Salman. The message said that everyone was assured that the United States would use force against Syria 100%, which made everyone optimistic.

As for why it suddenly gave up the use of force against Syria at such a juncture, the outside world does not know much. But Cai Ruichen is very clear.

In order to quell the officials of the US government, they simply submitted the plan to use force against Syria to Congress. Let Congress decide whether to use force.

As a result, the plan to use force against Syria was undoubtedly left in the trash can by the US Congress.

Now, there is something to say, Congress represents the will of the people, and if the people do not allow the US government to use force, then no force will be used.

This statement makes the United States and the allies in the Middle East super speechless.

The whole world knows that there is a sense of war exhaustion in the United States, and the entire Congress has been opposed to foreign wars.

During the Bush administration, it was originally necessary to approve the domestic approval of a resolution to use force to the outside world. With the help of the September 11th incident, Bush directly surpassed the authority of Congress.

Since then, whether the United States decides to use force abroad has long been not decided by the US Congress.

To resubmit the plan for foreign military operations to the Congress, to put it bluntly, is to use Congress’s public opinion to quell the dissatisfaction of the high-level government and restore a little bit of their own image.

But basically everyone understands that in the current United States, unless there is a country actively attacking the United States, any foreign military action resolutions submitted to the parliament will be thrown into the trash can immediately, and there is no need for real discussions.

Because the U.S. Congress is also unspeakable. The war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan cost the U.S. financial and national power a great deal. However, in a peaceful foreign war, orders have become presidential decisions and signatures, and there is no need to pass Congress.

However, military operations require a huge amount of military expenditure. It is not a joke that the cannon fires gold ten thousand taels. The government and the military exert their muscles vigorously, but the Congress pays the bill.

In such a situation, even if people show up at the door of the United States all day long, it is impossible for Congress to approve an active war.

What's more, the Syrian civil war has been in a mess for several years. The government forces under Bashar’s government are all elite soldiers who have grown up in the civil war for several years. They also have heavy weapons and a relatively complete troop system. , Jing and Russia.

If this war is over and it is another war that cannot be resolved for a long time, then the United States will be plunged into the quagmire of the war this time. How can the US Congress agree to such a resolution? What's more, the US finances will not allow it. Take the initiative to start a war outside.

The United States, which does not fight Syria, let alone the Houthi armed forces. At the same time, the United States also very much does not want Saudi Arabia to send troops to Yemen. However, due to the favor it owes the Saudi government, the United States cannot say anything.

With the coming to power, the United States, which has readjusted its national strategy, has decided to completely abandon the use of force in the Middle East.

However, the United States is not saying that it will never use force in the Middle East. On the contrary, there are three things that determine the conditions for the United States to send troops to the Middle East.

The first condition is the issue of Israel. As long as Israel’s national survival is threatened, the United States will inevitably send troops. Otherwise, the United States can't even keep an Israel, so what is the status of world hegemon?

Of course, this is closely related to the large number of Jewish consortia in the United States, and it is also closely related to Jewish lobbying groups.

But there is no doubt that if Israel faces an existential crisis, the United States will inevitably send troops. There is no doubt about this.

The second point is Iran’s nuclear issue. If Iran possesses nuclear weapons and intends to use nuclear weapons to deter other countries, the United States has nothing to say and will decisively use force against Iran.

The third point is the survival of the Saudi royal family. At the beginning, the United States promised to keep the Saudi royal family's regime for ten thousand years. As long as the United States exists for one day, it will guarantee that the Saudi regime will be in the hands of the Saudi royal family. (To be continued.)

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