The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 911: Carrot and stick

ps: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "Eternal 11", the starting point of 50,000 coins has become popular, and he has made great achievements in this chapter.


As long as these three points are not involved, it is almost impossible for the current United States to send troops.

What's more, the current US military strategy for the Middle East is to withdraw as much as possible from the quagmire of war in the Middle East, and to face global wars and focus on the Asia-Pacific region. This policy, no matter who the next government is president. , Will not change, now the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is the most obvious signal of the entire military strategy change.

Russia is naturally on Iran's side. Iran does not like to see Saudi Arabia send troops to Yemen to attack Houthi armed forces who share the same beliefs as itself.

At the same time, Iran does not want to see Saudi Arabia show off its muscles in front of itself and rob itself of its status as the number one power in the Arab world.

After all, Saudi Arabia uses force against Yemen, one of its purposes is to declare its military presence and influence against Iran.

Another reason why Saudi Arabia wanted to do this was because of the Iranian nuclear issue. The concessions made by the United States made Saudi Arabia very angry.

Saudi Arabia has been very dissatisfied with Iran's nuclear issue since it embarked on the stage of peace talks.

Especially after the negotiations have entered a stage where results are beginning to appear, the Saudi side is a little bit unsure.

At present, the nuclear negotiations between the United States and Iran, the two sides have negotiated on Iran’s peaceful use of nuclear energy.

As long as the results of the negotiations appear, Iran will have the right to peacefully use nuclear energy. Be free to build civilian nuclear facilities.

At that time, the United States will also lift sanctions on Iran, once sanctions are gone. Then Iran's economy will be fully recovered.

In fact, this is also the result that the EU has always needed, because the EU can no longer stand the control of the EU on the issue of natural gas by Russia.

In fact, the European Union has always wanted to trade natural gas with Iran. Iran, which has the world's second largest natural gas reserve country, can free the European Union from Russia's control over natural gas.

This is especially true in my hometown, because a natural gas pipeline that runs through Pakistan was built years ago. It has been extended to the border of Iran, and Iran has also built a pipeline to extend to the border of Pakistan.

The two pipelines are on the border and are separated by tens of centimeters. Only a connecting pipe is needed, and Iranian natural gas can be delivered to the hometown immediately.

And because of the UN sanctions on Iran’s nuclear issue, Iran’s oil exports are not even one-third of normal. The export of natural gas is severely restricted.

Once this restriction is opened. Iran will soon come with money, and even the United States can't stop the needs of Europe and the Asia-Pacific.

Iran’s oil exports will soon triple, and large amounts of natural gas will be immediately supplied to Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

From Saudi Arabia's point of view, Iran is already very difficult to deal with. If an Iran with a stable economic source and support emerges, then Saudi Arabia's status as an Arab power will soon be surpassed by Iran.

Iran only needs to calm down for a year or two. It will become a wealthy country, even if it does produce nuclear weapons. There is no need to worry about external sanctions.

This is what Saudi Arabia is most intolerable. Based on this, Saudi Arabia's characteristics against Iran are very obvious.

What makes Saudi Arabia most dissatisfied is that the United States is clearly relaxing its shackles on Iran. Otherwise, the United States can completely withstand the pressure within the EU and NATO and continue to impose sanctions on Iran.

However, the United States clearly aims to maintain a balance of political power in the Middle East. At this point, the Americans really do not intend to make Saudi Arabia really bigger in the Middle East.

The emergence of a pattern of power between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the Middle East is what the United States hopes to see.

As for the European Union, it naturally does not want Yemen, because the Gulf of Aden is the lifeline of European countries, and 60% of Europe's economy comes from the Gulf of Aden, the main artery of life.

Yemen, as far as Europe is concerned, there is no harm, and what Europe hopes most is that Yemen can negotiate peacefully.

The same is true of my hometown. The key place on the Maritime Silk Road is the Gulf of Aden. There is no doubt about this. Like the European Union, my hometown also hopes that Yemen will be peaceful and quiet, so that so many moths will not come out.

Before I went to Yemen to evacuate the nationals, the direct use of warships was not only to quickly evacuate the nationals, but also to tell people on the Arabian Peninsula that I also had a weapon in this place.

President Roosevelt of the United States gave people the biggest impression of carrots and sticks. His famous saying was: You must speak kindly, but you must have a big stick in your hands.

It's like this in my hometown now. It's like two people fighting. You persuaded you. The two people who were fighting took a look at you and found that you didn't threaten at all, and there was nothing on you. Naturally, it is impossible to listen to your persuasion.

But if you hold a gun in your hand, tell both of you not to shoot, and see who of them dares to do it.

This is also an obvious change in the foreign policy of my hometown, and I have already begun to have a taste of holding a pistol and talking, and this is worth studying for Cai Ruichen.

And in this situation where the whole world does not support it, Saudi Arabia has gathered a group of brothers, the coalition forces of the ten nations, which sounds very good, but except for Saudi Arabia's own troops, they all come to fight soy sauce.

After all, countries like Bahrain and the UAE are all rich owners, but if they want to use force, it is a super joke.

Most of them are just coming to sit on the bench, which is a little support for the big brother of Saudi Arabia. After all, they have no choice. The monarchy countries in the Middle East are left with them, and they can only hold together for warmth.

If you leave Saudi Arabia's Big Brother, your complete status will be hard to guarantee.

As a result, Saudi Arabia also miscalculated a bit. Originally, Saudi Arabia thought that in addition to the Houthi armed forces, half of the people in Yemen would meet the Saudi royal division, but the result was the opposite.

At first, these Yemenis welcomed Saudi Arabia’s attack on the Houthi, but as Saudi air strikes began, the Saudi Air Force, which had no experience in warfare, caused more civilian casualties and killed Yemenis.

At this time, if someone stood up and shouted to support Saudi Arabia in sending troops to Yemen, it is estimated that this person would be quickly killed by other Yemenis.

This is beyond Saudi expectations. All wars have been unsuccessful. Gaggen Salman’s son, Mohammed, is still a super layman who has not been a soldier for a day. He commands hundreds of thousands of troops to fight. It’s a joke. . (To be continued.)

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