The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 929: Visit Venezuela

Caracas Airport in Venezuela, the huge aerial command platform, taxied slowly to the edge of the airport’s international VIP passage. ??One novel???????????

Venezuela’s President Maduro appeared at the airport and presided over the welcome ceremony in person. Such a welcome level is simply unprecedented in Venezuela.

It is the first time since Maduro came to power to greet VIPs at the airport in person. A huge military band and a guard of honor of the three services lined up neatly on the side of the airport’s welcome channel. Maduro was accompanied by the Minister of Commerce and Venezuela. Minister of Energy.

When the aerial command platform slowly stopped, the huge cabin door slowly opened. In the huge chartered plane, there was a long escalator in the depth, which just extended to the ground and connected with the red carpet on the ground. .

In the crisp sound of military music, Cai Ruichen appeared on the escalator and stepped off the special plane.

This is Cai Ruichen's first overseas study tour, and to everyone's surprise in the world, Cai Ruichen's selected country for study is actually Venezuela, a small South American country.

Everyone originally guessed that the country Cai Ruichen chose this time must be the United States. This result left too many people deeply puzzled.

After all, the relationship between the Future Technology Group and the United States is the best. If the United States is not selected, many people still cannot understand it.

But for Venezuela, this is an event of great significance.

In order to welcome Cai Ruichen's arrival, Venezuela held the grandest welcoming ceremony. Even Maduro personally greeted him at the airport.

This practice of Maduro instantly raised Cai Ruichen's status to an extremely high level.

After all, in the world, Cai Ruichen is still just a businessman, a great scholar and scientist. Despite his high status, he does not allow a country’s yuan to be greeted at the airport in person, but is a welcome ceremony of the highest standard.

Even if Putong and Beijing visited Venezuela, Maduro never personally greeted him at the airport.

Even Cai Ruichen was quite surprised. He is very clear about his current status and he chose Venezuela to investigate the investment environment.

There was an intention to cooperate with the Venezuelan government in business, but he did not expect the dignified president. Actually greeted him at the airport, his status was improved a lot.

In fact, Maduro also made a sudden decision, no matter what the yuan of any country in the world, he does not need to personally meet at the airport.

But Cai Ruichen is different. In Maduro's eyes, Cai Ruichen is not a simple businessman, but a rich man, a great benefactor to save his regime.

Moreover, in Maduro's eyes, Cai Ruichen is absolutely qualified to discuss with his peers. The powerful military industry owned by the future technology group is an existence that no one can ignore.

It is impossible for anyone to replace an Iraq from the wreckage of war in a short period of one year.

The most important thing is that Future Technology Group has strong technological creativity. This is currently unattainable in all countries.

In Venezuela, there are also many products of Future Technology Group. Whether it is a machine housekeeper or a three-piece set of future electronic products, it has become a popular new symbol in Venezuela.

The Venezuelan government even purchased 3,000 sets of anti-drug version of the machine housekeeper to assist Venezuela's anti-drug department in combating drug trafficking.

And over the years, with the help of Future Technology Group, Venezuela has got rid of the problem of perennial power shortage.

Before the Future Technology Group began to invest a large number of power plants in Venezuela, Venezuela was the country with the most frequent power outages in the world.

These have been more than two years. This situation is undergoing a fundamental change. Future Technology Group accepted Venezuela’s invitation to build a large number of power plants in Venezuela, helping Venezuela solve its most serious electrical problems.

This six months. Even in Venezuela, no matter how dry it is, there will be no renewable power outages.

Prior to this, due to frequent power outages, Maduro even gave a national telephone speech, hoping that all women in the country would not use hair dryers to dry their hair, and all clothes would be dried naturally.

And one more time. When Maduro was speaking to the whole country, there was a power outage accident. The whole live broadcast lasted three hours.

From these two things, we can also see how scarce electricity energy in Venezuela is.

At that time, Maduro's presidential status was also precarious. After all, a government that could not even provide basic livelihood security to the people would naturally suffer a crisis of trust.

The opposition parties in Venezuela continued to carry out various attacks on Maduro, and even faced the risk of stepping down as president.

The large amount of high-tech energy investment of the Future Technology Group has greatly eased the power crisis in just a few months. At present, nearly 45% of all electricity supply in Venezuela is from Future Technology. A new energy power plant invested by the group.

These new energy power plants are all high-altitude solar power and kite power technology, except for some magnetic energy reactors.

However, it is the geothermal power station of Future Technology Group that provides the most power. These geothermal power stations have solved 10% of Venezuela's electricity demand.

In Venezuela, as long as these power stations are in operation, there will be no shortage of power supply.

However, for these technologically advanced electrical technologies, Venezuela can only watch from a distance.

Because the Future Technology Group made a stern statement before investing, in order to maintain technical confidentiality, no one, no matter what reason, should not approach these power plants.

Since the construction of the power plants, the security forces composed of the future security company and the Venezuelan military have strictly protected all these power plants.

In this regard, in order to solve domestic electricity demand and to ensure the stability of his own regime, Maduro also agreed to the requirements of the Future Technology Group.

So far, the cooperation between the two parties has been very pleasant, and the whole process has not had any accidents.

As for Cai Ruichen's visit to Venezuela, Maduro naturally wanted a high-level reception. What's more, Cai Ruichen's arrival was also for the purpose of business investigation.

For Maduro, Cai Ruichen is the owner of the fund. Naturally, it is hoped that Cai Ruichen can take a fancy to Venezuela's investment environment.

Needless to say, as long as the Future Technology Group can invest in several factories in Venezuela, the Venezuelan government can at least generate hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue each year, and the overall settlement is a billion-dollar profit income. (To be continued.)

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