The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 930: Reaching for the American Backyard

After the grand welcome ceremony at the airport, Maduro also held a grand welcome reception for Cai Ruichen at the Presidential Palace in Venezuela. ??????????????

Because Cai Ruichen does not represent politics, it is only a purely commercial investigation, and there is no need for that set of welcoming models between governments. Although it is very grand, it is much simpler than visits and exchanges between governments.

The grand reception banqueted almost all celebrities and business owners in Venezuela, and even the ambassadors of various countries in Venezuela were all on the list of invitations.

At the reception, Cai Ruichen's appearance has undoubtedly become the focus of the scene. Cai Ruichen, who is in a suit, has a handsome appearance and capable temperament, and is also a gentleman.

However, beside him, only Qianzuru, who was a secretary, was accompanied by Qianzuru, who was wearing a blue long dress, combined with her long silver head, and directly killed all the men present.

All the female guests at the banquet have become the green leaves that set off Qianhe. The combination of handsome men and beauties, Cai Ruichen and Qianhe can kill all men and women in seconds.

It's just that at the banquet, the two's actions are not close at all. As Cai Ruichen's secretary, Qianhe did not like to have so many people.

After entering the banquet for less than three minutes, he left directly, which made all the men at the banquet a great pity.

Although no one dared to do anything to Qianhe because of Cai Ruichen's relationship, it was a great loss for all men to leave the banquet with such a seductive beauty, at least look at it.

However, Cai Ruichen didn't like this kind of occasion very much. If it weren't for Maduro's warm welcome and hospitality, he would want to leave with Qianhe.

Fortunately, Cai Ruichen was prepared in this regard. Although he was very impatient, he did not show it, and he still looked calm and calm.

After having a simple understanding of these so-called celebrities in Venezuela, Cai Ruichen still had a polite greeting with Maduro.

This makes many Venezuelan business owners who originally wanted to get closer to the Future Technology Group, all of them regretful.

After all, Cai Ruichen's lukewarm appearance has already explained a lot of problems. Obviously, this time Cai Ruichen came to Venezuela for inspection, he wanted to cooperate with the government more than he wanted to come to Venezuela for ordinary business investment.

To this. All Venezuelan business owners can only shake their heads helplessly. The height of the future technology group is beyond their reach.

At this height, there are not many companies. Qualified to cooperate with this level of business empire.

People with self-awareness actually want to get to know Cai Ruichen, even if they cannot enter the circle of people like Cai Ruichen, knowing is a huge gain.

At this point, Cai Ruichen also satisfied everyone's appetite and accepted the business card of every Venezuelan business owner.

As the protagonist of the banquet, all the ambassadors of the countries who came to this banquet naturally found Cai Ruichen one by one.

At present, all those who follow Cai Ruichen's itinerary just know. Cai Ruichen will conduct business inspections in many countries.

But Cai Ruichen's itinerary is highly confidential. No country has received Cai Ruichen's next place or country.

The staff of these embassies are naturally all here to invite Cai Ruichen. No country can withstand the huge benefits of business cooperation with Future Technology Group.

Regarding invitations from various countries, Cai Ruichen only smiled and said that he needed to think about it, and he did not announce the goal of his next trip.

What country to choose for the next country. Cai Ruichen has all considerations.

The main reason why he chose Venezuela is that Venezuela has iron ore resources that he value after all, and the cooperation between the Future Technology Group and Venezuela. It has always been good.

The power plant built in Venezuela can bring billions of dollars in revenue to Future Technology Group every year.

Although this income is not the highest, it is a crucial starting point to open up the South American market.

Make more preparations in the backyard of the United States for possible full-scale confrontation with the United States in the future. It helps a lot.

What's more, South America is also a big market, and he cannot refuse a large amount of natural energy.

Therefore, although Venezuela is not a big country and its national strength is not very good, it is Cai Ruichen who opened the first door to the South American market.

At present, many countries in South America are also actively hoping to cooperate with Future Technology Group, and at the same time, the cooperation with Venezuela, he also intends to continue deepening.

However, the current cooperation with South American countries does not involve the military field, but more in the commercial and natural energy fields.

Commercially, a large number of products of the future technology group will also begin to appear in the South American market on a larger scale, and will also strengthen the South American market in the automotive and ship sector.

In terms of natural energy, electricity resources are scarce in South American countries, and various mineral resources are the most abundant.

Future Technology Group can bring advanced clean energy to South American countries, and South American countries can also bring a lot of minerals to Future Technology Group.

If the cooperation is deepened in the future, it will be difficult for the backyard of the United States not to start a fire.

Of course, in all the current exhibitions, there can be no actions that stimulate the United States, otherwise the United States will not be able to do things in its own backyard and become an unstable factor.

A grand banquet lasted for two and it gradually came to an end. During the banquet, Cai Ruichen and Maduro both gave live talks, nothing more than some in-depth cooperation.

In his words, Cai Ruichen also said that the future technology group will increase investment in South America. The future exhibition will not only involve the natural energy field, but also select some countries for cooperation in the field of science and technology.

In fact, South American countries have already cooperated with Cai Ruichen in some aspects. In the satellite launches conducted by aerospace companies in the future, many satellites are ordered by South American countries, and some satellites are produced by various countries and then shipped to Iraq for launch.

Some simply place an order for the Future Technology Group to produce satellites together, and then launch them into space to meet the needs of space experiments.

In this field, the prospects for cooperation between Future Technology Group and South American countries are also very large, and cooperation in other high-tech fields is not bad.

At the banquet, Cai Ruichen directly announced that the Future Automobile Company will invest in a new industry in Venezuela to produce future heavy trucks. All the heavy trucks produced will be sold in South America and Venezuela nearby. (To be continued.)

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