The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 931: 100,000 in 1 second

? Imports of one billion tons of minerals a year, this amount of imports has reached the level of second place in the world.

It has instantly grown to the world's second largest import of minerals, and it is only a company. This is not a small news.

And importing so many minerals at once will also increase the global mineral prices rapidly.

But if Cai Ruichen is allowed to choose, he expects that the amount of imported minerals is not a mere billion tons. Even if it comes to 10 billion tons of minerals, he will dare to eat it. Not just the import value of hundreds of billions of dollars, he still Affordable.

However, even if he has more money, it is impossible to import so many minerals within a year.

Even one billion tons is an unattainable figure, unless it is the amount of mineral imports from his hometown that can be shared with him.

Moreover, the current maritime transportation level of Future Technology Group has not yet reached the ability to transport one billion tons of minerals back to Iraq in a year.

What's more, Iraq’s ports are far from being able to unload so many minerals.

Even the second port under construction in Iraq, together with the port of Basra, cannot achieve such a huge handling capacity.

However, if you count other ports in the Middle East, there is no problem.

At that time, the big deal will be to transport all the imported minerals to ports in other countries, and then use heavy trucks to transport the minerals to Marin Town. нéíуапGě.сОМ

Even if the cost is increased by part, Cai Ruichen has no more choices.

One billion tons of minerals, this is Cai Ruichen's bottom line. He needs to prepare a sum of 100 billion yuan to cope with this cheating task.

For the sake of safety, all imported minerals will be recovered as funds as possible. For this reason, Cai Ruichen has begun to build a large number of ore refineries.

With a funding of 100 billion, based on the production price of all the weapons and equipment at the base, even the arming of the millions of Red Police Corps will have no problem at all, and it can still support a large-scale all-out war.

Importing so many minerals, it is almost impossible to digest them all at once.

After all, the daily recovery of an ore refining plant is 10,000 funds.

Therefore, even if one billion tons of minerals can be imported, adding up the number of ore refining plants in the current base, at most 50 million funds can be recovered every day.

One hundred billion of funds, at least two thousand days and nights can be recovered.

While already prepared to deal with the sanctions that may be faced in the future, Cai Ruichen plans to successfully recover the billion tons of imported minerals within five years.

In the next three years, Cai Ruichen will also plan to spend most of his time on building an ore refinery.

At the very least, the Red Police Corps has the economic capability to conduct long-term wars.

In addition to imports, Cai Ruichen must also consider more long-term issues. The 100 billion fund seems to be a lot, but if the situation of the Red Police Corps is completely rolled out, it is actually not much.

The current strength of the Red Police Corps is still relatively weak compared to those of the world's major powers.

In the coming time, as the development of the Red Police Corps accelerates, more funds will be needed.

According to Cai Ruichen's calculations and evaluations, in order to meet the needs within the next ten years, the base fund income will increase to at least 200 million yuan per day.

As long as this amount of recycling can be achieved, everything is okay, and what he has to do now is to make the base have the ability to recover 100 million funds every day within three years.

Even after facing sanctions and there is not so much ore revenue, those ore refineries will not be damaged, at best they are not practical.

Only with money can he have confidence. Cai Ruichen does not want to be like Iran. After facing international sanctions, the economic weakness and weakness that he showed have almost stopped the growth of the entire national power.

However, Cai Ruichen is also very clear that the predicament that Iraq will face in the future will definitely far exceed that of Iran now.

Especially after the outside world knows that Iraq possesses nuclear weapons, the overall sanctions will be unprecedented.

Combining with the Iraq issue, the dispatch of troops by the United States is almost a certainty.

So from the very beginning, Cai Ruichen had the ability to fight Israel and the U.S. military. As for whether Europe would participate, he was not sure.

He won Russia, and he didn't really count on it. If the US forces sent troops to attack Iraq, Russia would really have the courage to send troops to help itself. At best, he hoped that Russia could hold back other NATO countries.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen needs to divide the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States, and also needs to break the strategic balance of the United States in the Middle East, and needs more energy from his hometown in the Far East to involve the United States.

When all these conditions are met, Cai Ruichen can be sure of fighting a war with the United States in the Middle East after killing Israel.

At the same time, many preparations are also for NATO countries. If Turkey enters the war, or Britain and France enter the war, what should be done, these must be fully considered.

If you lose an order, the soldier will die. When this situation develops, Cai Ruichen can't afford to lose.

For the first global survey, Cai Ruichen was also to better prepare, to increase the war potential of the Red Police Corps and prepare for protracted warfare.

Venezuela is only the first stop. He will go to many countries around the world to master as many minerals as In addition, the spies' actions are all speeding up. The mineral companies controlled by the spies, Also all shot.

Cai Ruichen, who achieved his goal in Venezuela, did not leave in a hurry. He was out this time and also had the purpose of relaxing.

After four years of development, he did not have time to see the world, and in the following time, he did not have a good opportunity to travel around the world.

When the business team he brought and the Venezuelan government began to negotiate mineral prices and details, he took some people around him and began to play in Venezuela.

Three days later, when all the details were finalized and the two parties formally signed the mineral agreement, Cai Ruichen left Venezuela.

And his three-day trip in Venezuela was all under the attention of the media. On the day Cai Ruichen left Venezuela, the Brazilian government also received a notification from the Future Technology Group that Cai Ruichen would go to Brazil for inspection at the next stop.

The Brazilian government did not want to fall behind, and also held a grand welcoming ceremony to welcome Cai Ruichen's arrival. (To be continued.)

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