The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 942: Obama, horse concerns

Cai Ruichen’s decision to send troops to Syria gave Austria and Bama quite some ideas for a while. Although Cai Ruichen said the reasons are very strong, these reasons are indeed very visible reasons, but Austria and Bama always feel that there is a lot of reason. not simple. Bayi Chinese Network????

The Future Technology Group has already supported Iraq, and it is difficult to guarantee that Syria will also be supported.

As a result, the situation in the Middle East will become more difficult to control, and the influence of future technology groups is likely to bring more variables to the Middle East.

Thinking of this result, Austria and Bama are a little uncertain whether this matter is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Does Mr. Cai have any goals to support?" Obama and Bama thought for a while and continued to ask.

"Whoever the United States supports, then I will support whoever." Cai Ruichen said very simply.

Austria and Bama breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. If this were the case, the situation would be completely different.

The United States needs a controlled Syria and an obedient Syria. If such a Syria is peaceful, it will not be unacceptable to the United States.

The United States supports the Kurds in Syria, but it does not provide direct military assistance or assistance to the Kurds.

If the Future Technology Group can replace the United States to help the Kurds rise in Syria, then nothing will be a problem.

At the same time, Austria and Bama also thought that Tartus is in the Kurdish-controlled area? There is still a long distance from Damascus, the political center of Syria.

At this moment, Austria and Bama also believed Cai Ruichen's words. Otherwise, if Cai Ruichen supports Bashar, the future industrial park of Nataltus, and the huge port built in Tartus, I am afraid that the Kurdish will directly Preempt or destroy.

And if Kurdish can control the regime in Syria, it will be for Iran. It's also a good draw.

At this point, Austria and Bama are very aware of the behavior of Future Technology Group.

However, the Russians are also beginning to support the Kurds. This makes Austria and Bama a little uncertain whether the Kurds in the future can be controlled by themselves.

This is where Austria and Bama are more worried, after all, if it is hard to stabilize the situation in Syria. The result has become the help of others. Isn't this doing wedding dresses for others?

"Mr. President, do you have any concerns?" Cai Ruichen asked when Obama and Bama hadn't responded for a long time.

"The current situation in Syria is stabilizing, and various factions are also in the process of establishing a federal government and peace talks. This matter is the best result achieved under the intervention of various countries. If it is casually destroyed, it may be Facing pressure from various countries."

That's it for Austria and Bama. After a pause, I organized a few words and continued to say: "Mr. Cai can be patient. Maybe the internal peace process in Syria can achieve peace by itself?"

As soon as I heard the words of Obama and Bama. Cai Ruichen shook his head with a sarcasm, and said, "Is Mr. President telling me a fairy tale?"

When Ao and Bama heard this, they naturally knew what Cai Ruichen meant. But it was precisely because of knowing that it was impossible to answer for a while.

"The current situation in Syria is like a melee of hundreds of countries. All opposition forces, large and small, have now become small warlords. The large one has thousands of troops and controls large and small cities, while the small one has hundreds of people with different documents. Huge, the largest in three areas, one is Bashar under the Assad regime, which controls important political and economic cities, with the most stable structure and strongest strength.

Next are the three northern provinces. This is supported by Saudi Arabia. Although the financial resources are not very good, the military strength is the most. It is composed of multiple scattered opposition regimes. The Kurds are next.

On the side of these three main forces, there are hundreds of large and small regimes, each of which wants to obtain its own interests in negotiations.

The three big heads want to divide the whole cake. The cake is not big. There are hundreds of people waiting to divide the cake. Under such a situation, do you think it is possible to resolve it peacefully? "

What Cai Ruichen said, how did Austria and Bama not know that it took more than a year from the beginning of the peace talks to the present.

The so-called armistice agreement is more like a dead letter. During the year, the various armed forces had major conflicts hindering the intervention of various countries. Although they did not appear, small conflicts have never been broken.

In this situation, everyone who can see this is very clear that it is impossible for groups that want to get their own interests to come together peacefully in the end.

The armistice agreement has lasted for a long time, and there has been no result in peace entering the city. Syria will eventually continue to move towards war.

At that time, the so-called efforts of various countries will be in vain, and there will still be no change in the result.

Unless someone can unite all the small warlords and turn those who want to benefit into single digits, the possibility of so-called peace is almost zero.

Cai Ruichen said this to tell him that he is not optimistic about the peace process in Syria, and he can't wait for that time.

"But if troops are sent out suddenly, Syria will be completely chaotic, and the melee will re-emerge, and then there will be another mess." Ao and Bama shook their heads and said.

In fact, if Cai Ruichen said to send troops to Syria a few years Nao and Bama would definitely welcome them with their hands and feet, but now the situation in Syria, Austria and Bama do not want to be destroyed.

Whether it is the outcome of the peace process or not, at least it is better than the melee.

For this reason, Austria and Bama continued to say: "If the war in Syria resumes and it cannot end soon, won't the losses of the future technology group be even greater?"

"I think Mr. President is distrustful of my ability. Once the troops are dispatched, it will take up to three months, and the situation in Syria can't be messed up even if you want to chaos." Cai Ruichen said confidently.

Although Austria and Bama don’t know where Cai Ruichen’s confidence comes from, he has no confidence at all. The future security company will have about 5,000 people. Although they have very advanced weapons and equipment, they still want to change the power of a country. It's too weak.

Moreover, behind the Syrian problem, there are still eager Russians. If there is chaos in Syria, then Putin and Beijing will definitely not allow Syria to chaos.

The most important thing is that even if Cai Ruichen is willing to support the Kurds to control the Syrian regime, Putin and Beijing will still support the Bashar regime. (To be continued.)

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